Communities That Convert Podcast
How to Build a Converting Community on YouTube with Sunny Lenarduzzi – Ep 36
April 25, 2018
Today we have Sunny Lenarduzzi here to share her insights on how to build a converting community using YouTube. This is the final interview in our 6-part series about how to build a converting community online. Sunny is an award-winning video, social...

Today we have Sunny Lenarduzzi here to share her insights on how to build a converting community using YouTube. This is the final interview in our 6-part series about how to build a converting community online.

Sunny is an award-winning video, social media, and online business strategist. She’s worked with hundreds of clients across multiple industries – helping Hootsuite develop a YouTube series that increased subscriptions by 75% and Applebee’s hit 1 billion impressions in 1 day. Sunny was named one of 20 Must Watch YouTube Channels That Will Change Your Business by Forbes and she’s been featured on national radio, television and online platforms like and The Huffington Post.

Question: Why do you like YouTube as a marketing tool?

Answer: I ran a consultancy for years and was doing just Twitter and Facebook at the time and built successful campaigns. I had so many clients that I was feeling burned out and incapable of answering everyone’s questions.

At the time Periscope was the rage and my clients wanted to know how to integrate it into their strategy. I filmed a video to teach them what they needed to do, sent it to my clients and I woke up the next day to a couple thousand views of my video, hundreds of inquiries from across the world and inquiries in my email from people referencing my video on YouTube and wanting to work with me. It was a lightbulb moment and I started doing the videos each week based on my client’s questions about social media.

The next thing I knew, I had 50K subscribers in 12 months and I had reached over 3M people with my videos. YouTube changed my life and changed my business. In that one year I went from a tiny $50K consultancy business to a place where I hired a team of 10 people, we’ve launched a course and we continue to do high-level consulting. YouTube allowed me to reach the people on a mass scale and share my knowledge on a mass scale.

Question: How do you get people to follow you on YouTube and how do you build a community there?

Answer: I always lead with education. I focus on the entrepreneur to help them build online businesses and market their businesses easier. The theme of the channel is to “be your own boss and build your own life” and I focus on a few factors each week to get found and build my subscriber base.

First and foremost is to answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s), which is how he whole channel started. I also focus on trending topics and hot content, books or materials that I can leverage to build traffic.

Going back to Periscope, I was the first person to make a video about it when it was trending which made the video popular. I also look to what my community is asking on a regular basis and what they’re talking about on other platforms to incorporate into my intel. Finally,  I focus on keywords and crafting titles in a way that people are searching for them.

Question: How do you get people to take action and convert to a customer from YouTube?

Answer: I have created a foolproof formula for entrepreneurs using YouTube to leverage their traffic and viewers and turn them into customers. You tell people what to do with a specific call to action that tells them where to go next and where to find you so you can nurture those leads to conversion.

Question: How are you using the various features of YouTube?

Answer: When new features come out, I test them and try to think of unique and creative ways to use them. Because I don’t own YouTube, I don’t monetize my channel, but I leverage YouTube to build an email list that I do own and drive people to my products and services.

Be sure to join our Facebook group for more insider tips. Sunny has recorded a few tips just for our online community. Head over to the page to request access. The secret password is ACTION.

How to reach Sunny:

Tools, apps and links mentioned:

Take Action

There are two key factors to succeeding on YouTube and every entrepreneur should be leveraging them. First, create a list of FAQ’s from your community, customers or clients and use those to create video topics. Grab Sunny’s Boss YouTube Checklist to get your YouTube Channel setup for success.

How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.

Join Our Community

We have a new community on Facebook. We will extend the conversation from each episode and deliver bonus content. Sign up for our email list at to get an invitation to join or go here to our Facebook: (shhh. The codeword is ACTION)!