Humans of CX
The Power of Prioritizing Customer Success with Alex Farmer
April 17, 2023
Alex Farmer, Chief Customer Officer at Nezasa, joins us to discuss what exactly customer success is in comparison to customer experience, as well as why businesses aren’t prioritizing it as much as they should.
In this episode, Todd is joined by Alex Farmer, Chief Customer Officer at Nezasa, an industry-leading software provider to travel brands for automated trip planning and optimization. With more than seven years of experience in customer service and satisfaction, Alex is still looking for ways to improve and optimize customer success in business.  

They discuss the obviousness of "customer success excellence" and why businesses aren’t prioritizing it as much as they should. Alex also discusses the striking similarities between customer success and customer experience; the consequences of not focusing on customer success; how to be the hero for your customers; and the importance of having an industry mentor. He also delves into how businesses can make it easier for consultants in CS to do their jobs. 

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