Lessons From The Core
Lessons From The Core : Trailer
December 12, 2022
Welcome to the Lessons From The Core Podcast with your host Lisa Khera. I’m thrilled to have you here on this podcast journey with me. I’ve taught Pilates for over 22 years, I’m a wife, a mother, best-selling author and I created this podcast to share these Lessons From The Core with you. The name of the podcast is also the name of the chapter title I wrote in the best-selling book called Women Who Inspire. You will hear from other authors, studios, business owners, creatives, and others willing to share their red flag moments and lessons so that you can gain that inner knowing and evolve. You’ll get bonus guided meditations and Pilates class downloads, subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a lesson.
Welcome to the Lessons From The Core Podcast with your host Lisa Khera.

I’m thrilled to have you here on this podcast journey with me. I’ve taught Pilates for over 22 years, I’m a wife, a mother, best-selling author and I created this podcast to share these Lessons From The Core with you.

The name of the podcast is also the name of the chapter title I wrote in the best-selling book called Women Who Inspire. 

You will hear from other authors, studios, business owners, creatives, and others willing to share their red flag moments and lessons so that you can gain that inner knowing and evolve. 

You’ll get bonus guided meditations and Pilates class downloads, subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a lesson.

I’m all about movement and meditation so I have lots of resources for you.

If you have a book or product launch coming up, reach out. I’d love to have you on the show. Join the Facebook group: In Balance Pilates Community and follow and engage over on Podopolo. 

This show will be a weekly event and I’m running a giveaway to celebrate the launch. 
Go to inbalancepilates.ca/podcast to enter and subscribe. 

A special thank you to my cousin Drexel Purtelle, my like-a-cousin Donny Tait, and their band Kojakmusic.com for letting me use their song called Long Way To Go for the intro. 

I invite you to listen to the song and dance or sing it out with each episode from the Lessons From The Core podcast and get your own lessons from the lyrics. 

What roads do you keep going down? Where have you been unwilling to change your habits - maybe now is the time to learn to self-reflect on the lessons and see those red flags faster so you can get on the right road and path. Sometimes we can spend years on one road or pattern and it’s all that we know until we learn the right lesson from the core. 

Thanks again for being here, enter the giveaway, subscribe to the show, and I’ll see you next week.

Enter the GIVEAWAY:

Get the 30 Day Meditation Planner: 

IG: @lisakhera
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/inbalancepilates.ca
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/577269179145752
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-khera-a6153552/?originalSubdomain=ca
Virtual Studio: https://themastera.com/inbalancepilates