Dohn The Infinite Wealth Strategist
The Spendthrift Trust & High Earning W2 Employees
January 30, 2023
If you have ever wondered how a high earning W2 employee can save as much as 60% a year on their taxes, you've come to the right place, although the answer might not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I will walk you step-by-step, how you can reduce your taxes by as much as 60% by using a charitable trust, a 501c3 charity, and a beneficial (spendthrift) trust in concert. Not only will you be able to lower your taxes short-term, you can use a 85% of the donation to legally invest in long-term investments. Plus, by using your beneficial trust, you'll be able to keep 95% of the profit from the investments tax-free! Enjoy!