The Transit Lounge
Managing Your Inner - and Outer - Critic
December 26, 2018
Do you have an Inner Critic? Is it sometimes very loud and bossy and need managing? Yep me too... Years ago, when I was stressed and exhausted being an over achiever, my sister took me to a Buddhist meditation night... Although I struggled with the meditation - I couldn't sit still! - I found it interesting and so I bought a book written by one of the Monks. I liked him because although he was a full robe wearing monk, he had a very down to earth real way about him and a quirky sense of humour which I liked. The book includes a stack of different personal stories and anecdotes that he uses as lessons for achieving - or at least pursuing happiness. I was reminded of one of those stories recently so wanted to share it to see if it gives you a useful approach to managing your own inner critic - and our outer one when we are triggered by others we come across. I hope you enjoy it and can try out this approach when you next catch your critic coming out to play! x Shandra Thank you for listening!
Do you have an Inner Critic? Is it sometimes very loud and bossy and need managing?
Yep me too...

Years ago, when I was stressed and exhausted being an over achiever, my sister took me to a Buddhist meditation night...

Although I struggled with the meditation - I couldn't sit still! - I found it interesting and so I bought a book written by one of the Monks.
I liked him because although he was a full robe wearing monk, he had a very down to earth real way about him and a quirky sense of humour which I liked.

The book includes a stack of different personal stories and anecdotes that he uses as lessons for achieving - or at least pursuing happiness.

I was reminded of one of those stories recently so wanted to share it to see if it gives you a useful approach to managing your own inner critic - and our outer one when we are triggered by others we come across.

I hope you enjoy it and can try out this approach when you next catch your critic coming out to play!

x Shandra

Thank you for listening!