Lessons From The Core
Episode 6 : Lessons On Alignment with Zaeira Yakova
January 19, 2023
On this episode, we have my friend, special guest, and Real Estate agent Zaeira Yakova, from the Metro City Property Group. Zaeira works selling homes in the Ottawa area and has a mission to remind you to back yourself up and help others. Start your day with a good morning routine and set your intention to help others and serve the community through volunteering and staying true to your purpose. As a licensed Realtor® in Ottawa, Zaeira represents homeowners and future homeowners in all regions of the city including Kanata, Stittsville, Barrhaven, and Orleans. Raised in Ottawa, Zaeira understands the infinite benefits of living in Canada’s Capital Region and is devoted to listening intently to match individuals and families to the properties and neighbourhoods that best suit their needs. Zaeira has worked as an Investment and Mortgages Advisor for Canada’s two major financial institutions where she helped Canadians in different life stages plan for and reach their financial goals. Join us as we talk about how she got into real estate, her passion for volunteering, and her key lessons on listening to your inner knowing to stay true to your alignment and purpose. I just love her energy and I know you will too.
On this episode, we have my friend, special guest, and Real Estate agent Zaeira Yakova, from the Metro City Property Group

Zaeira works selling homes in the Ottawa area and has a mission to remind you to back yourself up and help others. Start your day with a good morning routine and set your intention to help others and serve the community through volunteering and staying true to your purpose.

Zaeira’s Instagram: Ottawa Real Estate Blog
Website: Zaeira Yakova

As a licensed Realtor® in Ottawa, Zaeira represents homeowners and future homeowners in all regions of the city including Kanata, Stittsville, Barrhaven, and Orleans.
Raised in Ottawa, Zaeira understands the infinite benefits of living in Canada’s Capital Region and is devoted to listening intently to match individuals and families to the properties and neighbourhoods that best suit their needs.

Zaeira has worked as an Investment and Mortgages Advisor for Canada’s two major financial institutions where she helped Canadians in different life stages plan for and reach their financial goals.

Join us as we talk about how she got into real estate, her passion for volunteering, and her key lessons on listening to your inner knowing to stay true to your alignment and purpose. I just love her energy and I know you will too.

Thank you to my cousin’s band Kojak for letting me use your song 
Long Way To Go - for my intro music. 

Special thanks and shout out to my photographer at Revelation Marketing & my graphic designer for the Podcast cover art.

Photo credit: Revelation Marketing 
Graphic designer: Lane Fortinez

Need some daily meditation inspiration? 
Get our 30-Day Meditation Planner & guided meditation library. 

Ready to start classes with me? 
Visit the Virtual studio, APP & ondemand 

Let’s stay connected:

Download this guided meditation.
Instagram: @lisakhera  @lessonsfromthecore

Highlights: the Red flag lessons from Zaeira - 

"I think the lesson for me was really trusting your intuition. Even if something seems scary or unattainable, just being bold and going for it, and being true to what you want.

And if you feel unhappy to the point where you're going to get sick or you feel such a dis-ease within yourself, that's your inner voice telling you that you have to make a shift and that you need to realign your priorities.

Meditation in the morning, it's having a routine, having a strong morning routine has been the key for me to stay consistent.

I'm a routine person and I have dealt with anxiety I realized that anxiety was coming from a place of fear and it would cause me to procrastinate, which would cause more anxiety.

So with great coaches and through reading, I've learned that a morning routine is key for me, setting my intention for that day and meditating and exercise".

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

"I think my book would be about backing yourself up. And what I mean by that is, there are so many moments in our life where sometimes we are our own worst critic.

You know, we're our biggest, like, we just don't believe in ourselves when we should. And there are already so many people out there that might doubt you or you think doubt you but

You don't want to be one of them. And it's the key, I think, is you have to believe in yourself.

You have to believe what you're doing and if you're following your calling, you're doing it for the best reason.

You're doing it to fulfill your purpose. And it doesn't matter what the people that are the naysayers say. If you're doing the right thing and you're following your heart, just believe in yourself.

Just back yourself up. Don't doubt yourself. Don't put yourself down. Words are so powerful. Say good things about yourself.

You know, it's not easy out there. So the least you can do is get out there and say, you know what, I got this.

I can handle this. I'm doing the right thing. And I'm so excited to help these people in the community.

Back yourself up - that would be my book".  


Thank you so much to Zaeira for being my guest on today’s episode, connect with her here:
Zaeira Yakova

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