Diary of a Bald Man
The Daily Mile with Mateusz "Matt" Marcinowski
March 8, 2023
For many of us, the first step is often the most challenging part of any endeavor or journey in life. But for one man to inspire others to take that first step and drive onward without a final distance or destination is an even more challenging task. That is until they meet and speak with Mateusz “Matt” Marcinowski. Originating in Poland, now hitting the roads of Massachusetts, Matt Marcinowski is breaking down the mental and physical obstacles for many of his professional and TikTok followers, one mile and one day at a time. Listen in as Matt discusses what led him on his quest for personal well-being and what he does to aid others in finding their way. See Matt in action https://www.tiktok.com/@matouielouie The Daily Mile https://www.thedailymile.org/ Diary of a Bald Man https://diaryofabaldman.com Thanks to Techsmith/ Camtasia for the amazing music and sound bites: https://library.techsmith.com/ Thanks to the fantastic audio magic from Keith Kramer: https://www.fiverr.com/yourimagingguy The ability to record and produce this podcast is due to the tremendous talent behind Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/