Humans of CX
How to Create a Positive Customer Experience with Nate Brown
October 20, 2022
In our quest to understand how people are driving innovations that result in superior CX, our host Todd Vecca joins Nate Brown, Co-founder of CX Accelerator and Senior Director of Arise. Nate takes us through his exciting journey, highlighting how CX is making people’s lives better. Bringing ‘mission-driven CX’ into perspective, Nate shares insights on building a CX mindset and how that generates loyalty.
In this episode, Todd is joined by Nate Brown, Co-founder of CX Accelerator and Senior Director of Arise Virtual Solutions. CX Accelerator is a non-profit community that equips, encourages, and connects Customer Experience professionals at every stage in their journey. Arise Virtual Solutions has created a disruptive technology platform that connects the world's biggest brands with a previously untapped network of small business owners and their agents. 

They delve into the evolution of customer experience, the place of BPOs in delivering the best experiences, and how a positive customer experience generates loyalty. 

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