Online Marketing Podcast
Nugget: Be Adaptable & Lean in to New Opportunities
January 2, 2023
Traditional sales funnels are dead! Oh my goodness, pretty controversial right? Yes, but stick with me. I want you to really think about this, when it comes to marketing and sales, it’s a process right? Over the years, through the centuries of doing marketing and sales, there have been different tactics, methods and processes to get people through to that point of purchase. In the past we had posters, television, magazines, and newspapers. These were the things that guided our buying decisions. What happens these days? We have blogs and podcasts and YouTube and Facebook lives. So, while the strategy is the same, the tactics are always going to shift and change. When it comes to funnels, it's not really a new concept either. What is new is that the people coming into the space, they've gotten spoiled with how easy things have been over the last several years: all the targeting and retargeting, the extra information that we're able to gather about people, and what happened was we as marketers, we got used to how easy it was. With the IOS changes and privacy issues shifting all over the place, we need to be adaptable and lean in to the new and different opportunities that are being provided to us, because different doesn’t mean bad!
Traditional sales funnels are dead!

Oh my goodness, pretty controversial right? Yes, but stick with me.

I want you to really think about this, when it comes to marketing and sales, it’s a process right?

Over the years, through the centuries of doing marketing and sales, there have been different tactics, methods and processes to get people through to that point of purchase.

In the past we had posters, television, magazines, and newspapers. These were the things that guided our buying decisions.

What happens these days?

We have blogs and podcasts and YouTube and Facebook lives. So, while the strategy is the same, the tactics are always going to shift and change.

When it comes to funnels, it's not really a new concept either.

What is new is that the people coming into the space, they've gotten spoiled with how easy things have been over the last several years: all the targeting and retargeting, the extra information that we're able to gather about people, and what happened was we as marketers, we got used to how easy it was.

With the IOS changes and privacy issues shifting all over the place, we need to be adaptable and lean in to the new and different opportunities that are being provided to us, because different doesn’t mean bad!


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