Online Marketing Podcast
Nugget: Don't Treat Everyone on Your List the Same
May 7, 2022
Don't treat everybody the same. Don’t put them all on the same email list. Now, this is a big mistake that a lot of us make when we first start off with list building. We put everybody all on one list and give them the same experience. And when we first get started, that's naturally what we do because we might not have a very big list. But as you slowly start to build your list, you need to think about the different experiences that you want your audience to have and where they're at on the customer journey. If you group everyone on one list and treat them all the same, then there's going to be some people that tune out and some people that feel that you're not really listening to them and what their needs are. I want you to think about that list that you have. How can you segment it out to really give each person on that list an individualized experience? Grab your Highest Converting List Builders PDF to create list builders that convert to clients here:
Don't treat everybody the same.

Don’t put them all on the same email list.

Now, this is a big mistake that a lot of us make when we first start off with list building. We put everybody all on one list and give them the same experience.

And when we first get started, that's naturally what we do because we might not have a very big list. But as you slowly start to build your list, you need to think about the different experiences that you want your audience to have and where they're at on the customer journey.

If you group everyone on one list and treat them all the same, then there's going to be some people that tune out and some people that feel that you're not really listening to them and what their needs are.

I want you to think about that list that you have. How can you segment it out to really give each person on that list an individualized experience?


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