The B2B Revenue Executive Experience
Episode 47: Brian Burns on 5 Ways to Stay Motivated in Sales
January 18, 2018
Sales is a rollercoaster profession – everyone who’s been doing it for a long time knows there’s days where you feel like you’re on a treadmill going nowhere. No one is responding, you can’t keep the pipeline full and it feels like nothing’s getting done. Other days it feels like you’re ramming your head into a brick wall because there’s so much to do and you don’t know how to prioritize things. Motivation is key in the sales profession for ultra high performers. It’s something that requires focus day-to-day; you can’t just wake up and expect you’re going to be motivated. We sat down with Brian Burns, host of The Brutal Truth About Sales and Selling to discuss five ways to stay motivated in sales.

Sales is a rollercoaster profession – everyone who’s been doing it for a long time knows there’s days where you feel like you’re on a treadmill going nowhere. No one is responding, you can’t keep the pipeline full and it feels like nothing’s getting done. Other days it feels like you’re ramming your head into a brick wall because there’s so much to do and you don’t know how to prioritize things.

Motivation is key in the sales profession for ultra high performers. It’s something that requires focus day-to-day; you can’t just wake up and expect you’re going to be motivated. We sat down with Brian Burns, host of The Brutal Truth About Sales and Selling to discuss five ways to stay motivated in sales.

The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Warren Zenna, Founder of The CRO Collective, Andy Paul, Host of The Win Rate Podcast, Karen Eber, CEO and Chief Storyteller of the Eber Leadership Group

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