Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta
Insights and Empathy: Building Meaningful Customer Relationships with Alex Genov, Head of Customer Research and Marketing Insights at Zappos
May 3, 2024
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Alex Genov, the Head of Customer Research and Marketing Insights at Zappos. Join them as they discuss the importance of customer insights and empathy in creating remarkable products and services, and explore misconceptions about data reliance, channel optimization, and hospitality. Alex also touches on the role of emotions in customer experiences and the challenges and opportunities of delivering great customer service in the digital realm.
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Alex Genov, the Head of Customer Research and Marketing Insights at Zappos. Join them as they discuss the importance of customer insights and empathy in creating remarkable products and services, and explore misconceptions about data reliance, channel optimization, and hospitality. Alex also touches on the role of emotions in customer experiences and the challenges and opportunities of delivering great customer service in the digital realm.

Alex is the Head of Customer Research and Marketing Insights at Zappos’ family of companies, where he has worked for over nine years. He describes his career goal as "helping teams create remarkable products and services that make people's lives easier and more enjoyable". Alex has over fifteen years of experience in marketing insights, and has also worked at ACTIVE Network, Intuit, and State Farm Insurance. He is the author of the book Forget the Customer, See the Person.


👉 Alex discusses the three things that most people get wrong about creating remarkable products and services that make people's lives easier and more enjoyable. These include relying too much on data, focusing on optimizing channels rather than the customer's perspective, and neglecting the importance of hospitality.

👉 Alex says that technology should be balanced with a human touch, noting that Zappos is working on providing personalized recommendations and assistance in the online shopping experience. Reflecting on the changes in consumer behavior during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Alex says that while there was an initial shift towards online shopping, he found that people still value in-person experiences and the human connection. Alex emphasizes the importance of understanding consumers' needs and motivations in order to provide a tailored and empathetic experience.

👉 Alex expands on the topic of AI and its potential in enhancing customer experiences. He discusses AI's linguistic capabilities and its use in language-related tasks such as writing and editing. Acknowledging the undeniable benefits of AI in certain fields, he also expresses curiosity about its potential in creating personalized digital experiences and making interactions with websites more conversational.

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Alex Genov on Linkedin -
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Previous guests include: Kristin Luck, Shep Hyken, Whitney Dunlap-Fowler, Randy Krum, Gerard Ibarra, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Katie Anderson, Rebecca Brooks, Brooke Sellas, Dan Gingiss, Phil Irvine, Dan Fleetwood, Nicholas Zeisler, Katrina Noelle, Laura Beavin-Yates, Kalil Vicioso, Mo McKibbin, Bryant Leech and Louie Gravance.

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