Diary of a Bald Man
The Thinning Grey Line
December 11, 2022
The Thinning Grey Line looks at the climbing number of Gen X alums who are no longer with us. What, outside of the dramatic increase of diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, alcoholism, and opioids are causing this rocketing issue? In the age of Social Media and instant information, with AI surging, who will be left behind to prevent the adults of tomorrow from being led into mental slaughter? This generation obsessed with getting likes, shares, and accolades is doomed to fall at the whims and clicks of others. Read more: Diary of a Bald Man https://diaryofabaldman.com “Stop checking your likes,” and more by Susie Moore https://www.amazon.com/Susie-Moore/e/B075272WG5/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1 Thanks to Techsmith/ Camtasia for the amazing music and sound bytes: https://library.techsmith.com/ Thanks to the fantastic audio magic from Keith Kramer: https://www.fiverr.com/yourimagingguy The ability to record and produce this podcast is due to the tremendous talent behind Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/