The Self-Sabotage To Success Podcast
Why Gratitude Is Sabotaging Your Business Success
November 25, 2020
Why gratitude alone is NOT enough for achieving sustainable business success with your purpose-led side hustle and could actually be sabotaging it.
Look, I bloody love gratitude. It's something I practice personally and it's something that I find transformative in terms of my ENTIRE life. It comes up regularly as one of my core values. It's important to me.


I am going to throw some shade at gratitude in this episode.

It is not a saviour on its own. And it's definitely not going to be enough on its own to progress your amazing purpose-led business.

In today's episode I will be discussing:

💛  What is gratitude about?
💛  How can it help us?
💛  What are its limitations?
💛  What EXTRA do you need to add into your gratitude practice?
💛  How women have been overtrained in terms of feeling grateful
💛  What I talk to my clients about in terms of integrating gratitude into their daily mindset routine.

Useful Links:

Book a call to apply to work with Lucy:

Download my free guides:

Slay Your Business Goals Daily Routine:
3 Steps To Ditch Procrastination & Self Sabotage: 

Brene Brown podcast link:

Abby Wambach's book: (this company supports independent bookshops via online purchases)