The NOT Your Average Joe Show
Turning Virtual Connections into Paying Customers with Jeffrey Gitomer
February 15, 2021
In this episode, you’ll join Joe and legendary salesman, Hall of Fame presenter and speaker, and popular online personality Jeffrey Gitomer as they discuss how to turn virtual connections into paying customers.
In this episode, you’ll join Joe and legendary salesman, Hall of Fame presenter and speaker, and popular online personality Jeffrey Gitomer as they discuss how to turn virtual connections into paying customers. 

Learn how to go online with a winning sales and marketing strategy for 2021 with Joe’s special guest, Jeffrey Gitomer. The pandemic of 2020 changed the rules of connecting, meeting, selling, and doing business. And these changes are not going away. To thrive in the new year you must understand, implement, and master how to use virtual and video sales and communication tools to market, connect and sell. These skills are no longer an option--they are ripe to master and monetize.

Technologies and virtual platforms are easier to use than ever, but most salespeople and entrepreneurs are woefully unprepared to capture their fair share of this unlimited resource. Join us to learn what to do and how to do it. 

Grab your copy of Jeffrey’s latest book, Go Live!: Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers, today: