Author News Weekly
Sharks On A Plane | Old Bearded White Guy Promises He’ll Finish Fantasy Series…
May 31, 2021
“Can we start over?” “No.” Thus begins one of the most iconic (well, one day it will be. You heard it here first) episodes of any podcast of all time. ...Okay, maybe not. BUT one of the most iconic book series of all time is, undoubtedly, Game of Thrones. We’ll talk about that today, of course. (Or maybe we’re talking about someone else?) - SWFA How to write action scenes: - Flight attendant sells book for seven figures: - - -
Author News Weekly is the only news show you need to become a better writer, market your books successfully, and stay in-the-know about the latest and greatest news in the self-publishing world.

Every Monday we bring you a panel-like discussion of what’s what in the self-publishing and indie author community, featuring interviews with best-selling authors, book marketing and sales experts, and more.

Hosted by RA McGee, Philippa Werner, Jim Heskett, and Nick Thacker.

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