Process to Profitability
How I use data to make decisions about my podcast
August 14, 2023
In this episode of "Process to Profitability," I’m delve into the importance of analyzing podcast data to make informed business decisions. As the host of a podcast that may not be top-charting, I value the education and connections gained through...

In this episode of "Process to Profitability," I’m delve into the importance of analyzing podcast data to make informed business decisions. As the host of a podcast that may not be top-charting, I value the education and connections gained through my show. By evaluating factors such as download numbers, client referrals, and collaborations, I am able to assess the profitability and value of my podcast. I discuss how understanding download patterns and popular content helps shape future episodes, whether it's diving deeper into certain topics or featuring guests that resonate with my audience. By treating my podcast as an asset that drives clients and revenue, I am able to leverage its potential in growing my business. Tune in today to see how I’m using data to make decisions about the future of Process to Profitability.


[00:00:44] How to use podcast data to make business decisions

[00:01:49] Podcasting is an investment that should have an ROI

[00:03:13] Looking at your download numbers

[00:05:15] Looking at the most popular content

[00:07:19] Looking at other ways you might see an ROI

[00:09:58] Take action to evaluate your marketing data

Key Takeaways: