Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta
[ Greatest Hits] Creating a Remarkable Customer Experience with Dan Gingiss, Chief Experience Officer at The Experience Maker
January 13, 2023
In this Greatest Hits collection, Darshan Mehta is joined by Dan Gingiss, Chief Experience Officer at The Experience Maker. They discuss Dan’s pivotal and aha! moments during and after his traditional marketing career. They also discuss the best ways to create remarkable customer experiences, misconceptions common to customer experience, employee empowerment, brand trust and loyalty, the difference between good customer experience and remarkable experiences, and much more.
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Dan Gingiss, Chief Experience Officer at The Experience Maker. They discuss Dan’s pivotal and aha! moments during and after his traditional marketing career. They also discuss the best ways to create remarkable customer experiences, misconceptions common to customer experience, employee empowerment, brand trust and loyalty, the difference between good customer experience and remarkable experiences, and much more. 

Dan Gingiss is a keynote speaker, author, and podcaster, skilled in executive coaching, business, marketing, and brand consulting, corporate training, and content strategies. He has worked as Head of Customer Experience at Discover Financial Services, Senior Director, Global Social Media at McDonald's, Head of Digital Marketing at Humana, and Vice President, Marketing at Persado. He has been in the marketing space for 20 years and is the Chief Experience Officer at The Experience Maker. He assists companies in turning customer experience into their best marketing strategy by empowering every employee to become an experience maker. 


👉 Be observant. Pay more attention to the experiences customers have. “...With being more observant, you can really figure out, not only what you like as a customer and do more of that for your customers, but also what you don't like”

👉 “Become a customer of your own business and go through the process…do the things you're asking customers to do, and if they annoy you, then stop doing them for your customers”

👉 “...Today's consumer wants to have a relationship with the companies that they spend their hard-earned dollars…They want to feel appreciated. They want to feel like not only are they loyal to the company, but the company's loyal to them”

👉 “Too many executives are not customers of their own company. Or even worse, they’re VIP customers.“ They have no idea how normal customers are treated

👉 “Too many companies are competing on either price or product, and today, competing on price has become a loser's game”

👉 “Customer experience is not a soft skill. It is an absolutely critical piece to business success. Every company should have a C-level executive in charge of it. It's that important”

👉 Customer experience is an ultimate differentiator because your employees deliver it. You have unique employees; therefore, they can deliver a unique experience. They just have to be taught what a good experience looks like

👉 The difference between companies that have endless loyalty with their customers and companies that are still struggling to get it is that one takes the time to get to know customers and understand what they're going through, while the other does not

👉 “If you're a CEO, take a couple of minutes every week and call a customer and just say, hi” 

👉 While surveys can help get feedback, they should not be the only source of feedback. “ addition to a quantitative survey that gives you scores, you've got to get that qualitative feedback, which can be done in a survey as well, where you ask for open-ended questions...”

👉 “Don't be afraid of complaints because people who complain do so because they care. They want you to fix it for them so they can keep being your customer”

👉 The way to create experiences people want to talk about is to go from creating average, uninteresting experiences to creating extraordinary experiences

👉  “If you want inspiration, do not look at your direct competitors”

👉 Impact customer experience by targeting all human senses and evoking emotion in them

👉 “When you have an experience that is so profound, you don't ever forget it”

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Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta is hand crafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Kristin Luck, Shep Hyken, Whitney Dunlap-Fowler, Randy Krum, Gerard Ibarra, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Katie Anderson, Rebecca Brooks, Brooke Sellas, Dan Gingiss, Phil Irvine, Dan Fleetwood, Nicholas Zeisler, Katrina Noelle, Laura Beavin-Yates, Kalil Vicioso, Mo McKibbin, Bryant Leech and Louie Gravance.

Check out the 3 most downloaded episodes: 

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