Mimazine on Air
Nuw: ‘In an open relationship with your wardrobe’
December 3, 2020
This week's game changer is Aisling Bryne, founder and CEO of Nuw - ‘a social network to share clothes with people in your local community and extend the life cycle of our wardrobes.’ We talk all about the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry, the stories behind our clothes and the joy of preloved and vintage. We also dive into greenwashing, marketing ploys such as Black Friday and discuss ways forward for the fashion industry.
Welcome back to Mimazine on Air Season 3!

This week's game changer is Aisling Bryne, founder and CEO of Nuw - ‘a social network to share clothes with people in your local community and extend the life cycle of our wardrobes.’

Aisling founded the community in 2015 to make sustainable and ethical fashion more accessible after seeing the industry's true cost and devastating impacts firsthand. 

Nuw tries to curb the fast fashion mentality of see it, buy it, wear it once, recognising things need to change and  believing we all have the power to change them.

We talk all about the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry, the stories behind our clothes and the joy of sharing pieces. We also dive into greenwashing, marketing ploys such as Black Friday and discuss ways forward for the industry.  

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You can find more about Nuw on their website and Instagram.
Check out the app on Apple Store or Google Play.

Find me on Instagram or Mimazine's website.

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See you next week!