Author News Weekly
Email for Authors | TikTok, BookTok, LockStockAndStuffTalk
August 23, 2021
BookFace, MyTok, TikLer, TubSpace — trying to keep all the social networks straight is, well, a job for a pre-adolescent. If that's what you want, please do not listen to this episode. (Although we're doing our best, and our best may be worth listening to...). Also other cool author-related news, so it's not just about social media... ### - David Gaughran’s email tips: - Congress going after Amazon? - Sci-Hub under attack, is freely available information also under attack? - TikTok? BookTok?
Author News Weekly is the only news show you need to become a better writer, market your books successfully, and stay in-the-know about the latest and greatest news in the self-publishing world.

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Hosted by RA McGee, Philippa Werner, Jim Heskett, and Nick Thacker.

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