Greatest Hits: SEO's Role in the Bigger eCommerce Puzzle with David Kaufmann
The eCom Ops Podcast
Greatest Hits: SEO's Role in the Bigger eCommerce Puzzle with David Kaufmann
November 2, 2023
In this episode, we're excited to have David Kaufmann, co-founder & CEO of SEOCrawl, joining us to talk about the importance of SEO tools and how they can help eCommerce businesses succeed. Find out why differentiating the traffic is essential for your business growth and how to increase your chance for success.

Greatest Hits: SEO's Role in the Bigger eCommerce Puzzle

David is an SEO expert and has been helping businesses improve their search engine rankings for over a decade. In this episode, he'll share his insights and tips on how to use SEO tools effectively, identify the right tools for your business, and make the most out of them.

SEOcrawl provides an all-in-one SEO tool that helps you manage your SEO more efficiently and proactively, saving you time and significantly impacting your SEO efforts.

No.1 eCom Operations hack

So basically, when you run an eCommerce, the first question you need to ask, or one of the questions, is about differentiating all the traffic you get. One thing is social SEO, paid channels, etc. But when it comes to old organic traffic, there are so many different ways to analyze it; how much brand traffic I have, how much non-brand traffic, and what core business keywords drive revenue to me.

Let’s keep learning and growing together in the world of eCommerce!

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