Diary of a Bald Man
From Bronze to Aluminum with Daniele Davis
April 4, 2023
How do you go from winning a bronze medal at 18 to working at nuclear facilities in your early twenties? One step at a time. Listen as Daniele, and I discuss the first time we met, then eventually working together while developing and consistently improving as one of the top welders in her field. From having boots on the ground in Chattanooga, TN, during the SkillsUSA event, to turning metal into functional pieces and art in Missouri, her only path is onward and upward. More about Daniele https://www.instagram.com/thejunkyard_welder/ https://dillinggroup.com/news/dilling-group-hosts-2018-skillsusa-welding-competition More about SkillsUSA https://www.skillsusa.org/ Diary of a Bald Man https://diaryofabaldman.com Thanks to Techsmith/ Camtasia for the amazing music and sound bites: https://library.techsmith.com/ Thanks to the fantastic audio magic from Keith Kramer: https://www.fiverr.com/yourimagingguy The ability to record and produce this podcast is due to the tremendous talent behind Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/