Customers Who Click
Optimise your SEO & Content Strategy with AI
December 22, 2020
I speak with with Ryo Chiba, founder of all about how AI can assist with your SEO and content marketing strategy, to help you produce more, higher quality content. AI is great for saving you time though. It can do huge amounts of research far quicker than you can, help you identify topics and keywords to target, and help influence your strategy. But the human aspect will always be needed in the end. The human aspect will produce the content that really ranks.

In episode 38 I spoke with Ryo Chiba, founder of all about how AI can assist with your SEO and content marketing strategy, to help you produce more, higher quality content.

AI is becoming more and more prevalent in marketing, but contrary to popular belief, its not going to come in and steal jobs. It’s just not that good (yet?).

AI is great for saving you time though. It can do huge amounts of research far quicker than you can, help you identify topics and keywords to target, and help influence your strategy. But the human aspect will always be needed in the end. The human aspect will produce the content that really ranks.

Ryo Chiba is an entrepreneur who started a multi-million dollar SaaS company in college using SEO and content marketing. After successfully selling the company in 2018 he is now working on Topic to help others create comprehensive content for the SEO strategy.