Mimazine on Air
Emma Askew: Climate optimism, creativity and dealing with eco-anxiety
November 26, 2020
Welcome to the first episode of Mimazine on Air Season 3! This week's game changer is Emma Askew - soil scientist, environmental researcher and founder of Earth Minutes - a collaboration of environmental researchers and creatives, sharing a strong ambition to drive global change for people and the planet. Their two fundamental values are creativity and optimism - two words you don't often associate with environmental activism and climate justice. We talk about using optimism as a tool, dealing with climate anxiety and burn out, billionaires and dodging the blame game and the power of creativity in environmental education.

Welcome to the first episode of Mimazine on Air Season 3!

This week's game changer is Emma Askew - soil scientist, environmental researcher and founder of EARTH Minutes - a collaboration of environmental researchers and creatives, sharing a strong ambition to drive global change for people and the planet.

Their two fundamental values are creativity and optimism - two words you don't often associate with environmental activism and climate justice.

We talk about using optimism as a tool, dealing with climate anxiety and burn out, billionaires and dodging the blame game and the power of creativity in environmental education. 

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You can find more about EARTH Minutes on their website, Instagram and YouTube.

Find me on Instagram or Mimazine's website.

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See you next week!