Living the Law of Action Show
Love Is The Formula For Success With Juan Lee
November 2, 2021
In this episode, Juan Lee and I discuss Love and finding the things we have in common instead of looking for the things that divide us. So if you want to learn that Love requires action, that Love is an attitude that protects humanity, and that Love is a choice that can lead you to peace, contentment with your needs met in your life, tune in now!
Welcome to the Living The Law Of Action Show 

In this episode, Juan Lee and I discuss Love and finding the things we have in common instead of looking for the things that divide us.

So if you want to learn that Love requires action, that Love is an attitude that protects humanity, and that Love is a choice that can lead you to peace, contentment with your needs met in your life, tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:
Love requires action.
Love is an attitude that protects humanity 
Love is a choice 

About Juan Lee
Juan Lee is an expert in Transformational speaker, Thought leader and, Author. He has seen the message of Love made so difficult that it's confusing. Juan removed the confusion by making it very simple. He neutralized religions and made the message of Love universal. He found the things that we have in common instead of looking for the things that divide us. In religion, the vehicle is God, and the message is Love. Apart from God, the vehicle is humanity, and the message is Love. We all have Love in common. Juan shows how we first learn to love ourselves and then love others. He shows you how to use Love in every stage of life to produce the fulfillment you desire in your life. Juan also shows you how to identify personal success for yourself, making you aware of obstacles that cause growth, not failures. He gives you the tools needed to operate in Love so that you will never fail. That leads to peace, contentment with your needs met. Love is the formula for a successful life experience.
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