The Confident Man Podcast
Every Man an Obi-Wan
March 10, 2021
Just as Obi-Wan mentored and coached Luke Skywalker, every man should mentor and coach another man.  Men should coach other men, and if they don't it hurts the upcoming generations, plus it hurts them as men too.  Men miss out on many great things if they don't coach another man.
  1. Coaching Others Keeps Us Focused
    1. When you are leading it helps you to focus on what’s important. 
    2. The responsibility of coaching brings crispness to our vision.
  2. Coaching Others Keeps Us Honest
    1. Everyone is capable of hypocrisy. 
    2. When other people are watching you, it makes you think about your actions a little more.
  3. Coaching Others Keeps Us Relevant 
    1. Influence is not held by position as much as it is by relationship.
    2. Relationships hold the key of relevancy.