Mental Arsenal
Unleash Your Total Potential with Cole Bershback
April 5, 2023
In this episode, we explore the importance of embracing all emotions and using the mind-body connection to enhance personal growth. Our expert guest, a mindset coach and co-founder of Total Potential, Cole Bershback, provides insight on emotional regulation, and reframing discomfort. We also discuss how family dynamics can influence personal growth and the role parents play in modeling emotional regulation. Additionally, we delve into the power of breath as a tool for physiological and mental control. Finally, we explore the importance of quieting the mind to access intuition and tap into our inner voice. Tune in to learn simple practices for building emotional tolerance and understanding the relationship between physiology and the mind.
[00:02:37] Pursuing health and wellness with family to create a meaningful life.

[00:08:41] Discomfort is a path to growth; reframe it to build confidence and use triggers as gifts to learn from.

[00:14:21] Model emotional management and communication for children to teach important life lessons.

[00:18:04] Allow a range of emotions, recognize cues and flow in and out, don't hold onto them.

[00:21:52] Happiness is linked to being present and allowing emotions to come fully into consciousness, even if they are uncomfortable.

[00:26:41] Explore emotions to become more comfortable with them.

[00:30:19] Intelligence of the heart, gut, fascia; body can give clues to emotions and mental state; integrated mind can access information of heart; ultimate human experience to use whole self for powerful things.

[00:36:55] Play with kids for exercise and connection.

[00:42:08] Finding answers within yourself requires quieting the mind and listening to intuition.

[00:48:53] Breath controls our mental and physical patterns and can be used to down regulate and elevate nearly instantaneously.