Ready for Love with Nikki Leigh Love Coach
Sexual Assault Resources are Discussed on Ready for Love Radio
April 22, 2022
Sexual assault and sexual violence are topics that are frequently in the news. The local area and UVA, a well-known local university, was in the national spotlight. Sexual assault was in the news because of a story in Rolling Stone magazine, which is turns out, is unsubstantiated and has shone a very ugly light on the editorial staff and decisions of Rolling Stone magazine. But what about the original topic of the article – what about sexual assault, the perpetrators, the survivors, the legal system and much more?
oin Nikki Leigh, Love Coach, on Ready for Love Radio for an open conversation about
sexual assault. Nikki welcomes Taylor Starns, Crisis Services Coordinator for SARA in Charlottesville VA to discuss a variety of topics related to sexual violence.

Show airs Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT 

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If you miss the original podcast – check out the MP3 below at after April 21 2022.

Sexual Assault Topics Include:

Some resources for more details about the information we discussed in the show