Online Marketing Podcast
Nugget: Memberships Don't Have to Be Complicated
March 21, 2023
Memberships do not have to be complicated. Seriously! They can be very streamlined, very simple. It all comes down to the promise that you're making. Now, if you have a coaching program, what better thing to put on the back because you know, there's only so many people that are going to keep renewing for another thing, coaching element. But if you had a maintenance program, if you had a back-end membership that gave the opportunity for people to stay connected with you even after that experience, same thing with the course, the natural tension that people have. it's all about the long game. It's having a lifetime value of a client having something where you truly can help people make the transformation that you want for them. Nobody loses, it's a win-win-win all the way around. And the interesting thing is because we're intentional, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. It does not have to be complicated. Memberships can be simple.
Memberships do not have to be complicated. Seriously!

They can be very streamlined, very simple. It all comes down to the promise that you're making.

Now, if you have a coaching program, what better thing to put on the back because you know, there's only so many people that are going to keep renewing for another thing, coaching element.

But if you had a maintenance program, if you had a back-end membership that gave the opportunity for people to stay connected with you even after that experience, same thing with the course, the natural tension that people have.

it's all about the long game.

It's having a lifetime value of a client having something where you truly can help people make the transformation that you want for them.

Nobody loses, its a win-win-win all the way around.

And the interesting thing is because we're intentional, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. It does not have to be complicated. Memberships can be simple.


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