Author News Weekly
Personalize Everything for Better Sales?
October 18, 2021
In a world of customized ads, not-so-secret “always on” listening devices, and plenty of spy-level technology, shouldn’t our recommendations engines for entertainment catch up as well? And should books be part of that advancement? Creepy or necessary? Welcome or terrifying? ### - How to use Vellum on Windows: - Netflix artwork: should personalization win the day? - Purple prose, and why we should care:
Author News Weekly is the only news show you need to become a better writer, market your books successfully, and stay in-the-know about the latest and greatest news in the self-publishing world.

Every Monday we bring you a panel-like discussion of what’s what in the self-publishing and indie author community, featuring interviews with best-selling authors, book marketing and sales experts, and more.

Hosted by RA McGee, Philippa Werner, Jim Heskett, and Nick Thacker.

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