The Embodied Thriving self Lessons + Musings.
We are living in a worldwide epidemic. And it’s not the one you might think of!
April 17, 2023
In this thought-provoking episode, Corin dives deep into the thought-provoking topic around the constructs of society. Our society has trapped us in a vicious cycle of needing to “fit in” and the constant need to improve ourselves. She challenges the notion that we need to fix ourselves through healing modalities and instead encourages listeners to connect with their truest, most embodied selves.
In this thought-provoking episode, Corin dives deep into the thought-provoking topic around the constructs of society. Our society has trapped us in a vicious cycle of needing to “fit in” and the constant need to improve ourselves.

She challenges the notion that we need to fix ourselves through healing modalities and instead encourages listeners to connect with their truest, most embodied selves.

By bringing awareness to our bodies and the wisdom they hold, we allow ourselves to release the need to push beyond our limits and embrace a more aligned way of being in both life and business.

If you're ready to hear the hard truths of the current life we are living and embrace a new perspective on success, abundance, and the power of your body's wisdom, this episode is for you.

Episode time stamps:


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Everything Corin shares on this podcast are her truth, lessons, and musings and does not replace professional support.

What she shares may resonate deeply with you, and it may not. Whichever it is for you is completely okay.

I invite you to listen to your truth, take what you need from each episode, and leave the rest.