Website tips with Phillip Stemann
I’m Phillip Stemann, and I have been in the web industry for more than 10 years. I’m sharing my experience with you in a language for everyone to understand. I will give you tips and tricks, you can execute on immediately after listening to the episode. This will make your website skyrocket. Catch you up on the next episode.
Local SEO: Here are the 8 ranking factors you should focus on
June 2, 2021 • 4 MIN
Ranking locally is not entirely different from ranking in the global results, however, there are factors you need to focus more on. I reveal a factor counting 25% of your entire ranking profile. You should work on this right away!
Local SEO: Discover your opportunities with a Keyword Research
May 26, 2021 • 5 MIN
Doing a keyword research will make sure you have content for the next many months without hesitation. It furthermore helps you focus on the right keywords, for you to spend your time well.
Local SEO: How to dominate Google Maps
May 19, 2021 • 4 MIN
This is the second episode in our mini series of local SEO where I dive into how you dominate the map.
Local SEO: The basics
May 12, 2021 • 5 MIN
In this first episode in my mini series focusing on Local SEO I scratch the surface and share some data and benefits by focusing on Local SEO.
Reveal your SEO keywords in Google Analytics
May 5, 2021 • 5 MIN
Google Analytics removed organic keywords for some years ago, but now there is a way to reveal them again. Where you can see the entire session, position in the search results and so much more.
How to improve the traffic to your blog posts
April 28, 2021 • 5 MIN
We are now at the last step in our mini series. We have nove created and published a blog post, and in this episode I help you set up internal link building and backlinks.
The right way of tracking your blog posts
April 21, 2021 • 6 MIN
Tracking you blog posts is essential to define whether your content is relevant or not. It's as simple as saying if your blog post ranks high with traffic, you have done a good job, if not, you might need to look it over once more.
The recipe for writing a ranking blog post
April 14, 2021 • 5 MIN
We're now in the 3rd step of our mini series. Today I'll share with you how you should write your blog post in order for it to rank on Google.
How to do your content research
April 7, 2021 • 5 MIN
When creating a piece of content, the research is key for you to create a relevant piece of content. In this episode we dive into how you do it using tools which can really help you out.
How to create a keyword research
March 31, 2021 • 5 MIN
A keyword research is the fundamental for your SEO success. It helps you plan content months in advance and keep you focused. I share the steps you need to go through in order to end out with a perfect keyword research.
My 11 steps for creating ranking blog posts
March 24, 2021 • 7 MIN
Ranking on Google can be tough, and it's a long process. I have shared my 11-steps recipe on how I create ranking blog posts.
Why Search Intent is so important for your content
March 17, 2021 • 4 MIN
All of your content should match the search intent of the keyword you're trying to rank for. Otherwise, you'll never rank higher than top 100. I'm digging into the 4 different types and laying it out for you.
Recipe for a converting landing page
March 10, 2021 • 5 MIN
A converting landing page is key to marketing success. It's the tool which will help convert your visitors into customers.
Simply the best SEO plugin for WordPress
March 3, 2021 • 6 MIN
There are a ton of options when it comes to SEO plugins, choosing the wrong one can really hurt you in the long run. In this episode I share the absolute best with you, and it's completely free to use.
3 simple steps to gather leads
February 24, 2021 • 5 MIN
Gathering leads is important for all types of companies, whether you're a webshop, a SaaS product, or just a simple blog. In this episode I give you 3 simple tips on how you can gather leads that matters.
Tips to get started with your newsletter
February 17, 2021 • 5 MIN
A newsletter is a great way to promote your business, image and so much more. It's a great and cheap way to connect with your target group. Get started today!
Google Analytics V4 is out, should you upgrade?
February 10, 2021 • 4 MIN
Google Analytics is a very powerful and agile tracking tool for you to get to know your visitors better. They just release a brand-new version with major changes.
The reason why I changed from Elementor to Gutenberg
February 3, 2021 • 5 MIN
Both Gutenberg and Elementor are great plugins for WordPress. With Elementor you can build an entire website, whereas Gutenberg is more of a page builder. However, they both come with flaws.
How to succeed with the perfect internal link building strategy using WordPress
January 27, 2021 • 6 MIN
Internal link building is the strategy marketing people often forget, as it can take a lot of time if you don't do it right. In this episode I dig into my favourite WordPress plugin.
Do this simple free trick to higher your SEO rankings for all your content
January 20, 2021 • 5 MIN
I found this simple trick I wanted to share with you, it's completely free and it will help your website load faster overall, and at the same time, make it score higher on Google PageSpeed.
Update your content pieces to stay ahead
January 13, 2021 • 5 MIN
I see many creating unique relevant content, and then just let it decay. You need to update your content, listen to this episode to learn how you can do it easily.
Using a CDN will higher your search rankings
January 6, 2021 • 6 MIN
As many of you know, Google released a major update in December, named Web core Vitals. It brings many new factors to your rankings. One of these if focus on speed in numerous areas of the world, this can be achieved by using a CDN.
Google Stories is a lucrative way for you to gain traffic
December 30, 2020 • 6 MIN
Google have for some months ago done some beta testing of their newest bet; Web stories. It's a great way for you to create teaser for your content. The best of it all is, it's completely free, and you can highly benefit frm it.
Using table of contents can higher your SEO rankings
December 23, 2020 • 3 MIN
We all remember making assignments in school where we had to add a table of contents in Word. Well, these skills might come you in handy. Adding a table of contents to your blog post can higher your rankings within Google.
YouTube shorts is taking over after TikTok
December 16, 2020 • 3 MIN
TikTok has been banned in numerous countries, and now YouTube is trying to take over with their take on it, named: Shorts. It's basically the same as TikTok, however you will get a ton of impressions from people on Youtube, and all you have to do is use a specific hashtag.
Tips and tricks to get your website to rank with Googles new update
December 9, 2020 • 5 MIN
Google has now released their newest Core Web Vitals update, and it's live. Are your website ready? If not your website might lose rankings, listen to this episode to get your website ready.
3 simple tips on how a search option can higher your conversions
December 4, 2020 • 5 MIN
You don't always have to make huge changes to your website to higher your conversions. Often it's the small things you need to tweak in order to see a spike in conversions.