The Confident Man Podcast
The Outward Dad
May 19, 2021
Men who want to be dads must push past the busyness of life and seek to prioritize their focus on their role as dads.  They have to live with purpose in their life and bring purpose to the family.  They must seek to serve their family first, but not lose their other responsibilities in the process.  They must also prioritize their relationships so they don't forget to invest their energy in the most important ones.  Being a dad is hard, but that is what we as men were designed to be. 
A dad is a man who has taken on the responsibility of serving his family and leaving a positive legacy in his children.  Any man can be a father, but not all fathers are dads.  A man has to want to be a dad!  Dads are men who not only focus inwardly to grow as men, they focus outwardly to grow their family.  They seek to live on purpose, to serve others first, and to prioritize their relationships.

An Outward Dad Lives on Purpose 

An Outward Dad Serves Others First

An Outward Dad Prioritizes His Relationships

Life is often like a battle and if you don't engage in it, you will lose.  As men we must engage in life by being an outward dad.  
Now go be the Dad you were designed to be

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