Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta
The Role of Statistical Personas in Business Growth with Priscilla McKinney, CEO at Little Bird Marketing
December 23, 2022
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Priscilla McKinney, CEO of Little Bird Marketing. Priscila shares her experience in improving business with the application of SOAR, the importance of having a watertight growth strategy, how to develop statistical personas, and the challenges that arise from statistical persona development.
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Priscilla McKinney, CEO of Little Bird Marketing. They discuss Priscilla's aha! moments, improving business with the application of SOAR, the importance of having a watertight growth strategy, how to develop statistical personas, and the challenges that arise from statistical persona development. 

Priscilla is the CEO of Little Bird Marketing. She helps businesses succeed by building their brand and delivering sustainable lead generation. Priscilla believes a business should be unique and think like their customers to build a sustainable brand. Before Little Bird, she worked with Clear Entertainment & Marketing Group, where she focused on improving the portfolio of companies as Chief Executive Officer. 


πŸ‘‰ To improve your business growth, you need to apply SOAR logic; S- Strategy, O - Organize, A - Accountability, R - Repeat

πŸ‘‰ A business strategy should be unique to your brand - don’t mimic competitors' strategies

πŸ‘‰ Get a clear perspective of the market to help develop a persona for the business

πŸ‘‰ Whenever possible, put yourself in the customer's shoes to see what kind of strategy you should be pursuing, including consideration of their financial situations

πŸ‘‰ If a strategy can't be adapted to new circumstances, it's not accountable

πŸ‘‰ Create a work plan showing what you intend to achieve, then derive a strategy from this plan

πŸ‘‰ A brand strategy should be centered around your ideal customer, including brand building and purpose

πŸ‘‰ Before developing a statistical persona, know your ideal client. You need to filter your clients, remove those that aren't your market target, and focus on the ideal ones

πŸ‘‰ The ideal number of statistical personas to build is four, but when you are a new business, don’t exceed two

πŸ‘‰ The process of statistical persona development isn't meant to be rigid, but should be meaningful to the customers 

πŸ‘‰ When developing statistical personas, have conversations with the customers and determine how they use your products

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Previous guests include: Kristin Luck, Shep Hyken, Whitney Dunlap-Fowler, Randy Krum, Gerard Ibarra, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Katie Anderson, Rebecca Brooks, Brooke Sellas, Dan Gingiss, Phil Irvine, Dan Fleetwood, Nicholas Zeisler, Katrina Noelle, Laura Beavin-Yates, Kalil Vicioso, Mo McKibbin, Bryant Leech and Louie Gravance.

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