Dohn The Infinite Wealth Strategist
My quest is to help business owners, real estate investors, medical professionals - anybody who is tired of paying taxes and wants a 100% legal strategy to avoid them. Plus, this strategy also provides 100% bullet-proof asset protection. I will show you how to you can reduce your tax liability by as much as 85%.
The Corporate Transparency Act: Why Day Traders Are Especially Vulnerable.
March 31, 2024 • 21 MIN
Day traders are especially vulnerable to having their accounts frozen and having suspicious activity reports filed against them. In this episode, I explain why they are vulnerable, why the government and financial institutions are just looking to freeze their accounts and assets, and what type of entity they SHOULD use in their day trading business. Enjoy!
What Is An SAR And Why Is It So Dangerous?
March 17, 2024 • 27 MIN
If you've ever wondered what a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) is and why it is so dangerous to you, you've come to the right place, although the answer may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I do an in-depth analysis of SAR reports, why they are so dangerous; why you can't rely on "not doing anything wrong so I'll be ok" attitude anymore and how to reduce your risk of getting a SAR report and having your money frozen in your bank account. Enjoy!
Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional? Not So Fast, My Friend
March 10, 2024 • 20 MIN
A federal judge recently ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act is unconstitutional. Immediately, people assumed that our long national nightmare was over.....and there was much rejoicing. Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. In this episode, I'll tell you what the lawsuit was about - what the plaintiffs alleged and how the government pushed back; why the judge ruled it unconstitutional; I'll explain the reasons why we STILL have to comply with the Corporate Transparency Act for the next 3-5 years, and what we can do to protect ourselves by running our businesses through our exempt entity. Enjoy!
My Interview On Forbes Riley's Podcast
February 3, 2024 • 13 MIN
Forbes Riley is known as the "Queen Of The Pitch," as she's sold over $2 billion worth of products in her career. She's also very terrified and outraged by the Corporate Transparency Act and graciously asked me to be on her podcast to discuss it and how her listeners can exempt themselves from this horrible law. Enjoy!
The Corporate Transparency Act - The Dangers Of Suspicious Activity Reports
January 15, 2024 • 20 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act contains many dangers to us small business owners, entrepreneurs, & smaller investors. The one danger most people aren't aware of is what will happen to them when a bank or financial institution files an SAR report or Suspicious Activity Report against you. Forewarned is forearmed!
The Corporate Transparency Act: Money Laundering Statutes
January 2, 2024 • 7 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this series of videos, I will be doing a deep dive on every component of this law and how it is going to change your business and your life, and not for the better. This episode talks about how FinCEN is going to use money laundering statutes to squeeze us for more money.
The Corporate Transparency Act: The Vagueness & Subjectivity Is A Trap!
January 1, 2024 • 6 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this series of videos, I will be doing a deep dive on every component of this law and how it is going to change your business and your life, and not for the better. This episode talks about just how vague and subjective the law is, and how that will be used against us to freeze or accounts, seize our assets and not give a penny back!
The Corporate Transparency Act: Why Are They Targeting Small Business & Investors?
January 1, 2024 • 7 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this series of videos, I will be doing a deep dive on every component of this law and how it is going to change your business and your life, and not for the better. This episode deals with the questions of why IS the federal government targeting us small business owners and investors.
The Corporate Transparency Act: The Penalties For Non-Compliance
January 1, 2024 • 5 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this series of videos, I will be doing a deep dive on every component of this law and how it is going to change your business and your life, and not for the better. This episode talks about the penalties and punishments for people who do no comply or unwillingly are in non-compliance. Yes, you could go to jail!
The Corporate Transparency Act: The Reporting Requirements
January 1, 2024 • 10 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this episode, I take a deep dive into all of the reporting requirements and you'll see why this is a rigged system. You DON'T want to subject yourself and your business with all of the hidden danger that lies within.
The Origins Of The Corporate Transparency Act
January 1, 2024 • 7 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this episode, I give you a quick overview of how the Corporate Transparency came to be.
The Corporate Transparency Act: The Collateral Damage
November 23, 2023 • 28 MIN
This is a special episode of my video podcast series warning about the collateral damage the Corporate Transparency Act is going to cause. Even though it hasn't officially taken effect, it's already ruining lives. In this episode, I'm introducing Mike & Jody. They tell their story about how they went from having over a million dollars to having their bank accounts frozen due to an SAR report by their bank. No explanation. No official report. Nothing. Nothing but limbo that has lasted over a year.
The Corporate Transparency Act: An Introduction
November 18, 2023 • 4 MIN
The Corporate Transparency Act is by far, the most repressive piece of legislation against small business ever enacted in the history of our country. In this series of videos, I will be doing a deep dive on every component of this law and how it is going to change your business and your life, and not for the better. This video is a quick intro on what the series will give you. I have a webinar every Thursday at 7:00 PM EST that will show you how you can exempt yourself and your business from the Corporate Transparency Act. Here's the link to register: https//
Corporate Transparency Act Webinar
October 20, 2023 • 56 MIN
If you ever wanted to understand completely about what's coming against us starting on January 1, 2024, this webinar does a great job in explaining it. The Corporate Transparency Act is poison to us small business owners, and investors. This webinar explains the dangers and shows how you can legally exempt yourselves from compliance.
A New Look At The Spendthrift Trust
October 8, 2023 • 19 MIN
It's time to look at the spendthrift trust with new eyes.There is a new, absolutely horrible law coming into effect on January 1st, 2024. It's going to affect small business and private investors and not in a good way. Luckily, our spendthrift trust can help them legally avoid compliance with it. There's going to be more and more attention paid as we get closer to the new year; therefore;, I decided to do a new podcast episode about the spendthrift trust. I hope you enjoy it!
The Corporate Transparency Act & Real Estate Investors
September 24, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you've ever wondered how the looming Corporate Transparency Act will affect real estate investors, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this video, I'll educate you on what the Corporate Transparency Act is, how it's going to affect real estate investors, and how to find the 100% legal way to exempt yourself and your properties from having to comply with it. Enjoy!
Real Estate Syndication WITHOUT SEC Oversight!!
September 24, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you've ever wondered if it's possible to do real estate syndication WITHOUT SEC oversight, you've come to the right place, although the answer is probably not what you are expecting. In this episode, I will describe what a real estate trust is, how it is not required to register with the Corporate Transparency Act, how it is free from SEC oversight, and how it can save you a ton of money on taxes, while getting 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection. Enjoy!
The Corporate Transparency Act Will "F" Up Your Business!
September 16, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you've never heard of the Corporate Transparency Act, or you know something about it, you DEFINITELY need to listen to this podcast episode. If you have an LLC, S Corp or C Corp, starting on January 1st, 2024, it's going to screw up your business and investments, not to mention it completely "nukes" your personal and corporate anonymity. Sign up on the link below to attend my FREE "live" webinar to learn how to get legally EXEMPT from having to comply with it!
The Spendthrift Trust VS An Endowment Trust
August 15, 2023 • 13 MIN
If you've ever wondered what how an endowment trust compares to a spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this video, I explain what an endowment trust is; what a spendthrift trust is; what a charitable trust is; how your spendthrift trust can get 95% profit from a charitable investment; and why YOU should talk to me ASAP about getting a trust for yourself! Enjoy!
Pay ZERO Taxes On Your Investment Income With The Spendthrift Trust
August 6, 2023 • 15 MIN
If you've ever wondered if it's possible to pay zero taxes on your investment income, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this video, I explain to you what a spendthrift trust is, how it is 100% compliant with IRS Code 643(b), which means that investment income into your spendthrift trust is NOT a taxable event! Enjoy! If you think you're paying too much in taxes and/or you need to lock down your personal and business assets with 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection, visit Calendly link below and schedule a free one-on-one consultation with me. If you want to get some more information about this amazing tax reduction and asset protection strategy, go to this website:
How To Live Tax-Free In Your Spendthrift Trust
July 30, 2023 • 18 MIN
If you've ever wondered how you can live tax-free solely on the money in your spendthrift trust, this is the video for you! In this episode, I review the process for selling your personal and business assets into your trust; why passive income is not a taxable event in this trust; how trust expenses work; and how the trust can pay for everything, even non-trust expenses without triggering a taxable event. Enjoy!
New Federal Overreach!
July 22, 2023 • 12 MIN
A new federal law is coming into effect on January 1st, 2024 that is going to drastically affect your anonymity AND your profits! In this video, I explain what the Corporate Transparency Act is, how it's going to rip away your corporate and personal anonymity, and how our trust, the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust is your ONLY to fight back from this government overreach into your anonymity and profits. Enjoy!
My Guest Appearance On The Consistency Wins Podcast
July 9, 2023 • 35 MIN
I was honored to be a guest on the Consistency Wins podcast recently. I had a chance to talk more about how I got started as an entrepreneur, how I had to deal with the Russian Mafia when I had a business in Moscow, how I found short sales, and finally, how I found this incredible non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust and started savings tons of money on my taxes. Enjoy!
Run Your Business Through A Business Trust!
July 2, 2023 • 18 MIN
If you've ever wondered how to generate major tax savings and asset protection for your business, start running it through a business trust! In this episode, I explain how the business trust works with the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex discretionary, spendthrift trust to no only reduce your taxes, but also protect your assets AND your income from lawsuits. Enjoy!
Your Spendthrift Trust Timeline
June 25, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered, what are the steps, A-Z, to setting up your spendthrift trust, you've certainly come to the right place. In this episode, I review what the spendthrift trust is, how it's in compliance with IRS Code 643(b), and the nine steps to creating and setting up the trust. Enjoy!
Sell Your Business With ZERO Capital Gains Taxes!
June 11, 2023 • 14 MIN
Did you now you can sell your business and not pay a dime in capital gains taxes? This episode will discuss what most "so-called experts" recommend, how this non-grantor irrevocable complex discretionary spendthrift trust is in compliance with IRC 643(b), how declaring the passive income into your trust an extraordinary dividend zeros out the tax return, and my response to the typical pushback I get from those so-called experts. Enjoy!
Five Strategies For Asset Protection
June 6, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you've ever wondered what are some different options out there for asset protection, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I talk about four common asset protection strategies - LLC's, liability insurance, qualified programs like IRA's, and simple trusts. I also explain why none of these strategies provide the combination of 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection AND the tax savings the non-grantor irrevocable complex discretionary spendthrift trust provides. Enjoy!
Pay Less Taxes With The Spendthrift Trust
May 29, 2023 • 20 MIN
If you've ever wondered how to pay less taxes with a spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place. In this episode, I discuss how passive income and capital gains are NOT taxable events; why the trust's compliance with IRS Code 643(b) allows for major tax reduction; why the trust is legal; and I answer typical objections we hear from our critics. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust - FAQ's
May 18, 2023 • 18 MIN
If you've ever wanted to get the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about this non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. Enjoy!
Why The Spendthrift Trust Is 100% Legal
May 6, 2023 • 20 MIN
If you've every wondered if the spendthrift trust is legal, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. In this epidode, I explain how the trust is 100% compliant with IRS Code 643(b), what IRC 643(b) is, what the four common objections are, and why they are all wrong about THIS trust. Finally, I show you a better way to legally reduce your taxes. Enjoy!
Real Estate Investors! Stop Overpaying On Your Taxes!
May 4, 2023 • 16 MIN
If you are a real estate investor, and you think you may be overpaying on your taxes, you've come to the right place! In this video, I tell you about how I was wasting way too much money on taxes and other expenses, how I found this incredible trust that has saved me crazy amounts of money since I started using it in my real estate investing business. Enjoy!
Forbes Riley Interviews Me About The Spendthrift Trust
April 22, 2023 • 16 MIN
The inimitable Forbes Riley, Celebrity TV host, infomercial queen, $2.5 billion product endorser/earner interviewed me about the amazing tax strategies that I provide my clients via the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust. Enjoy!
Four Benefits Of The Spendthrift Trust
April 21, 2023 • 10 MIN
If you've ever wondered what are the four greatest benefits to the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place. In this episode, I talk about how the passive income for the trust is non-taxable, capital gains are not taxable, how the trust can help a business save a ton on taxes, and finally, how the asset protection works.
My Appearance On The Jose Luiz Morales Podcast
April 19, 2023 • 48 MIN
I had the honor to be invited on Jose Luis Morales' podcast today. He asked me to do a deep dive on this non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust, and I was happy to oblige. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & Massive Tax Reduction For S Corporations
April 13, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you have ever wondered how this spendthrift trust can help generate MASSIVE tax savings for an S Corporation, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. In this episode, I review the five pillars of the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary spendthrift trust, what IRS Code 643(b) is, how the trust is 100% compliant with the tax code, and how the trust can help reduce the corporation's taxable income by as much as 95%. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & LLC Tax Reduction Roadmap
April 6, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you have ever wondered how this spendthrift trust can help an LLC get MASSIVE tax reduction, you've come to the right place. In this video, I do a quick review of this trust and how it is 100% compliant with IRS Code 643(b); how the LLC can sell ALL of its assets to the trust; how LLC can make the trust a 90% limited member of the LLC; and how a lease back strategy and limited partnership strategy with the trust can legally reduce an LLC's net income by as much as 90% or more. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & IRS Trust Fraud
March 31, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered if this non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust is a sham trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I go through every example on the IRS website having to do with Trust Fraud, and I show how NONE of it has anything to do with this trust. This trust is 100% legal and compliant with the tax code.
The Spendthrift Trust And Divorce
March 26, 2023 • 11 MIN
If you've ever wondered how the spendthrift trust can help you not get taken to the cleaners in a divorce, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I talk about the typical strategies to protect your assets from divorce, what the spendthrift trust is and how it protects you in a divorce. Enjoy!
Three Examples Of How The Spendthrift Trust Helps You Legally Reduce Your Taxes
March 18, 2023 • 16 MIN
Here are three examples of how trust clients have eliminated capital gains taxes, used the trust to legally lower the taxes on their company by as much as 95%; and reduce the taxes on their W2 income. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & Traders
March 11, 2023 • 10 MIN
If you're a trader and you are tired of paying too much in taxes from your knowledge and expertise, you NEED this, non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust. In this video, I explain how you can trade using this trust to eliminate all capital gains and eliminate any taxes on passive income for the trust. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust: Capital Gains Tax Savings Case Studies
March 3, 2023 • 10 MIN
If you've ever wanted to hear some case studies of how clients of this non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust have eliminated capital gains taxes completely, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I talk about Tim, who saved $1.7 million in capital gains taxes, Mike, who saved $80,000 in capital gains taxes, and James, who saved around $800,000 as well. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust: Statutory Law Trusts VS Contract Law Trusts
February 24, 2023 • 17 MIN
If you've ever wondered what the differences are between a statutory law trust and a contract law trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain what a trust is; what a statutory trust is; what a contract law trust is; what is IRS Code 643(b), how the IRS has vetted THIS non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust; and what attorneys and CPA's get wrong about contract law trusts, especially THIS one. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & Crypto Currency
February 18, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you have ever wanted to learn how this amazing Spendthrift Trust can help crypto currency investors legally reduce and even eliminate taxes in their investments, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I introduce this non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust, how it is 100% compliant with IRS Code 643(b), how this code allows this trust to eliminate any capital gains taxes and taxes on passive income, and how the spendthrift provision offers the BEST asset protection available. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust vs The Deferred Sales Trust
February 6, 2023 • 11 MIN
If you have ever wondered about how the spendthrift trust compares to a deferred sales trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers might not be what you are expecting. In this episode, I explain what a deferred sales trust is, what it does; I explain what the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust is, what it does, and I compare how each trust deals with capital gains taxes. At the end, I declare the winner. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & Trust Expenses
February 5, 2023 • 13 MIN
If you've ever wondered how trust expenses work with trust assets and beneficiaries expenses, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain how the trust works with IRC 643(b) to fund the trust with non-taxable passive income and capital gains taxes exemptions; how this money can pay trust expenses; what those expenses are and what the exceptions to the rules are. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & Medical Doctors - Major Legal Tax Reductions
February 4, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you've ever wondered how the spendthrift trust can help medical doctors generate massive legal tax reduction in their practices, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I walk you through, step-by-step, how to set up the trust infrastructure and the strategies that produce these savings. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & High Earning Realtors
January 31, 2023 • 10 MIN
If you are a high earning, rock star realtor, and you've wondered if you could save BIG on the taxes on your commissions, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this video, I show you how you can use a non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust, in concert with a business trust, to convert up to 95% of your commissions into passive income, which will be a non-taxable event for your trust. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust & High Earning W2 Employees
January 30, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you have ever wondered how a high earning W2 employee can save as much as 60% a year on their taxes, you've come to the right place, although the answer might not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I will walk you step-by-step, how you can reduce your taxes by as much as 60% by using a charitable trust, a 501c3 charity, and a beneficial (spendthrift) trust in concert. Not only will you be able to lower your taxes short-term, you can use a 85% of the donation to legally invest in long-term investments. Plus, by using your beneficial trust, you'll be able to keep 95% of the profit from the investments tax-free! Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust And IRS Code 643(b)
January 22, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered why the Spendthrift Trust is 100% compliant with IRS Code 643(b), you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I show you the actual tax code and how it relates to the trust's ability to not have to pay taxes on capital gains or passive income. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust's Five Pillars
January 21, 2023 • 12 MIN
If you've ever wondered what each of the five pillars of the spendthrift trust mean and how they work together to create amazing legal tax reduction and 100% asset protection, you've certainly come to the right place. In this episode, I do a dive into each pillar - non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift. Enjoy!
From MD To Entrepreneur With Prenay Parikh Podcast
January 16, 2023 • 28 MIN
I had the honor of being a guest on the podcast, "From MD To Entrepreneur" with Prenay Parikh. As the title suggests, it's targeted to MD's who also become entrepreneurs and investors. He wanted me to explain how these MDs could use this amazing Spendthrift Trust to help them keep more their profit and get 100% lawsuit proof asset protection. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust Saves Taxes For Sales/Commission Pros
January 14, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you have ever wondered how much money the spendthrift trust can save in taxes for commission sales pros, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. In this video, I explain what taxes sales pros are paying now, how pros who get paid into an LLC can save, and how sole proprietors can save on their taxes
The Spendthrift Trust & Trucking Owner/Operators
January 14, 2023 • 18 MIN
If you are an owner/operator of a trucking business, and you want to learn how you can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your taxes by using this amazing spendthrift trust, you've DEFINITELY come to the right place. This episode will show you EXACTLY how you can potentially save thousands on your taxes.
The Spendthrift Trust And A Self-Directed IRA
January 13, 2023 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered about how a Self-Directed IRA measures up to the Spendthrift Trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers are probably not what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain what a Self-Directed IRA is, what the Spendthrift Trust is, and who wins the competition. Hint - It's not the IRA!
The Spendthrift Trust & Capital Gains Tax Elimination
January 4, 2023 • 9 MIN
If you've ever wondered how the Spendthrift Trust completely eliminates capital gains taxes, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. In this episode, I do a deep dive into the trust and how its compliance with IRS Code 643 and other applicable codes eliminates any tax on the sale or exchange of capital gains. In other words, it's not a taxable event for the trust. I compare how this strategy is MUCH better than paying the taxes, or doing a 1031 exchange. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust: Unbeatable Asset Protection
December 28, 2022 • 10 MIN
If you've ever wanted to know exactly what kind of asset protection you get when you invest in a Spendthrift Trust, you've definitely come to the right place. In this episode, I go over everything that has to do with the asset protection you get - what it protects you from; why you get it, and why you should get a trust, unless you are in complete and utter denial.
The Spendthrift Trust & the Demand Note
December 28, 2022 • 15 MIN
If you've ever wondered about how you can get money from your spendthrift trust tax-free for your living expenses without taking a distribution, you've come to the right place. In this video, I explain what a demand note, is, how you sell your assets to the trust; how to establish a value on the sale of each asset, how to avoid triggering a capital gains tax event, and how to use the demand note to pay for '"food, fashion, & fun!"
The Spendthrift Trust & The IRS Trust Private Finding Letter
December 25, 2022 • 16 MIN
If you have ever wondered if the IRS had ever ruled on the legality of the Spendthrift Trust and its tax strategies, you've come to the right place, although the answers are probably not what you're expecting. In this video, I explain what an IRS Private Finding Letter is, what IRS 643 is all about, and how this IRS Private Finding Letter proves that the trust's tax strategies are legal.
The Spendthrift Trust's Tax Strategies
December 25, 2022 • 18 MIN
If you've ever wondered what the amazing tax strategies that come with the Spendthrift Trust, you've come to the right place, although I'm pretty sure the answers are not what you are expecting. In this episode, I'm going to talk about how the trust is completely compliant with IRS Code 643; why the passive income is not a taxable event for the trust; why capital gains taxes are a non-taxable event for the trust; how the extraordinary dividend excludes pass income for the trust as taxable income, and how you can use the trust in conjunction with an LLC to produce massive legal tax savings for the LLC. Enjoy!
My Appearance On The Becoming Undeniable Podcast
December 23, 2022 • 65 MIN
Here is the recording of my appearance on the Becoming Undeniable With Brian Austin. This is an extremely in-depth, deep dive into the Spendthrift Trust and how all the amazing tax strategies are all 100% legal. You will definitely find value in listening to it. Enjoy!
Is The Spendthrift Trust An Illegal "Pure" Trust?
December 18, 2022 • 19 MIN
If you've ever wondered if the Spendthrift Trust is an illegal "pure" trust, you've certainly come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain what a "pure" trust is, why the Spendthrift Trust is NO illegal, and I quote from an IRS Trust Private Finding Letter, which confirms the trust's legality and the tax reduction strategies that it produces.
How To Sell Your Assets To The Spendthrift Trust
December 17, 2022 • 12 MIN
If you're ever wondered, how to sell your personal and business assets to the trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain how to compile a list of your personal and business assets, including your intangible assets; how to create the Bill of Sale and the Demand Note; and how to handle assets that have financing on them. Enjoy!
Derrick Vickers - Mobile Home Park Investor Boss!
December 16, 2022 • 33 MIN
My guest today is Derrick Vickers. Derrick achieved amazing success in a very short time in the Mobile Home Park niche. He talks about how he began as an insurance agent and how the 10 years helped him develop the skills he needed to be able to succeed as a real estate investor, buying, rehabbing, and holding mobile home parks. He gives some great insight for newbie investors at the end as well. Enjoy! You can reach Derek at the following platforms: IG: @derekvickers885 TikTok: @derekvickers885 FB: Derek Vickers
My Guest Appearance On Jamil Damji's YouTube Live
December 15, 2022 • 55 MIN
Jamil Damji is an internationally renowned real estate investing/wholesaling expert with 18 years' experience. He is the Co-founder of KeyGlee, the #1 wholesale company in the world with over 75 franchises. He routinely closes 60-80 real estate transactions a month and has completed 5,000+ transactions. He invited me on his YouTube Live so I could tell him about this amazing trust and the incredible tax savings you can get from it. Enjoy!
The Trust & The Assignment Of Income Doctrine
December 14, 2022 • 11 MIN
Sometimes, I hear misinformed "so-called" experts say that the legal tax reduction strategies used by clients of this amazing trust is a violation of the Assignment Of Income Doctrine. In this episode, I explain what the Assignment of Income Doctrine is, why the trust is not in violation with passive income and why the trust is not in violation with active income. Enjoy and be educated!
My Presentation To The Fishkill Real Estate Investing Group Meeting
December 14, 2022 • 35 MIN
I had the honor of being invited to speak at the Fishkill NY Real Estate Investors Group. As you hear, I spoke about this amazing trust and how it is a godsend for real estate investors. Enjoy!
Robert Peterson - Christian Principles To Help Entrepreneurs Find Joy
December 13, 2022 • 33 MIN
I had a very interesting interview with Robert Peterson. He transitioned from his Christian ministry to becoming a coach for entrepreneurs and business owners. His message really resonated with me. We entrepreneurs are often riddled with worry and anxiety about our challenges, the future, etc. etc. We get so stressed that we lose our way and can't find any joy in our lives. Robert helps us rediscover that joy and keep our focus solely on what we can control. It's a simple, yet powerful message. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust - How The Beneficiaries Benefit
December 10, 2022 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered what benefits the beneficiaries get from the non-grantor, irrevocable; complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain the roles of the trustee and the beneficiaries, why there are no disbursements made to the beneficiaries, and what are some of the amazing benefits the beneficiaries get from the trust as trust expenses. Enjoy!
My Interview With Sheri Richardson - Business Coach Who Helps Her Clients Scale!
December 9, 2022 • 43 MIN
My interview with Sheri Richardson was one of the most enjoyable in my podcast hosting career. How can you not be impressed with someone who started her entrepreneurial career in 2nd grade as the candy hookup person for her school? I like that she already knew about the value of 100% markup! We talked about her entrepreneurial journey and what she's doing now - helping business owners scale their business. I even stole a great idea from our interview. Enjoy!
Tabatha Forgue - Multifamily Investor Extraordinaire
December 8, 2022 • 42 MIN
I was so excited to have Tabatha Forgue on my podcast today. She was a stay at home mom, who decided one day to "flip a house." Just like that! She just decided to do it. After getting her feet wet with flipping single family homes, she took the plunge into multi-family investing. Now, she's buying apartment buildings all over the country. Oh, and she also runs a very successful REIA in New Jersey with over 5,000 members. Whew. I got tired just writing this. Enjoy!
Michelle Gordon - The Healthy Happy Nurse Interview
December 7, 2022 • 31 MIN
I had an amazing podcast interview from Michelle Gordon, from Down Under. Her entrepreneurial journey is fascinating. She and her husband founded their business in 2015, while she continued to work as a registered nurse. While the business grew, she began to go through horrible burnout. She was able to learn how to recover from her burn out and started a coaching business. Her coaching services are for men and women to help them become free from burnout and feeling overwhelmed to create a life where they feel energized and alive - a life aligned with their goals, dreams, and desires. You can reach her at Her website is www. You can find her on Instagram here - @michellegordon_coach You can find her on Facebook here - The Happy Healthy Nurse
How To Set Up A Spendthrift Trust
December 4, 2022 • 16 MIN
I've been asked more times than I can remember to record a podcast detailing how you can set up a Spendthrift Trust. You wish is my command! In this episode, I talk about the application process, how a Settlor opens the trust and names you the trustee, and how to sell your assets to the trust. Enjoy!
My Interview On Global Citizens Life Podcast With Sally Pederson
December 2, 2022 • 31 MIN
I had a wonderful time chatting with Sally Pederson on her Global Citizens Life podcast. I've been traveling over to Europe and living the expat lifestyle since I was 21 years old. It was great to be able to talk about my experiences and, more importantly, show Americans how they can use this amazing trust and its tax strategies to help expats save so much money on their taxes, even if they are overseas. Enjoy!
Dann Williams - Owner's Pride
December 1, 2022 • 35 MIN
I had a great time talking with Dann Williams with Owner's Pride. Dann and I are not only bonded by the fact that we both have unusually spelled first names, but by our mutual love of entrepreneurship. In Dann's case, he became an auto detailer. He took this humble beginning and created his empire! If you're not inspired by his story, I don't even want to know you! Enjoy!
Vienna Hayden - Real Estate Investor & Digital Marketing Genius
December 1, 2022 • 45 MIN
Today I had the pleasure, and I do mean pleasure, of interviewing Vienna Hayden. She is an experienced real estate investor, who was forced, by circumstances, to pivot to offering her digital marketing expertise to generate revenue. Her pivot became an ultra-successful business. You'll love to hear her story and the lessons she's learned. Enjoy!
My Presentation to the Multi-Family Tampa Facebook Group
November 30, 2022 • 54 MIN
Samantha T Jones from the Tampa Commercial/Multifamily Real Estate Investors Group graciously invited me to do a live presentation about this amazing trust and the incredible tax reduction strategies it provides. It's a real estate investing audience, so the content was directed at them. I talked about the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust and how it helps them legally avoid all capital gains taxes and reduce their taxes on ordinary income by as much as 97%. Oh, and they get 100% judgment-proof asset protection as a bonus!
Anastasia Anselm - Caribbean Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
November 29, 2022 • 48 MIN
I'm so happy to have had the chance to interview Anastasia Anselm. She is a serial entrepreneur from Trinidad & Tobago. She left a great job managing a resort to starting her own business, which has grown to 5 businesses. She's now expanding her business empire into the United States. Her journey is fascinating. All entrepreneurs or those who want to become an entrepreneur should definitely listing to this podcast.
My Guest Interview On The S Factor Podcast
November 25, 2022 • 19 MIN
I had a great interview today on the S Factor podcast. This podcast is dedicated to small business owners, who are looking for guidance to help their businesses be more profitable. I shared my experiences and stressed that health insurance costs and taxes are the two biggest leaks in a business owner's "profit bucket." It's not your revenue but your profit that matters. Plugging these two leaks go a long way towards increasing your profitability.
John Papaloni - Papaloni Media & Papaloni Capital
November 23, 2022 • 46 MIN
I was honored to interview John Papaloni on my podcast today. John is a real estate agent and consultant in Toronto Canada. He is CEO of Papaloni Medica and Papaloni Capital. He helps aspiring entrepreneurs and real estate agents build systems and platforms to get them to the next level. We spoke at length about his business and how his business is going in Canada, specifically the greater Toronto area. I was fascinated to discuss the differences between how Canada was affected by the Great Recession in 2008 and how we fared in the US, especially in real estate. We also discussed what's happening how in the market and where we think things are going. If you're in the real estate business, you should listen to this and follow our advice! You can find John at: Instagram: Linkedin: Website:
My Guest Interview On The Music Marvel Radio Show!
November 23, 2022 • 21 MIN
I was honored to be a guest on the Music Marvels radio show. I was able to reach people in the music and recording industry in order to educate them on the amazing tax reduction strategies available for people who invest in this incredible trust.
My Guest Appearance On United States Real Estate Investor Podcast W/Antonio Holmes
November 22, 2022 • 54 MIN
Antonio Holmes graciously invite me on his podcast, United States Real Estate Investor, today. We did a deep dive into how this amazing Ironclad Spendthrift trust helps real estate investors legally permanently defer their taxes. It helps buy & hold investors, as well as wholesalers and fix & flippers.
My Guest Appearance With Curtis Jackson On His "Living The Dream" Podcast
November 21, 2022 • 27 MIN
I was recently interviewed on the "Living The Dream" Podcast with Curtis Jackson. I really enjoyed it and I hope you will too!
The Spendthrift Trust VS The Delaware Statutory Trust
November 20, 2022 • 10 MIN
If you've ever wondered what a Delaware Statutory Trust is, and how it compares to our "Ironclad" Spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I explain what a Delaware statutory trust is, what the advantages are, what the disadvantages are, and why the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust is so superior.
My. Guest Appearance On Glen Gaspar's podcast, "Real Life Real Estate Investing"
November 16, 2022 • 60 MIN
I had a great interview with Glen Gaspar today on his podcast. I spent about 20 minutes talking about my short sale business and the rest about this amazing trust. He admitted at the end that his mind was completely blown away by the content. I hope you feel the same way! Enjoy
My Guest Interview On "Win With Uncle Joe" Podcast
November 14, 2022 • 24 MIN
Joe Pringle, host of "Win With Uncle Joe Podcast," invited me to be his guest on this great podcast. Joe has decades of experience in short sales and wanted me to tell him and his viewers more about this amazing Ironclad Spendthrift Trust and how it can help people legally reduce their taxes by as much as 97% while getting 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection.
How The Trust Reduces Taxes On Passive & Active, Ordinary Income
November 13, 2022 • 18 MIN
If you've ever wondered about how the "Ironclad" Spendthrift trust can reduce taxes on passive & active, ordinary income by as much as 97% or more, you've come to the right place. In this episode, I explain what types of income streams are considered passive income, what incomes are active, ordinary income, and how the trust can legally reduce the taxes on them by as much as 97% or more!
The Spendthrift Trust: How It Works
November 5, 2022 • 12 MIN
If you've ever asked yourself how the Spendthrift Trust works, you've come to the right place, although I'm sure the answer you get is not what you're expecting. In this video, I discuss how the trust is non-grantor and irrevocable, why the discretionary powers are so important, and why you need the Spendthrift is crucial for 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection.
The Spendthrift Trust & Addicts
November 4, 2022 • 10 MIN
If you've ever wondered about spendthrift trusts and how they can be protected from misuse my addicts, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this video, I'll talk about the role of the trustee and its rights. I'll talk about the role of the beneficiary and its rights. Finally, I will talk about the discretionary power of the trustee and how the trust is protected from an addict.
The Spendthrift Trust Defers Capital Gains Taxes
October 26, 2022 • 14 MIN
If you ever asked yourself whether a spendthrift trust can defer capital gains taxes, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you expected. In this episode, I talk about why the spendthrift trust is irrevocable and why that is so important; I talk about how the trust is 100% in compliance with IRS Code 643, and why 1031 exchanges are now obsolete.
My Presentation To CamaPlan Clients 10/19/2022
October 24, 2022 • 47 MIN
I'm very grateful to the folks at Camaplan, who invited me on their webinar to discuss the amazing asset protection and massive tax reduction strategies that can be implemented using the non-grantor, irrevocable, complex, discretionary, spendthrift trust. Enjoy!
The Spendthrift Trust: Pros & Cons
October 23, 2022 • 0 MIN
If you've ever wondered what the Pros and Cons of a Spendthrift Trust is, you've come to the right place, although I doubt you'll hear the answer you're expecting. In this episode, I talk mostly about what the "Pros" are, like 100% lawsuit-proof asset protection, no capital gains taxes, & how it can convert ordinary income into permanently tax-deferred income for the trust. Finally, I reveal the "Con" that's worth waiting until the end of the episode to hear. Enjoy!
Estate Tax Horror Stories
October 20, 2022 • 12 MIN
In this episode, I share a couple of tragic, horrifying stories of two families who lost generations of wealth due to the estate tax and lack of planning ahead. The first story is about a family in Texas that owned a ranch for 5 generations, only to lose it. The second story focuses on a community activist in New Orleans, who rebuilt her apartment building for section 8 houses, only to lose it all when she passed away. Finally, I reveal how the "Ironclad" spendthrift trust could have saved these families all this anguish by protecting their assets 100% from the pernicious tax.
Benefits Of The "Ironclad" Spendthrift Trust
October 18, 2022 • 13 MIN
If you have ever wondered what the benefits of the "Ironclad" spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I talk about why asset protection is SO crucial to protecting you from the government and lawsuits. I talk about how the trust gets you amazing, legal tax reduction, and that it can write off almost all of your personal expenses. Enjoy!
Do I Need Asset Protection?
October 15, 2022 • 11 MIN
If you've ever wondered if you need asset protection, you've definitely come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting. In this episode, I'm going to tell you three tales of woe; about a doctor, a convenience store owner, and an apartment building owner, who DIDN'T have the asset protection a spendthrift trust would have given and ended up paying MILLIONS(!).
Spendthrift Trust - Constitutional Law VS Legislative Law
October 8, 2022 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered about the difference between Constitutional Contract Law and Legislative Law, and why the Spendthrift Trust is so powerful, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you are expecting. In this episode, I explain what Constitutional Contract Law is and the Supreme Court rulings that makes it settled law; what is Legislative Law and the types of entities that fall under its jurisdiction; and why our Spendthrift Trust, based on Constitutional Contract Law is so powerful. Enjoy!
Spendthrift Trust VS LLC
October 2, 2022 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered about a spendthrift trust vs an LLC, you've certainly come to right place, although I'm 100% sure that the answers I'm about to give you are not what you're expecting. In this episode, I talk about how the Spendthrift Trust has amazing asset protection, while the LLC has only weak protection; how the trust and an LLC can work together to create amazing, legal tax reduction; and how IRS code 643 and the extraordinary dividend defers taxes in perpetuity for the trust. Enjoy!
Three Reasons Why The Beneficial Trust Is So Awesome!
September 25, 2022 • 11 MIN
If you've ever wondered if you could run a business without have to register with the state or pay annual fees, or if you've searched for an asset protection strategy so powerful, it can stop eminent domain in its tracks, or wanted to find a legal tax strategy that can reduce your taxes by up to 97% or more, you've come to the right place. In this episode, I talk about how this beneficial trust is based on contract law, why the spendthrift provision offers the BEST asset protection around, and the strategy that legally reduces your taxes to almost ZERO!
Prenup Agreement VS The Trust
August 26, 2022 • 10 MIN
Nothing is more of a buzz kill to a potential spouse's undying love for you than to put a prenup agreement in front of them to make sure they keep their grubby little hands off of your assets and money! In this podcast episode, I analyze the problems that come up with a prenup agreement and why the trust is much better. Enjoy!
Podcast Interview With Brian Davis
August 23, 2022 • 31 MIN
I was interviewed today (8-23-22) on Brian Davis' real estate investing podcast. We spoke about how I became a real estate investor, how I built my short sale business, and how the trust's asset protection and tax reduction strategies are such a value to people who want to protect their assets and reduce their taxes to almost zero.
Presentation To REI Group - August 22, 2022
August 23, 2022 • 62 MIN
I was invited to address this amazing real estate investing group by Mary-Ann Skweres. I gave a one hour presentation to the group. This podcast episode goes over how this trust and its asset protection, tax reduction, and inheritance strategies can provide immense value, not only to real estate investors, but anybody who is not a W2 employee.
Opportunity Zones VS The Spendthrift Trust
August 21, 2022 • 15 MIN
If you've ever wondered how the tax breaks for an opportunity zone compare with a spendthrift trust, you've come to the right place, although the answers may not be what you're expecting! In this podcast episode, I explain what an opportunity zone is, what a spendthrift trust is, and why a spendthrift trust has much better tax breaks.
The Spendthrift Trust And Contract Law
August 14, 2022 • 14 MIN
The Spendthrift Trust IS a contract, so it's based on contract law. This episode does a deep dive into the connection between the spendthrift trust and contract law. It describes what a spendthrift trust is, how it's guaranteed by the Constitution, and 2 Supreme Court rulings which settled its status as not being subject to the rules and regulations of the legislature. Enjoy!
Move To Puerto Rico Or Get A Trust Here?
August 7, 2022 • 14 MIN
If you've ever wondered if it's worth moving to Puerto Rico To reduce your taxes, you've come to the right place, although the answer may not be what you're expecting. In this podcast episode, I explain what the Puerto Rico strategy is, and 4 reasons why it's not a good strategy for most Americans. I also explain why the trust is the BEST strategy out there.
Write Off Mentality VS Trust Expense Mentality
July 31, 2022 • 11 MIN
If you want to learn why you should free yourself from "write-off" mentality and switch to "trust expense" mentality, you've come to the right place, although the answer may not be what you're expecting. In this podcast, you'll learn how much more the trust can pay for as a trust expense, rather than the very limited amount of write-offs you can take with a regular, old-school company.
How The Trust Saved These Celebrities' Butts!
July 24, 2022 • 11 MIN
In today's episode, I talk about how this trust saved millions of dollars for Ted Kennedy, Nelson Rockefeller, & Ed Borsage. It's pretty powerful and YOU can use the same strategies.
Five Pillars Of The Trust
July 17, 2022 • 8 MIN
These five pillars of the trust are the key to the massive tax reductions and 100% asset protection
Key Advantages Of A Spendthrift Trust
July 17, 2022 • 8 MIN
In this episode, I talk about the myriad of advantages you get by having a Spendthrift trust. If you're like me, you'll start financially salivating when you hear more about it!
Webinar For Commercial Realtors
June 5, 2022 • 12 MIN
Commercial realtors have no idea that they are sitting on a gold mine! Whenever their clients sell, they are liable for capital gains taxes, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. This strategy helps bring true value to their clients by showing them how all of those taxes can be deferred in perpetuity!
Webinar For Business Owners
June 4, 2022 • 15 MIN
I'm glad to give you the audio of the webinar I finished recently directed towards business owners. The two biggest pain points for business owners are taxes & the threat of bogus, frivolous lawsuits. This webinar goes to the core of these fears and describes the 2 secrets, which solve all of these problems.
Webinar For Business Brokers
June 4, 2022 • 11 MIN
There is a PERFECT synergy between business brokers and my Infinite Wealth Strategies. Business brokers represent business owners who are selling their businesses. A sale of a business leads to potentially, hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital gains tax. My strategy allows business owners to defer their capital gains taxes in perpetuity.
My Guest Spot On Rufus Thibodeaux Jr's Podcast
May 30, 2022 • 22 MIN
I was honored to be on Rufus Thibodeaux Jr's podcast today. Rufus made his bones by helping real estate agents succeed. Now, he's bringing his magic to real estate investors. He heard about my infinite wealth strategies for real estate investors and decided to invite me on his podcast to discuss it.
Sane Asset Protection And Tax Strategies For Buy & Hold Investors
May 25, 2022 • 5 MIN
Buy & Hold investors use unnecessary, and often insane, strategies to protect their assets and lower their tax liability. There IS a better way. If you are a buy and hold investor, you DEFINITELY want to learn these strategies. This episode will show you the way.
I Don't Pay Capital Gains Taxes
May 25, 2022 • 8 MIN
I don't pay capital gains taxes. I'm a real estate investor. I've bought and sold over 2,500 properties in my career. If you sell investment properties, businesses.....anything that triggers a tax on capital gains, you're going to pay quite the tidy sum to Uncle Sam....unless you know the proper strategy that can defer them in perpetuity! In this episode, I explain how you can avoid all capital gains!
Become Your Own Banker!
May 25, 2022 • 16 MIN
Each of us pay tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest to banks and other financial institutions. Wouldn't you rather pay all of that interest to yourself. How? By becoming the bank yourself! In this podcast episode, I show you how you can set up your own bank and fund all of your purchases and investments.
How To 100% Protect Your Assets
May 25, 2022 • 4 MIN
We live in a very litigious society. People are ready to sue at the drop of a hat. Scammers are just waiting to do a bogus slip & sue against you at your properties. You need a 100%, foolproof way to protect yourself and your assets. Remember, whatever you own CAN be taken away from you. In this episode, I explain how you can protect yourself and your business.
Business Brokers! Gain An Unfair Competitive Advantage Over Your Competition By Using This Simple Strategy!
May 25, 2022 • 4 MIN
This one simple strategy will give you an insane competitive advantage over your competition. Imagine how much easier it will be to convince business owners to list their business with you when you can show them how they can legally defer the capital gains taxes from the sale of their business in perpetuity! This podcast episode will explain exactly how to do this.
Title Company Owners - How To Reduce Your Tax Liability By As Much As 85%!
May 25, 2022 • 7 MIN
Title company owners simply do not understand how to legally avoid most of their tax liability. As a result, they pay WAY too much in taxes. This episode explain EXACTLY how they can reduce their tax liability by as much as 85%!
1031 Exchanges - Why They Are Unnecessary
May 25, 2022 • 8 MIN
Most real estate investors use 1031 exchanges to defer capital gains taxes. 1031 exchanges are cumbersome and COMPLETELY unnecessary. In this podcast episode, I explain a better strategy to defer all capital gains taxes IN PERPETUITY!!!
Medical Professionals - Reduce Your Malpractice Liability Insurance AND Your Taxes
May 25, 2022 • 8 MIN
Private medical practices have to carry a TON of malpractice insurance. They are prime targets for lawsuits. Also, they are paying WAY too much in taxes. This episode will explain how they can significantly lower the amount of malpractice insurance they have to carry AND how to reduce their tax liability by as much as 85%!!
How To Reduce Your Tax Liability By Up To 85%
May 25, 2022 • 5 MIN
Want to save tens of thousands of dollars on your taxes yearly? Does saving up to 85% on your taxes appeal to you? If so, this episode will be an eye opener for you. By the way, this is the way oligarchs like the Rockefellers have been protecting their assets and paying next too nothing on their taxes for decades.