Travel Warrior Secrets
Dr. Ross was the king of "The Michael Jackson Routine," working working working day and night who was juggling jobs and struggling to find a work-life balance as a single parent until he almost died! He was diagnosed with high blood pressure, early stage kidney failure, and pre-diabetes seemingly due to his ever-increasing stress in his life. As you can imagine, he was in bad shape and desperate but he wasn't ready to give up on life. He discovered a little-known secret to stress-free living which could be described as the single cause for his recovery to good health and better living. In this podcast Dr. Ross explores how he continues to have peace of mind and stress-free living through immersing himself into cultural experiences. Guest include travel industry insiders, the latest in travel industry updates, ideal destination showcases, and travel tips. Recent studies show direct positive influences travel has on the mind, the body, and the soul. There is a path to reducing stress and having more peace of mind. On this show, you'll join Dr. Ross on his journey and learn how.
Top 3 Reasons Why You WON'T Travel More, GUARANTEED
December 1, 2020 • 25 MIN
Studies show that we are more stressed out today than ever before. I discovered a little-known secret that has been clinically proven to reduce stress and increase physical and mental health benefits. And, I reveal the TOP 3 reasons you WON'T do it. Listen in and see if you agree. Remember to subscribe, comment, and share. Freebie link:
The TOP 3 Travel Traps That Will Seperate You From Your Money
November 24, 2020 • 20 MIN
STOP! Do not under any circumstances fall into one of these thirst traps. These traps look like good deals but will end up costing you more than you bargained. Subscribe for all the latest content. Hit the play button.
The Time I Failed My Family and Myself
November 17, 2020 • 13 MIN
Wow! I can't believe I'm sharing this but I believe it can help someone who may be going through the same thing I was going through. At the time I felt like a complete failure, so I know how you feel. Listen to the episode and be encouraged.
Episode 0 - Welcome to the Tribe Travel Warrior Secrets
November 11, 2020 • 12 MIN
What is Travel Warrior Secrets? It is a podcast that will help you free up some of your personal time and put hours back into your day by giving you a better process of how to actually find the best travel deals. No more jumping from website to website spending countless hours hopping back and forth hoping to find a good deal. It is here to ease your frustrations by giving you the secret tools travel professionals use. I mean how is it these people manage and arrange travel all day, everyday and I’m having a hard time planning a single trip for my family? There’s a reason and I’m going to show you how to do it. I’m so excited to share with you step-by-step, exactly how I learned these steps and how easily you can implement them in your daily life.