The Art Of Successful B2B Podcasting with Tom Hunt (If You Market Podcast)
Confessions of a B2B Entrepreneur
The Art Of Successful B2B Podcasting with Tom Hunt (If You Market Podcast)
March 30, 2023
In this episode of Confessions of a B2B Marketer, Tom reveals his insights on B2B podcasting and the key factors that contribute to a podcast's success. The discussion revolves around the meaning of success in podcasting and how it goes beyond monetary return on investment. Tom sheds light on various aspects such as guest selection, budgeting, consistency, gaining listenership, production, editing, logistics, and automation that are crucial for running a successful B2B podcast.
In this episode of Confessions of a B2B Marketer, Tom reveals his insights on B2B podcasting and the key factors that contribute to a podcast's success. The discussion revolves around the meaning of success in podcasting and how it goes beyond monetary return on investment. Tom sheds light on various aspects such as guest selection, budgeting, consistency, gaining listenership, production, editing, logistics, and automation that are crucial for running a successful B2B podcast.

B2B podcast success hinges on strategic positioning, guest selection, and consistency, with ROI as the primary metric and enjoyment as a secondary measure.

Successful B2B podcasting requires a niche focus, strategic guest selection, and consistent content production. While ROI is the primary success metric, learning and enjoyment are valuable secondary benefits. A minimal budget can suffice, but the host's time is often the most significant investment. Content should address audience pain points, identified through surveys. Promotion strategies include leveraging existing networks, collaborating with guests, and utilizing platforms like LinkedIn. To maximize ROI, incorporate calls-to-action and track listener sources. Ensure good audio quality, prepare thoroughly for each episode, and maintain a regular publishing schedule. With persistence and strategic execution, a B2B podcast can become a valuable asset for brand building and lead generation.

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