Fitness Business University With Vince Gabriele
4 Ways To Be More Productive
November 28, 2019
**Vince Gabriele Black Friday Productivity Package** Vince Gabriele from Fitness Business University sits down and puts together a short podcast on his Black Friday Offer for gym owners at any stage of their business.  This productivity package...

**Vince Gabriele Black Friday Productivity Package**

Vince Gabriele from Fitness Business University sits down and puts together a short podcast on his Black Friday Offer for gym owners at any stage of their business. 

This productivity package will include four documents that you will find pivotal to your success. They are designed to make you more productive, which ultimately means making you more money. When you're more productive at work, you can be more present in other areas of your life, especially at home.

What's in the Productive Package:

(No. 1) 4 Stages of Fitness Business Success.

Inside this quick read, you'll find out exactly what you need to be focused on right now to ensure your success; regardless of what stage of business you're in. 

Stage 1: Creating. Survive! Get a critical mass of new customers

Stage 2: Building. Build a team

Stage 3: Prime. Create your systems

Stage 4: Changing. Reinvent the wheel

(No. 2) Daily Planner

A productive day starts the night before. This daily planner helps you plan your day the night before, because being prepared for the next day, is essential to your success.

(No. 3) Freedom Session Pad

If you can set the time aside to follow you freedom session sheet, you'll be able to download your week and prepare for the next one, giving you real time off before you go into a new week.

(No. 4) The Ultimate Success Mindset

This was Vince Gabriele's first book.  You've probably read his Sales and Marketing books, but this one was a special one.  It was written from a set of emails Vince use to put together for his clients under the theme, Mindset Monday.  

He was sending weekly emails, but after reviewing all the content he created in his emails, he was literally sending on gold.  Each of those emails eventually ended up bound in this book. This book focuses on personal development around mindset, overcoming challenges and failures to ultimately succeed.

**Vince Gabriele Black Friday Productivity Package**