Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta
[Greatest Hits] The Power of Service with Louie Gravance, Author of "Service is a Superpower!"
December 15, 2023
In this Greatest Hits episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Louie Gravance, Author of "Service is a Superpower!" They discuss Louie’s aha! moments, his gift of shame, the connection between delighting an audience and a customer, steps an organization can take to achieve a culture of respect and responsibility by delivering the most satisfactory service experiences, challenging oneself through service to others, the power of recognition and a lot more.
In this Greatest Hits episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Louie Gravance, Author of "Service is a Superpower!" They discuss Louie’s aha! moments, his gift of shame, the connection between delighting an audience and a customer, steps an organization can take to achieve a culture of respect and responsibility by delivering the most satisfactory service experiences, challenging oneself through service to others, the power of recognition and a lot more.  

Louie Gravance is a keynote speaker and the author of "Service is a Superpower!" He worked for over 25 years at the Walt Disney Company and the Disney Institute, where he designed customer service training programs. Many a time, he is referred to as “the guy that can make the Disney service concepts work outside of Disney.” Since his departure from Disney, he has worked as a consultant, customer service speaker, and corporate culture guru. 


👉 “In great service, you have to do what you don't have to do”

👉 Appeal to customers’ emotions by appealing to every sense from the moment they make contact with your product or service 

👉 “An investment of yourself is an investment in yourself”

👉 Be an inspiration to others; inspire other people to be everything that they can be, that they're already hardwired to be 

👉 “The one learns from the wizard, and the wizard learns from the one”

👉 There's power in the connection between delighting an audience and delighting a customer

👉 “...Serving someone and something other than yourself is…a superpower”

👉 “Great service serves the server first"  

👉 Tell stories through your services; engage customers or clients in a shared narrative 

👉 “You're not just selling things or providing a service; every transaction is an emotional transaction”

👉 “Exceeding anyone's expectations is exceeding your own, thus being stronger”

👉 “Whether we can see it in our vision at that moment or not, every time we exceed anyone's expectations, we broaden the horizon of what we're willing and able to be”

👉 “Give recognition for the values that your customers wish for the most and not the values you need the most”

👉 Recognition is a magic wand and a sharp weapon that should not be misused

👉 Although there is power in not being afraid of failure, everyone needs to have a gigantic failure when they're young

👉 People truly learn from experience versus just being told what to do

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And connect with the host and guests here:

Darshan Mehta on Linkedin -
IResearch Website -
Louie Gravance -
Service is a Superpower Book -

Getting to Aha! with Darshan Mehta is hand crafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Kristin Luck, Shep Hyken, Whitney Dunlap-Fowler, Randy Krum, Gerard Ibarra, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Katie Anderson, Rebecca Brooks, Brooke Sellas, Dan Gingiss, Phil Irvine, Dan Fleetwood, Nicholas Zeisler, Katrina Noelle, Laura Beavin-Yates, Kalil Vicioso, Mo McKibbin, Bryant Leech and Louie Gravance.

Check out the 3 most downloaded episodes: 

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