Stop Self-Silencing
Ep. #5 Do You Worry That Those You Care About Will See You Differently?
January 5, 2024
In this episode we're tackling a topic many of us quieter types often wrestle with – the worry that those we care about will see us differently or will change their opinion of us, if we start to share more of our selves; our thoughts, ideas, options and our personality.
Have you ever avoided sharing a personal experience or a strong opinion that might not sit well with your family, friends, or peers?

This fear is especially common in people who are naturally more reserved. It's born out of the concern that our authentic self, if different from what people are accustomed to, might lead to judgment or misunderstanding. 

There's this underlying worry that being our true selves might alter how we're perceived by those whose opinions we value deeply. 

It's different from the concern about what strangers think. With strangers, we can often brush off their judgments. But with family, friends, industry peers, or clients, their perception of a 'new' side of us carries more weight. 

You might fear that family will question your changed perspectives or that friends might distance themselves. 

There’s also the concern that professional peers or clients might view you differently for your beliefs or experiences, which could impact your livelihood. 

Often, this fear is just that – a fear, a perception in our minds rather than a reality. But it holds power over how we express ourselves.

For more insights and additional reframing techniques like this, don’t forget to check out my mini-book 'Stop Self-Silencing.' 

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