Marketing Like a Mother
The Secrets to Successful Collaborations
August 27, 2023
Collaboration has always been a part of business, but in recent years, there seems to have been a shift towards collaboration in the online business world. Networking groups and communities focused on collaboration have popped up, and more and more entrepreneurs are looking for ways to collaborate with others. But not all collaborations are created equal - nor successful. In this episode of Marketing Like a Mother, we’re taking a deep dive into the secrets behind successful collaborations, whether just a one-off collaboration like a freebie swap or a full-fledged business partnership. We also touch on: How to handle international collaborations Collaborating with someone you’ve never met before The importance of a trial period Where to go to find collaborators that will match your goals and drive And more! Timestamps 03:29: The rising trend of people looking for besties to collaborate with, from sharing freebies to creating multiple business partnerships 04:30: Olivia shares her experience of trying to collaborate with a non-business friend and why it didn't work 06:38: The importance of personality matches and having the same style of working and rhythm of working when collaborating 08:03: Michelle and Olivia's origin story and how their good conversations led to the creation of the "Marketing Like a Mother" podcast and eventually a business partnership 08:54: The importance of a trial period to test communication styles, goals, and compatibility before committing to a collaboration 09:37: The benefits of being in a similar place in life, such as having young children, when collaborating 10:18: The importance of not being afraid to ask for a collaboration and the benefits of doing so 10:54: The benefits of testing collaboration through small projects before committing to a larger collaboration 12:17: The extra layer of logistics when collaborating internationally and how it forced Michelle and Olivia to start a business quickly 13:05: Michelle and Olivia's unique collaboration story of never meeting in person and how they make communication work through tools and project management 15:03: The importance of identifying each collaborator's strengths and interests to create a balance of competencies and tasks 18:24: The importance of defining combined morals, values, and missions for the collaboration 19:23: The importance of defining boundaries and knowing what's appropriate to talk about as a business 20:21: The value of holding space for each other's weaknesses and strengths and having constant communication for change of plans 21:52: The importance of compassion, empathy, and respect for the other person in collaboration 23:48: The importance of surrounding yourself with people who have similar goals and values when looking for a collaboration, and the benefits of starting small and testing compatibility before committing to a larger collaboration 25:07: The importance of being open to meeting new people and trying them out for a collaboration, and the importance of feeling a spark and having a good rapport before committing to a collaboration 27:51: Michelle and Olivia's collaboration has gone beyond business success to create a lifelong friendship that provides support and companionship in the often-lonely world of entrepreneurship. Additional links: Episode #1: The Origin Story

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Learn more about Michelle here and about Olivia here.