Alt Marketing School
EP 136 - Is 0 better than free?
February 20, 2023
We all know that every penny counts, so if you're looking for ways to make your discounts look even more attractive to customers, then this is an episode not to miss! Is 0 better than free? Does money work better than percentage? Let's dive into it and find out.
Fab shares one of her new favourite marketing tactics including how you can make discounts more appealing. We'll also be reflecting on a virtual open day we recently ran and hear some extracts from the panels.

We have just run a successful virtual open day to showcase some of our latest products and services - come with us as we reflect back on some of the highlights from the panels. We explore leadership skills and how the evolution of tools can support our marketing impact and growth.

So don't miss this latest episode as we talk about discounts and virtual open days - oh, let's not forget the 0 vs free debate. We've got it all covered right here.

Access open day replay: click here

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