The Embodied Thriving self Lessons + Musings.
Unlock Lasting Change; Transform Your Life and Business by Tending to Your Soul's Garden
September 7, 2022
Does this sound familiar? You've been diligently following the advice to take massive action, pushing through challenges and setbacks, yet you still find yourself stuck in the same old patterns. The pain of putting in the effort and not seeing the desired results can be disheartening. But what if I told you that there's a different approach, one that focuses on creating fertile ground for lasting change? It's time to break free from ineffective actions that only lead to burnout and frustration and discover the key to unlocking your full potential. When we are our true, most aligned self and give from our overflow, we allow everyone else to do the same. And that's when true magic happens. - Corin Hinderegger
Does this sound familiar? You've been diligently following the advice to take massive action, pushing through challenges and setbacks, yet you still find yourself stuck in the same old patterns. The pain of putting in the effort and not seeing the desired results can be disheartening. But what if I told you that there's a different approach, one that focuses on creating fertile ground for lasting change? It's time to break free from ineffective actions that only lead to burnout and frustration and discover the key to unlocking your full potential.

When we are our true, most aligned self and give from our overflow, we allow everyone else to do the same. And that's when true magic happens. - Corin Hinderegger

Cultivating Lasting Change
Lasting change, both personal and professional, arises from the cultivation of fertile ground. The analogy of a garden requires consistent care; similarly, meaningful transformation necessitates time, patience, and conscious effort. By examining and reshaping old habits, coping strategies, and desires, one paves the way toward sustainable growth and positive outcomes.

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Everything Corin shares on this podcast are her truth, lessons, and musings and does not replace professional support.

What she shares may resonate deeply with you, and it may not. Whichever it is for you is completely okay.

I invite you to listen to your truth, take what you need from each episode, and leave the rest.

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