Ready for Love with Nikki Leigh Love Coach
Questions About Self-Love
November 20, 2020
Journaling is something that I always recommend, especially when we need to work through something or need to figure out how we feel about a situation. It is also very helpful when we’re not sure what we think about something. Is there ever a time when you’re trying to make a decision and you’re going back and forth and just can’t figure it out? Journaling is a great way to think of all the options and look at the possibilities and the pros and cons and go back and review them and make that decision. On this show, I’m going to pose a series of ideas and questions that all relate to ourselves and our lives. They ultimately relate to how we feel about ourselves and how we treat ourselves. I’ll share my perspective and some thoughts, and you can consider what you think and I hope that I can provide some helpful things to consider. The questions came from Pinterest and they are posted below. Feel free to share your comments below or in a message.
This show airs on Thursdays at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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