Communities That Convert Podcast
5 Reasons Why Niche Marketing Strategies Work – Ep 66
November 22, 2018
Learn the five top reasons why niche marketing strategies work. Many people worry about limiting or narrowing their focus because they are concerned they will limit their reach. In reality, when you focus on one audience, your message isn't watered...

Learn the five top reasons why niche marketing strategies work. Many people worry about limiting or narrowing their focus because they are concerned they will limit their reach. In reality, when you focus on one audience, your message isn't watered down and you can reach more people.

It might seem counterintuitive, so why do these niche marketing strategies work? Read on to learn how smaller audiences might mean bigger results.

1 – A Focused Audience Is Easier to Find

  • It is easier to target your audience if you have a really good idea of who they are. Your solution might be helpful to numerous audiences but resist the temptation and just choose one.
  • Social ads are much easier to target when you have narrowed your scope and audience.
  • Being clear on who you’re trying to reach will bring down the cost of running Facebook advertising over time.

2 – It Solves a Specific Problem and Attracts More Customers

  • If you can discover and solve a specific pain point of your audience, you will have an easier time getting people to take action and join your community or buy your course.
  • It helps you to be more mindful and attentive to what your community is telling you. and allows you to serve them better by eliminating confusion about what they want. The broader the audience, the more confusion.

3 – It Builds a Tribe of People with a Lot in Common

  • People who have common pain points and needs tend to connect better in online communities.
  • Certain discussions don’t happen when you have too wide of an audience instead of a niche community.
  • Having a narrow focus grows a community that knows, likes and trusts each other.

4 – It Helps You to Be More Specific With Your Content

  • One of the hardest things to do as a creator is to determine exactly what to offer and create new content. If you know what community you’re speaking to, it’s much easier. It also helps you to know what to leave out.

5 – It Creates Clarity

  • You will be much more clear on every aspect of your business if you have an ideal client, customer or community member in mind.
  • You can add people later, but start with just one audience so that you know exactly who you’re reaching and how to serve them. Ninja tip: Think of them as one person instead of a large audience.

Tools, apps and links mentioned:

Take Action

Head over to this episode's show notes to download our “How to find your ideal audience worksheet.” The worksheet is designed to help you clarify WHO you are trying to reach. For extra credit come and share your results in our Facebook group. (Hint: The secret password for our Facebook group is “ACTION.”)

How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.

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