Adulthood: Revisited
Episode 114: Empowering Oneself Through Empowering Connections with Julia Phoenix
April 9, 2021
How can we lead more authentic lives and be more of ourselves? The answer may lie in the strength of the connections we create!
Let's chat a bit, A:R Nation!

When you reduce your experience on this planet to its essence, what is it reduced to?

As Julia Phoenix, our guest on this episode, shares (and I concur), it's our RELATIONSHIPS.

Our life experience is a function of our relationships.

Julia Phoenix is a Relationship Specialist and Public Speaker who works with people to create empowered connections and strengthen relationships so that we could lead more enriched lives.

Julia starts us off with sharing her journey.

Growing up in Palo Alto, she shares that her family had a spiritual background, but that there was so much inauthenticity hiding in the background.

As she was growing up, she felt a disconnect between what her family was outwardly expressing and what the experience was really like.

After much strife, Julia realized that she needed to be disconnected from her family, and create her own life.

What she started realizing was that "her people" always seemed to find her.

In our discussion about empowerment, relationships and connection live at the core.

Julia shares with us how, she believes, people can't lead fully honest and authentic lives until they get over the assumptions and expectations that society lays out for us.

She discusses her powerful experiences with inner child work, and how we will often project onto others the things we, deep down, desire.

Julia shares that when people come to be OK with the idea that, as humans, the desire for connection and for security drives all of our decisions, we can make powerful choices around who we foster those connections with.

Finally, Julia leaves us with encouragement to start being more true to themselves starting right now.

Let's be more of ourselves.  This is the Adulthood:Revisited Podcast.

Connect with Julia Phoenix

