We Are Human Leaders
Fighting Ageism in the Workplace (and why we need to) with Ashton Applewhite
February 22, 2023
Welcome back to We Are Human Leaders. In today's conversation we explore the issue of Ageism and the critical importance in dispelling it in the workplace. We look at generational stereotypes and why they are harmful, and learn practical ways to debunk ageism at work. This conversation with Ashton Applewhite will challenge your preconceptions and have you viewing the statement 'act your age' in a whole new way!
Welcome to We Are Human Leaders. In today's conversation we explore the issue of Ageism and the critical importance in dispelling it in the workplace. We look at generational stereotypes and why they are harmful, and learn practical ways to debunk ageism at work.

This conversation with Ashton Applewhite will challenge your preconceptions and have you viewing the statement 'act your age' in a whole new way!

Ashton Applewhite is the author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism and the co-founder of the Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse. An internationally recognized expert on ageism, she speaks widely at venues that have included the TED mainstage and the United Nations, has written for Harper’s, the Guardian, and the New York Times, and is the voice of Yo, Is This Ageist?. Ashton is at the forefront of the emerging movement to raise awareness of ageism and to dismantle it. In 2022 the Decade of Healthy Aging, a UN + WHO collaboration, named Ashton one of the Healthy Aging 50: fifty leaders transforming the world to be a better place to grow older.
TED talk: Let’s End Ageism
This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism
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