Marketing Like a Mother
SEO Strategies to Grow a Family-Friendly Business
February 5, 2023
In this episode of Marketing Like a Mother, Michelle Pontvert is hosting an interview with Meg Casebolt, an SEO expert and educator. Meg is the founder of Love At First Search, a business that helps online businesses appear in search results like Google or YouTube. She started her business nine years ago, originally as a side hustle. Over the years, she has managed to grow her business while keeping her family as her top priority. In the episode, Meg shares her strategies and tips on how to create content that people will search for and become huge fans of. Meg also discusses how she was able to build her business while pregnant and caring for her children, and how she actually left her job at 20 weeks pregnant to build the business. She has set up her business in a way that has allowed her to slow down when needed and focus on what really matters most to her. Michelle and Meg also discuss the advantages of running a business over being employed in a corporate job, including the flexibility that comes with self-funding, maternity leaves, and the ability to slow down and pick back up when needed. Michelle notes the importance of marketing in a way that pays off over time and allows for space for life and other things in their business. Timestamps 02:05 Conversation on Flexibility and Balance in Business Ownership 03:55 Building a Business Intentionally to Fit with Family Life 06:53 Exploring the Benefits of Self-Funding and Location Independence in Business 08:36 Exploring the Benefits of SEO for Small Business Owners 10:26 Search Engine Optimization: Getting Started with SEO 12:16 Conversation on Lead Generation and Nurturing for Service Providers 14:30 Conversation on Finding Solutions for Time Blindness with ADHD Coach 20:07 Conversation on Growing Pains and Building a Team 21:40 Conversation on Investing Time in What Works for Business Growth 30:55 Exploring Strategies for Setting Up a Website and Finding Success with SEO 34:47 Exploring Sustainable Replicable Systems for Growing a Business Online 36:43 Conversation on Neurodiversity and Entrepreneurialism 39:50 Exploring Neurodiversity and the Challenges of Self-Recognition 42:46 Conversation on Building Sustainable Marketing Strategies and Collaboration Partnerships 44:27 Collaboration and Competition in the Online Economy Memorable Moments “And I think there is that space in our businesses to show up not as the business but also as yourself…we still have space to come and have conversations that are real and show up as ourselves on sales calls and not feel like that's a complete departure from the person they've seen on social media or online.” “My son's been diagnosed with autism and I'm learning more about how, you know, masking works in the neurotypical and neurodiverse communities. And I think that whole idea of putting on a persona is very true in the online space and particularly in the sort of social media space.” Learn more about Meg here:

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