The DECISION Table Podcast
Do you wonder what leaders across the globe are thinking, doing or see as the future of leadership? When you listen to the DECISION Table Podcast you have this exact opportunity. Your host, Kiri-Maree Moore Founder | CEO of several companies + initiatives is not afraid to venture into the no-go zones. To know how to create a safe space. To go deep fast. To ask any questions. And to navigate the uncomfortable conversation. She recognizes for change in culture to occur, there is the need for a new approach to leadership. It is time to gain new insight, strategies and access to smart humans making smart decisions. Start to learn why leaders like you. Who love to pioneer, innovate + are cutting edge connect with Kiri-Maree across the global landscape. To not only see the problem. But to narrow the gap. And to deliver sustainable solution pathways. You are invited to disrupt the old + join a new conversation...
The Importance Of Being Curious with Mike Agugliaro
January 23, 2023 • 49 MIN
Too often, we take for granted the incredible power of curiosity. By looking at things from new angles, challenging ourselves to think differently and embracing change, we can unlock new paths that lead us to exciting places. In this episode, we discuss the importance of curiosity with Mike Agugliaro. Curiosity forces us to be open-minded, consider different perspectives and strive for something better. It can help us grow our knowledge, discover hidden talents and create meaningful connections. It's an essential tool in problem-solving and innovation because it encourages taking risks, allows mistakes to be made, and provides the space to explore and find new solutions. Curiosity allows us to be more resourceful, think creatively and develop unique solutions. By being curious, we can expand our horizons and take on new challenges with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. It allows us to explore our interests and find new opportunities while creating meaningful impacts in our lives and the lives of others. Listen to this episode now to learn how curiosity can help unlock new paths and create something remarkable.
Why It’s Okay to be Different with Rhonda and Hanalei Swan
January 19, 2023 • 58 MIN
It's okay to be different. We hear it all the time, but what does it look like in practice? Our culture celebrates people who are similar to each other and those who conform easily. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable — or even downright scary — when you don’t conform or fit in with the crowd. In this episode, we discuss why it’s okay to be different from Rhonda and Hanalei Swan. In today’s society, it often feels like a stigma comes with standing out from the crowd. We live in a world where blending in has become the norm, and being unique is seen as “weird” or strange. But here’s the thing: being different isn't something we should be ashamed of--in fact, it can be liberating! From fashion to career paths, embracing your individuality can open up entirely new worlds you never knew were available to explore. So if you've ever felt like an outsider for not fitting into any 'box,' know there's nothing wrong with embracing who you are and setting yourself apart from everyone else! Listen to this episode now and learn why being different is okay.
Becoming an Inspiration to Others with Daisy Papp
January 16, 2023 • 30 MIN
Do you want to make a difference but feel helpless and overwhelmed? You are not alone – millions of people all over the globe have this same struggle. You can inspire others, even if it doesn’t always feel like that. In this episode, we talk about becoming an inspiration to others with Daisy Papp. We all have the potential to inspire people in our lives - from family and friends to co-workers and peers whether it's through displaying perseverance or courage during hard times, compassion for those around them, or simply set an example by choosing the difficult but right path over the easier one. Becoming someone seen as a source of inspiration does not happen overnight; it requires dedication and ongoing work towards personal growth and development. In addition, being an inspiration to others starts with being inspired yourself. Inspiring other people can help them reach their full potential and bring out their best. Listen to this episode now and learn how to be a source of inspiration in the lives of others and make a difference in the world.
The Kindness Revolution with Barbie Layton
January 11, 2023 • 25 MIN
As a society, we often focus on the negatives: what's wrong, who did what and why. But at the heart of how we interact with each other lies an opportunity to shift our collective opinion about one another: kindness. In this episode, we talk about the kindness revolution with Barbie Layton. In a world filled with chaos and distraction, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life—constantly running around trying to take care of our responsibilities. But what about taking a step back and remembering that one simple yet powerful act we’re all capable of: being kind? Whether it’s something as small as holding the door open for the person behind you or aiding those who are less fortunate—choosing kindness is at times easier said than done. However, its rewards far outweigh any challenges. By simply being kind we can invest in ourselves, others, and ultimately make the world a better place. Listen to this episode now to know more about the kindness revolution.
The Challenges of Creating a New Approach to Leadership with Nikhil Rughani
January 9, 2023 • 49 MIN
As a leader, it can be daunting to venture into uncharted territory as you seek to create a new approach to leadership for your team. What strategies should you use? And how do your goals align with those of the organisation at large? In this episode, we’ll explore the challenges of creating a new approach to leadership with Nikhil Rughani. The idea of creating a new approach to leadership can be both inspiring and intimidating. After all, it requires you to rethink how you lead your team and how you direct the organisation as a whole. It’s an endeavour that can have far-reaching consequences if done well or fail miserably if not thought out carefully. But without taking risks, it’s impossible to make progress. So, how do you navigate the uncertain waters and create a new approach to leadership? More importantly, how do you make sure it works? Remember, the idea isn’t to be perfect the first time around. Rather, it’s about being open to innovation and adapting as you go along. In short, it's all about being creative, iterative, and flexible.
Bringing Inclusivity to the Decision Table with Nikhil Rughani
January 4, 2023 • 64 MIN
As individuals make tangible decisions that shape our society and the lives of others, it is increasingly important to embrace an attitude of inclusivity. This means being open and proactive about ensuring everyone’s voice – not just those with power and privilege – is considered before any decision is made. In this episode, we talk about bringing inclusivity to the decision table with Nikhil Rughani. Nikhil Rughani is a sales and marketing strategist driven to support others as they positively contribute to the world. According to Nikhil, inclusivity is not just a buzzword. It is an imperative reality that must be addressed to ensure everyone has the space to participate and contribute. He emphasises the need to create awareness and educate people about why inclusivity is important and how it can help bring about positive change. In an ever-changing world, it is up to each of us to drive inclusivity and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. Nikhil provides practical insights on creating an inclusive environment that enables meaningful conversations and unlocks collaborative problem-solving.
Exercising the Muscle of Human Intelligence
January 2, 2023 • 67 MIN
In an ever-evolving world, thinking critically and solving complex problems have become one of the most valuable skills a person can equip themselves with. Never before have there been so many opportunities and challenges competing for our attention, creating an exciting but daunting environment of potential. In this episode, Nikhil Rughani interviews me. We talk about the need for a new approach to leadership, how to bring people together, ways to exercise the muscle of human intelligence and more. The need to exercise the muscle of human intelligence is becoming increasingly apparent. This intelligence is the ability to think beyond what we already know and understand, to connect ideas from different sources and disciplines, and to see existing problems in an entirely new light. Developing these skills allows us to create powerful solutions that solve problems more effectively and efficiently than traditional methods. Only by continuously challenging our thinking and pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone can we unlock our true potential.
Why Is There A Need For a New Approach to Leadership?
December 28, 2022 • 12 MIN
With the dynamic world of business and its ever-changing environment, it is critical for today’s leaders to possess a keen ability to think strategically, plan for the future and know how to adapt. In this episode, we discuss why there is a need for a new approach to leadership. In today's fast-paced world, it has become essential for leaders to develop new strategies that acknowledge the complexities of their context. Traditional approaches – such as hierarchical structures, autocratic leadership styles and reactive decision-making – are no longer enough when trying to stay ahead of the game in fast-moving organisations. A new approach is needed that aligns with emerging needs, one which incorporates creativity, collaboration, communication and flexibility into an overall effective strategy. Listen to this episode now to know why and more!
What Is Sustainable Evolution And Why Is It Important?
December 26, 2022 • 5 MIN
As the world evolves, so do our efforts to keep up with an ever-changing environment. We face unique challenges every day as we try to navigate a path toward sustainable progress that benefits both humankind and the planet. In this episode, we will explore the concept of sustainable evolution - what it means to us and how it affects both our short-term goals and long-term strategies for success. We'll discuss how sustainable evolution can help us create resilient businesses and foster better life. Change is constant, and we must learn to embrace it to succeed. We must recognise that there is a need for different approaches to meet our goals and objectives. We must be willing to adapt to create lasting, positive change. Ultimately, sustainable evolution is about creating a balanced approach to growth and development that ensures survival and prosperity. By understanding sustainability from all points of view, we can ensure that our actions today result in solid foundations for developing solutions tomorrow. Join the conversation about sustainable evolution today!​​​​​
How To Get From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be
December 21, 2022 • 35 MIN
Are you tired of being stuck in the same place and want to make significant changes in all areas of your life? Do you want to move from where you are now to where you've always dreamed of going but don't know how to get there? In this episode, we talk about how you can get from where you are now to where you want to be. We'll discuss the importance of having a vision for your life and how to create an action plan to help you reach your goals. Sometimes, getting where you want to require more than just hard work. The road can be bumpy and filled with obstacles, but at the end of the day, you have to be willing to take risks and trust that you can achieve whatever it is that you set out to do. Remember, only you have the power to create change in your life. The only thing standing between where you are now and where you want to be taking action. So, take the first steps today and start walking towards your dreams!
Are You A Part of The Long Term Solution?
December 19, 2022 • 38 MIN
The pathway ahead is filled with uncertainties and us humans tend to work towards something that would give us immediate results and gratification. When problems arise, there are two options you can choose from, either you use emergency fixes, or are you a part of the long-term solution? In this episode, we talk about the significance of long-term solutions to today’s problems. It’s no secret that there is a growing need to develop and assess how leaders manage critical issues in the world. Culture has a tremendous impact on how we address these concerns and we see leaders not wanting change that will last a long time. Some leaders opt for short-term solutions because it’s difficult to sustain the bigger vision. Having a strong vision with powerful drivers motivates leaders to work on long-term solutions no matter how tough the journey gets. Also, when leaders are in a supportive tribe, they see the importance of going for solutions that benefits this generation and the next, and this narrows the gap between crucial problems and the best solutions for them.
The Value In Asking Questions
December 14, 2022 • 34 MIN
Asking questions is typical; what makes it unique is the intention behind it and how cultures helped shaped our mentality around these questions. Some may not realise the value in asking questions but we can use them to feed our curiosity or judgment, to assume, or to help solve prevalent problems in society. In this episode of the Decision Table Podcast, we discuss why it’s important to ask questions. Some of us have been raised to believe that asking questions makes us stupid, and this needs to change. Asking questions opens new opportunities for us. It gives us a chance to learn more about other cultures, explore topics we’re not familiar with and understand how we can bring change to the table. For some, it’s a tool that allows to dig deeper and figure out the best solutions to problems. Indeed, there is power in asking questions, it takes conversations to unexpected horizons. If you want to learn the value in asking questions and how it can create an impact in your life, make sure you listen to the episode.
Welcoming Fifty with a Different Party Part 3
December 12, 2022 • 50 MIN
The journey doesn't end when you turn 50. In the third and final part of this series, we'll talk about how to bring more people together. Bringing more people together means stepping out of our comfort zones and creating a space for dialogue. We'll discuss how to foster an environment in which people feel safe to express themselves, as well as how to use the power of words to create understanding. We'll also talk about the importance of listening and being present with one another and how that can deepen relationships. Now more than ever, there is a need for constructive dialogue. By embracing different cultures and creating an open space for conversation, we can help bring people together and create lasting connections. After all, that's what life is really about - creating meaningful relationships with those we love and care for. Join me to learn more about how to make that possible.
Welcoming Fifty with a Different Kind of Party Part 2
December 7, 2022 • 49 MIN
What does culture mean to you? Is it the food you eat, the clothes you wear, or the language you speak? For many people, culture is all of those things and more. In the second part of my birthday special series, we talk about culture. We'll discuss how embracing different cultures can open up possibilities. We'll talk about the importance of understanding and respecting other people's perspectives and how to use culture to connect with others. Just like anything else, culture is ever-changing. We'll explore how to stay up-to-date and open-minded about different cultures, as well as how to find ways of expressing yourself in unique and meaningful ways. It's time to break away from traditional ideas of culture and discover the exciting world that lies ahead. Listen to this episode now and join me on my journey to explore different cultures!
Welcoming Fifty with a Different Kind of Party Part 1
December 6, 2022 • 80 MIN
Fifty is a number that often carries with it a sense of finality. It's the halfway point in many things, the age after which some people consider someone "over the hill." Turning 50 can feel like you're at the end of something. But I want to challenge that idea and show you that there's so much more ahead! In fact, I believe that 50 is just the beginning. To celebrate this milestone, we will be having a 3-part series where we talk all things fifty. In the first part, we talk about goals. We'll discuss something interesting about setting goals and using your creativity to keep things interesting and inspiring while pursuing your dreams. If you are in the midst of setting your goals or just starting on your journey, this episode is for you.
Building Better Conversations and Collaborations with Robert Lumsden
November 30, 2022 • 61 MIN
When it comes to leading a team, one of the most important skills you can have is the ability to create and foster positive conversations and collaborations. But how do you do so? In this episode, we talk about building better conversations and collaborations with Robert. Being a leader means being a facilitator for effective conversation and collaboration. Robert talks about the importance of creating an open and inviting atmosphere that encourages people to share their ideas, opinions, and experiences. He also discusses how to set up clear expectations in advance so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to what needs to be accomplished. Building strong relationships with your team is key to successful conversations and collaborations. In fact, these two go hand-in-hand. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that while conversations and collaborations can be difficult, taking the time to get it right will help you achieve success in the long run. From techniques for setting expectations to strategies for fostering positive relationships, this is an episode that every leader should listen to! Tune in now to learn more about creating conversations and collaborations that are both productive and enjoyable.
The Three Levels Of Leadership with Nikhil Rughani
November 28, 2022 • 26 MIN
Leadership is one of those terms that gets tossed around a lot in business, but it's not always clear what it means. In fact, there are three distinct levels of leadership, each of which has its specific responsibilities and goals. In this episode, we talk about the three levels of leadership with Nikhil Rughani. To be a leader, you must first understand the different levels of leadership - individual, community, and global. But what exactly do these levels mean, and what makes them different from one another? The truth is these three levels are interrelated and work together to create a successful leadership experience. This means that while each level is unique in its goals and objectives, they must all be addressed to develop effective leaders. Understanding these three levels of leadership is essential for anyone wishing to become an influential leader. By taking the time to assess each level and the challenges associated with it, you can create a roadmap for success and help your organisation reach its goals.
Recognizing Differences While Celebrating Similarities
November 23, 2022 • 44 MIN
It's fascinating how different groups of people can perceive the same thing in completely opposite ways. But despite our differences, there are often universal truths that bring us together. In this episode, Kiri-Maree shares her insights on the importance of recognizing differences while celebrating similarities in the decision table. She also shares the importance of listening and asking questions to ensure that everyone's voices are heard. Sometimes, being different or doing things differently is seen as a bad thing. But it's important to remember that we all have our own unique perspectives and that those perspectives can be valuable in finding solutions to problems. When we're able to see things from multiple points of view, we can find the best possible solution for everyone involved. So next time you're feeling frustrated by someone who doesn't see things the same way as you do, take a step back and try to understand their point of view. It just might help you find the perfect solution.
Why Leaders Need to be Omnipresent With Zahrina Robertson
November 21, 2022 • 45 MIN
The past years have put global leaders in different zones. Some were placed in vulnerable spots while others thrived and developed better skills. In this episode, we learn about why leaders need to be omnipresent with Zahrina Robertson. The best skills that leaders probably learned in times of global crisis are empathy and agility. Empathy was showcased in recognising and understanding how others are feeling. While agility is emphasized through quick decisions and actions that bring a positive impact on other people’s lives. With these two skills combined, leaders learned how to be more human and omnipresent. Also, it helped us acknowledge opportunities to be of service in our own community and with people distinct from us. Omnipresence in leadership has strengthened our connections with other humans and emphasized what each one of us are capable of to ensure our journey through life is worthwhile despite all the crisis we go through.
The Art of Navigating Unknown Conversations with Andre Van Eymeren
November 17, 2022 • 60 MIN
There's no denying that unknown conversations can be difficult. They're unpredictable, and you never quite know what you're going to say or how the other person is going to react. But that's also what makes them so intriguing - you never know what might happen. In this episode, we talk about the art of navigating unknown conversations with Andre Van Eymeren. Sometimes, unknown conversations can be quite scary. These conversations may feel like a minefield because you never know what might happen. You could say the wrong thing, or the other person could react in a way that you didn't expect. However, these conversations can also be incredibly exciting and full of possibilities. Unknown conversations can often be the most rewarding ones to have. They force you to think on your feet and come up with creative solutions. They also give you a chance to learn more about the other person. If you're able to navigate these conversations well, you can come out of them feeling closer to the other person and having gained a deeper understanding of them. Indeed, unknown conversations can be challenging, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. So next time you're in one, don't be afraid to take a leap of faith and see where it takes you. If you're interested in learning more about how to navigate unknown conversations, then this episode is for you. So tune in and enjoy the show!
The Power of Human Connection with Eli Huang
November 14, 2022 • 32 MIN
We are social animals. We need connection. It is a part of who we are as human beings. Connection allows us to feel understood, supported and loved. In this episode, we talk about the power of human connection with Eli Huang. The pandemic has forced us to stay home and physically distance ourselves from one another. It has been a tough year for many of us. And while we are slowly starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we know that things will never go back to exactly the way they were before. This pandemic has shone a light on just how important human connection is. We have been forced to find new and creative ways to connect with one another. Whether it is through Zoom calls, social media or even just a phone call, we are finding ways to connect. Indeed, human connection is more important than ever before. Without it, we feel isolated, alone and disconnected. So, how can we ensure that we stay connected? How can we create meaningful connections with others? Let's find out in this episode!
Empowering People and Building Connections with Dee French
November 11, 2022 • 60 MIN
The world can be a tough place. It's full of challenges, and it seems like sometimes it's just easier to give up. But what if we could find strength in our connections with others? That's what empowerment is all about — finding power in our relationships and working together to achieve greater results. In this episode, we’ll talk about empowering people and building connections with Dee French. Empowering people means giving them the ability to make choices and decisions for themselves. It's about helping people find their own power and strength and then supporting them as they use it. When we empower people, we give them a voice and the ability to connect with others. We provide opportunities for them to learn and grow, and we encourage them to be their best selves. When people come together, they can accomplish amazing things. By empowering one another, we can create connections that are powerful and transformative. After all, it's not about what we can do alone; it's about what we can do together. It's not about taking; it's about giving. It's not about me; it's about us. Empowered people are unstoppable, and they can change the world for the better. Are you ready to be empowered?
The One Percent Movement - Giving Voice to Something Important For Us
November 11, 2022 • 55 MIN
We’ve had many conversations on this podcast but nothing beats gathering different people and sharing their genius zone. On our 100th episode, we celebrate this milestone by having distinct people at the table engaging in conscious conversations that encourage others to do the same. In The One Percent Movement, we motivate people to put their names up on the wall and showcase their commitment to making a difference in the world. We believe that if everyone is doing their 1% to create change then we are on the right track. Join me as I celebrate this remarkable event with family, friends, previous guests on the podcast, and those who’ve never been in it before. Tune in as amazing people make their thoughts and voices recognised and learn how they plan to bring good change to the world.
Operating With Faith, Not Fear with Tyson James Lee
November 2, 2022 • 58 MIN
There are days when we all feel afraid. Whether it's fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of being hurt, that fear can sometimes seem to paralyze us and keep us from moving forward. But what if we chose to operate instead with faith? In this episode, we’ll talk about operating with faith, not fear with Tyson James Lee. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It's about believing in something even when there is no evidence to support it. And it's often what we need to move forward even when we're afraid. When we have faith, we trust that things will work out despite the challenges and obstacles we may face. We believe that we are capable of handling whatever comes our way. And we have confidence in our ability to overcome any obstacle. It's important to remember that faith is not the absence of fear. We can still be afraid and have faith at the same time. It's about choosing to believe despite our fears. With this, we can move forward toward our goals and dreams.
Making Every Space a Safe Space with Maureen Kyne
October 31, 2022 • 66 MIN
No organization is without its flaws, and in order to create a space where everyone can feel safe, sometimes you have to be the one who takes the first step. In this episode, we talk about making every space a safe space with Maureen Kyne. As a leader, you are responsible for the safety of those around you. Whether it’s in your personal life or at work, it’s up to you to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and respected. You can do this by setting the tone for the space, being clear about your expectations, and leading by example. When you create a safe space, you foster an environment of trust and respect that allows people to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. In addition, a safe space allows people to be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or discrimination. When everyone feels like they can be themselves, it creates a more positive and productive environment. If you want to learn more about how to create a safe space, check out this episode!
Break Free from the Cocoon of Your Comfort Zone with Esther Kiss
October 26, 2022 • 60 MIN
We all know that familiar feeling. We've been there countless times. It's the sense of security we get from being in our comfort zone. It's where we're most comfortable, and we know what to expect. But is that really a good thing? In this episode, we’ll explore why you should break free from the cocoon of your comfort zone with Esther Kiss. Breaking free from your comfort zone can be a scary proposition. But it's also an essential part of growth and progress. When we're in our comfort zone, we're not challenging ourselves. We're not pushing ourselves to new levels. We're not learning and expanding our horizons. Sure, it's nice to be comfortable. But if we're not careful, we can become too comfortable. We can become complacent. And when that happens, we stop growing. And when we stop growing, we stop living. Remember, comfort is the enemy of progress. So if you want to live a life of adventure, excitement, and growth, you need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. You need to be willing to take risks. You need to be willing to fail. Don't let your comfort zone become your prison. Break free and live an extraordinary life.
Creating an Environment of Unity with Alyssa Montez
October 24, 2022 • 59 MIN
Inequality is a growing epidemic in our society. There is an increasing separation between the various groups, and this problem is only going to get worse if we don't do something about it. In this episode, we’ll explore how to create an environment of unity with Alyssa Montez. The environment where we grow plays a crucial role in who we become. When we're constantly surrounded by people who are different from us, it's easy to become judgmental and close-minded. We need to be intentional about creating an environment that values diversity and inclusion. Creating an environment of unity requires intentionality and effort. It's not something that will happen overnight, but it's worth it if we want to build a society that is more tolerant and understanding. But why create an environment of unity? What's in it for us? Well, for one, we can learn from each other. When we're around people who are different from us, we're exposed to new ideas and perspectives. We can also build relationships with people we wouldn't otherwise have the chance to meet. And finally, it creates a more just and equitable society.
The Power of Playing At A Bigger Level
October 19, 2022 • 16 MIN
Why are people so afraid of playing at a bigger level? There are things that might be making it difficult to play big. The biggest myth in this is being where we want to be in an overnight manner. In this episode, Kiri-Maree shares her insights on the power of playing at a bigger level and why it should be considered a necessity. We should be changing our thinking around this so that everyone is inspired to level up their game. Playing big means we’ve done everything in our power to achieve what we’re capable of having. We do this because we have a bigger vision of the impact and changes we can bring to the table. Although the world has taught us that there’s only one scale in playing big and becoming successful, we have to stop conforming to this. We need to realise that success looks different for everyone and that playing a bigger game requires working in a capacity we can execute.
Building Resilience During Difficult Times with Lori Kershner
October 17, 2022 • 59 MIN
Going through so much change and experiencing things that are beyond our control allows resilience to prosper. In this episode, we’ll explore building resilience during difficult times with Lori Kershner. Whenever we encounter difficult seasons in our lives, our psyche is building a sense of resiliency whether we like it or not. We generate mental toughness so that when we come across challenging times in the future, we know how to deal with them. A great way to build resilience is by exercising the muscle of human intelligence. If we access our data and use it wisely, we make better decisions, create sustainable solutions, and disrupt unhelpful patterns. As we deal with a forever-changing world, we need to adapt and become more effective. Being resilient serves as an avenue for us to make meaningful differences despite the changing seasons of the world.
The Compounding Effect of Evolving Leadership with Rossco Paddison
October 12, 2022 • 62 MIN
We are slowly moving into a space that is full of uncertainty. This requires us to be forever evolving and keep up with the changes in the world. In this episode, we dive deep into the compounding effect of evolving leadership with Rossco Paddison. The compound effect of how we lead will always have a significant impact on our teams, families, communities, and on the global landscape. And with this in mind, we are urged to create sustainable solutions that reap positive results in the future. To bring certainty to this world, we must acknowledge that we don’t have everything sorted out but we’re willing to have conversations leaning toward it. The only way that we’re going to bring change and transform the world into a better place is when we realise the outcome of the actions and decisions we’re making at the table. Therefore, we have to be intentional with these to guarantee the change we want to see in the future.
The Big Problems That Disrupt Human Connection with Chris Baden
October 10, 2022 • 71 MIN
If we take a closer look at humanity and where it’s going, we’ll see that there is a growing demand to disrupt our patterns and address pressing problems. In this episode, we’ll discuss the big problems that disrupt human connection with Chris Baden. Humanity’s problems begin with the lack of meaningful connection with others, not having ownership of our actions, and having leaders who are indifferent about the present generation and the next. Having a better future demands a different approach not only in leadership but also in the conversations and the decisions we’re making. We need to have safe spaces where everyone’s voices are heard, smarter solutions are made and collaborative efforts are done to ensure that human connections are not disrupted, rather, it is nourished and supported.
Living an Unhindered Life and Overcoming Insecurity With Jaemin Frazer
October 5, 2022 • 53 MIN
When we’re the best version of ourselves, we bring communities and the world change. But how do we do this if we’re surrounded by personal development issues? In this episode, we’re going to tackle living an unhindered life and overcoming insecurity with Jaemin Frazer. It’s our human tendency to avoid circumstances that may cause pain or grief and not fully understand how they will serve us. We shy away from these struggles and prefer to live our lives within the boundaries of comfort. The transformation we would like to see for the world and within ourselves begins with being aware of our problems as individuals and as a collective. Once we start living an unhindered life and using various ways that will help conquer our insecurity, we curate spaces that benefit us, our community, and the rest of the globe. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Love Beyond Your Walls
October 3, 2022 • 21 MIN
How do you find love? What does it look like, feel like, and sound like? For many people, love is synonymous with a romantic relationship. However, love is so much more than that! Love is all around you if you just take the time to look for it. So how do you go about finding love beyond your walls? In this episode, we talk about giving love beyond your walls. As a leader, you have the opportunity to love and serve people who are outside of your normal "circle." When you choose to love those who are different from you, it can have a profound impact on their lives - and oftentimes, on yours as well. We also talk about how to find love within yourself. This is so important! If you don't love yourself, it will be very difficult to find and maintain healthy relationships with others. But when you do learn to love yourself, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for finding love in your life. So if you're looking for love beyond your walls, or even just trying to figure out how to love yourself, this episode is for you! CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Taking Ownership of Yourself with Troy Aberle
September 28, 2022 • 64 MIN
How many times have you done something and then blamed someone else for the outcome? Odds are, it's more than you'd like to admit. But why is it so hard to take ownership of ourselves and our lives? In this episode, we talk about taking ownership of yourself with Troy Aberle. What does it mean to take ownership of yourself? It means taking responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions. It means that you are in control of your life and your destiny. It means that you are the one who determines your worth, not others. And most importantly, it means that you are always accountable to yourself. So how do you go about taking ownership of yourself? Well, that's a question that can only be answered by YOU. But remember, the journey is yours alone, so take it at your own pace and find what works best for YOU. And most importantly, have FUN along the way! It's time to start taking ownership of who you are and what makes you happy. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it! Listen to this episode now to know more about how you can take ownership of yourself and the things you do. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Handling Pain the Right Way with Brian Bergford
September 26, 2022 • 60 MIN
There's no way to sugarcoat it – pain is a part of life. But how we deal with that pain can mean the difference between recovering and moving on, and becoming crippled by our emotions. In this episode, we talk about handling pain the right way with Brian Bergford. Brian shares his story of how he dealt with pain, and how he was able to find strength in himself that he didn't know he had. He talks about the importance of being honest with yourself about your pain and setting realistic expectations for yourself. Indeed, there's no getting around it – pain is tough. No matter how strong we are, there are times when we just can't seem to shake the hurt. We feel like it's constantly controlling our lives, and we wonder how we'll ever make it through. But there is hope. There are ways to handle pain in a healthy way that will help us move on and get our lives back on track. No matter what you're going through, know that you're not alone. We all experience pain at some point in our lives. But with the right help, we can overcome it and come out stronger on the other side. If you're struggling to deal with emotional pain, this episode is for you CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH BRIAN BERGFORD Connect with Brian on LinkedIn and Facebook. Visit Brian’s website here.
A Call for Unity and Connectivity with Jayshree Mallaya
September 22, 2022 • 52 MIN
We are living in a time of great divide. The walls between us seem to be growing taller and the distance between us seems to be widening. It is easy to become lost in the noise of it all and forget that we are all human beings, just trying to make our way through life. In this episode, we talk about unity and connectivity with Jayshree Mallaya. How do we achieve peace and connect with others? This is a question that has been asked for centuries and yet remains unanswered. We long for a connection to something bigger than ourselves but often find ourselves at odds with those around us. Despite our differences, can we come together and unite under one common cause? DEFINITELY! In fact, in a world that seems to be more and more divided, we need unity now more than ever. We need to connect with each other on a deeper level, learn from each other, and understand what it is that makes us all unique. Only then can we come together to make positive changes in the world. We also talk about finding your true self and connecting with your higher purpose. We all have a unique gift to offer the world, and when we tap into that, we can make a real difference. Jayshree helps us to understand the importance of being authentic and true to ourselves. Listen to this episode now to find out more! CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JAYSHREE MALLAYA Connect with Jayshree on LinkedIn. Visit Jayshree’s website here.
Creating Awareness in Leadership with Joris Cuesta
September 20, 2022 • 64 MIN
What does it mean to be a leader? What does it take to be successful in this role? Many people ask these questions, but few ever find the answers. In this episode, we talk about creating awareness in leadership with Joris Cuesta. Leaders are often tasked with the difficult job of inspiring and motivating others to achieve common goals. In order to be successful, they must be able to clearly communicate their vision and rally people around a shared purpose. However, simply having a vision is not enough. Leaders also need to be aware of the ever-changing needs of their team and adapt their approach accordingly. By being attuned to the subtleties of human behavior, they can create an environment in which people feel comfortable expressing their ideas and perspectives. Only then can they truly work together as a cohesive unit. In this episode, we also talk about the importance of having raw, honest, and real conversations. By creating a safe space for these conversations, organizational leaders can foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas openly. This episode is for you if you want to learn more about what it takes to be a successful leader. If you're looking for ways to create a more open and collaborative workplace, this episode is also for you. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JORIS CUESTA Connect with Joris on LinkedIn and Facebook. Visit Joris’ website here.
The Importance of Knowing the “Other Side” with Paul Walton
September 14, 2022 • 62 MIN
There’s an old saying that goes, “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” And while this is certainly true, it’s also important to remember that you can’t judge a person by the things they do or the company they keep. In this episode, we’ll talk about the importance of knowing the “other side.” We all have different sides to us. There’s the side that our friends and family see, the side that our coworkers see, and the side that we show to the world. And while it’s important to be our true selves in all aspects of our lives, it’s also important to remember that not everyone is going to see the same side of us. We also talk about why you should put humans first. So often we get caught up in the labels that we put on people and we forget that at the end of the day, we’re all just human beings. We all have our own stories, experiences, and perspectives. And if we can remember that, it’ll be easier to see the other side. So, if you’re ready to learn more about the importance of knowing the other side, tune in to this episode now. And as always, thanks for listening! ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH PAUL WALTON Connect with Paul on LinkedIn
Understanding The World Through the Perception of Others with Karen Clark
September 12, 2022 • 64 MIN
Sometimes when we hear statements from others, it’s easy to presume their meaning. How do we prevent these risks and avoid missing the real meaning being communicated? In this episode, we’ll talk about understanding the world through the perception of others with Karen Clark. One of the ways that block us from the opportunity to form connections with others is not acknowledging how others form their perception and what they deem important in their community. Being a good leader requires raising the level of awareness and listening to what other people are saying. This guides them toward having proper conversations that will eventually lead to transformations. If we want to see change happening, we have to get rid of our limiting perceptions and look for ways to bring that change into reality. Great leaders are those who took courage and action to go beyond what they initially thought was impossible and achieve the change they only dreamt of. ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH KAREN CLARK Connect with Karen on her website Connect with Karen on Facebook
Scaling at a Global Level by Owning Your Space with Brandon Handley
September 7, 2022 • 59 MIN
How you show up in the world is a personal decision. You get to choose how you want to be seen and what you want to bring to the table. In this episode, we’ll talk about how you can scale at a global level by owning your space with Brandon Handley. Scaling at a global can be scary, but it's also an exciting proposition. It means that you're putting yourself out there on a bigger stage and that you have the potential to make a greater impact. In order to do this, you need to be clear about who you are and what you want to offer the world. This also means that you have to own the space you are in. You can't be a shrinking violet or someone who is afraid to take risks. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and stand up for what you believe in. When we don't own our space, we tend to shrink down and give away our power. This can lead to feeling small or unseen in the world. It can also prevent us from taking the actions we need to in order to achieve our goals. By learning how to personally scale at a global level, we create a foundation of self-confidence that allows us to truly shine. ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH BRANDON HANDLEY Connect with Brandon on his website. Connect with Brandon on Facebook. Listen to Brandon's podcast, Spiritual Dope, here.
Establishing Safe Spaces For Leaders To Be Themselves with Cherie Stokic
September 6, 2022 • 60 MIN
Every leader is destined to play at a higher level if they only allow themselves. The question is, are leaders giving themselves the authority to do so? In this episode, we talk about establishing safe spaces for leaders to be themselves with Cherie Stokic. When we’re nurtured in safe spaces, we thrive, and we can be who we really are. And leaders who aspire for massive change in the world should be placed in safe spaces that encourage them to work from their core. Building these safe spaces will need us to have conversations albeit uncomfortable ones. These discussions lead to awareness and ownership that help leaders evolve and see the change that needs to happen. Whether leaders play at a bigger or smaller level, when they’re allowed to be themselves and flourish in safe spaces, they build platforms and create the right culture that can benefit the next generations. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What does being resilient mean? (03:05) The balance between being a businesswoman and a mom (06:23) What if we're allowed to be ourselves right now? (11:30) How do we create safe spaces for the right conversations? (18:00) The conscious decision to learn from other people (23:28) Why we shouldn't be afraid to ask (30:25) What are excuses and how do we deal with them (41:42) How do we empower others? (45:20) What are Cherie and Kiri-Maree taking from this conversation? (51:32) ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH CHERIE STOKIC Connect with Cherie on her website Connect with Cherie on Facebook
Creating A Platform That Encourages Different Voices To Be Heard
August 31, 2022 • 29 MIN
Every day, we look at problems and solutions, and we’re given the opportunity to narrow the gap between them. But instead of bridging the gap, we see a growing divide. In this episode, we discuss creating a platform that encourages different voices to be heard. I was given the opportunity to speak with amazing leaders across the globe through the Global Human Intelligence Forum. This made me realise that if we start working as a collective and create a space where it’s safe to have different conversations, then we’d make better decisions. Growing up, I’ve always felt that I didn’t have a voice, and I was supposed to conform to authority. Now, I’ve learned the value of having different people at humanity’s table to transform cultures. Having a platform that allows distinct voices to be heard allows us to shift the dial forward. We challenge our default systems, and we’re willing to take the necessary steps toward solutions. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Initiating Gut Awareness with Jill Place
August 29, 2022 • 62 MIN
"All disease begins in the gut." -Hippocrates One of the areas we usually take for granted is our health. We may not realise it, but we’re consistently trashing our health with the decisions and choices we make about food and nutrition. In this episode, we discuss initiating gut awareness with Jill Place. Jill is a known beacon of health who encourages people to look into their gut health and see how it impacts their well-being. She understands that we’ve messed up our food supply with pollution, genetically modified food, and technological advances. In the process, we’ve also become fond of lousy food or the ones that are not suitable for our bodies. This results in having digestive issues or a leaky gut that affects our behaviour and mental health. We need to understand the importance of taking ownership and acknowledging that something needs to be done with our decisions. By doing so we shift in the right direction of taking care of our gut and overall health. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JILL PLACE Connect with Jill on her website Connect with Jill on LinkedIn Connect with Jill on Facebook and Instagram
Happiness Indicators with Peter Low
August 24, 2022 • 66 MIN
Where does our happiness come from and what does it need to look like? We usually associate happiness with an abundance of money but there’s actually more to it. In this episode, we’ll share insights on actual happiness indicators with Peter Low. It’s tricky to define happiness in leadership and corporate since it’s not a priority. Employees are led to believe that they’re meant to be transactional and do well in their metrics. It’s a tough conversation and decision to make but when employees feel that building human connections is more important than achieving performance metrics, they become fulfilled and happy. When people have a sense of personal happiness their productivity and performance are affected. They are able to provide excellent services and create meaningful connections with others. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH PETER LOW Connect with Peter on his website - Connect with Peter on LinkedIn -
Becoming Better Leaders Through Behaviour Flexibility with Donna Lesa
August 22, 2022 • 62 MIN
In the old style of leadership, leaders often don’t tell the world of their challenges. They just want to be seen as someone who had everything together. In this episode, we’ll talk about becoming better leaders through behaviour flexibility. The world is indeed unpredictable and one thing we need to do to counter this is to learn acceptance. Acceptance that not everything is within our control and yet realise that our actions and decisions impact other people. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH DONNA LESA Connect with Donna on Facebook and Instagram Join the Amplify-Her Business Facebook Group here.
The Rewards and Risks of Creating New Stories with Matty Lansdown
August 17, 2022 • 58 MIN
All of our lives, we’ve been taught how to perceive things and respond to situations. But what if we disrupt these patterns? In this episode, we’ll discuss the rewards and risks of creating new stories with Matty Lansdown. When information gets solidified in our brains during childhood, it becomes our default system into adulthood. We may think that we’ve developed our own sense of thinking, perceptions, and beliefs, but truly, it’s how we were wired to think. How we interpret things affects how we make decisions. And when we’re not taught to challenge our biases and social constructs, our decisions will only benefit us and not others. Every single one of us is capable of building new stories which the next generation can take advantage of. It challenges the familiar and comfortable and yet gives way for better decisions made at the table. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MATTY LANSDOWN Connect with Matty on his website. Connect with Matty on LinkedIn Listen to Matty’s podcast, How To Not Get Sick And Die here.
Going Against Default Decision DNA with Joel Primus
August 15, 2022 • 59 MIN
Most of the beliefs we had as kids were ingrained in us by our ancestors. However, as we grow older, we develop our sense of self which may or may not oppose our previous notions. In this episode, we’ll analyse going against our default decision DNA with Joel Primus. It’s easy to say that we think a certain way because our families and the people around us have taught us to do so. But this should not always be our thinking concept. As we enter adulthood, we must learn how to take ownership. There’s a huge risk when we don’t own who we are and blame other people all the time. We won’t learn the value of being accountable for the decisions we make and not realise the kind of impact it brings to others. Going against our default decision DNA would mean taking responsibility for every decision and choice we make. It may be challenging, but it benefits us and teaches the next generation how they should be moving forward. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JOEL PRIMUS Connect with Joel on his website. Connect with Joel on LinkedIn and Instagram Listen to Joel’s podcast, The Ramble here.
Looking at Leadership Through The Lens of Ownership
August 10, 2022 • 23 MIN
As we move towards better leadership, there’s a need to use different lenses including ownership. But what does ownership mean for individuals and leaders across the globe? In this episode, we’ll discuss looking at leadership through the lens of ownership.
Narrowing Generational Gaps by Listening and Eliminating Bias with Jordan Wright
August 8, 2022 • 63 MIN
Are you aware of the difference between hearing and listening? We may not admit it, but we tend to hear more than listen, that’s why it’s easy for us to give unsolicited advice. In this episode, we focus on narrowing generational gaps by listening and eliminating bias with Jordan Wright. Listening is a skill most people fail to develop. We mistakenly think that our hearing is equivalent to the deep process of listening. Also, how we deal with generational problems lies in the internal biases we grew up with and what we hear. Narrowing the generational gaps begins with the crucial unlearning process. This means discarding deeply ingrained stereotypes and actually understanding what others are going through. Listening may be a personal process, but it definitely impacts the whole collective. It allows us to become respectful towards others, and it’s a step towards transforming humanity. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JORDAN WRIGHT Connect with Jordan on Facebook and LinkedIn Grab a copy of Jordan’s book The Realm of Intention here.
Developing Sustainable Solutions with Greg McGarvie
August 3, 2022 • 51 MIN
What’s one thing that’s consuming the world and drives humanity into making various efforts? It’s pollution, and it affects us in many ways. In this episode, our conversation is about developing sustainable solutions with Greg McGarvie. Greg has long been fascinated with marine life and developed sustainable solutions that help protect it against pollution caused by humans. Although the pandemic actually served as a good wake-up call for the planet, we still need better solutions to handle waste. Making solutions will never be effective if we’re not doing it as a collective and if the decision-makers don’t see the need for change. This calls for using our human intelligence to narrow the gap between pressing problems and powerful solutions. If you want to know more about how our human intelligence can work towards awareness, ownership, and sustainability, this episode is for you. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH GREG MCGARVIE Connect with Greg on LinkedIn and Twitter Visit Greg’s website here. Learn more about Get Green here.
The Uncertain Pathway of Leadership Ahead with Janine Garner
August 1, 2022 • 83 MIN
Uncertainty breeds opportunity and this leads to doing something different. Leaders who feel uncertain should take this as a chance to bring better solutions to the table. In this episode, we’ll discuss the uncertain pathway of leadership ahead with Janine Garner. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JANINE GARNER Connect with Janine on LinkedIn - Facebook - Instagram - Visit Janine’s website here -
The Beginning of the Unfolding of ONE Percent Movement
July 28, 2022 • 57 MIN
What if everyone was doing their one percent that adds value to the table, will this bring change? Will it impact our culture, decisions, and the next generation? The One Percent Movement aims to encourage people to do their 1% and initiate the change we want to see in humanity. In this episode, I’ll take you on an exciting journey about The One Percent Movement. This adventure is scary and exhilarating at the same time. But what’s certain is that this movement is an opportunity for us and others to collaborate.
The Return of The Decisions You Make Today and Going Forward
July 27, 2022 • 36 MIN
Every decision you make has an impact on you and also on the collective. You have to weigh whether that decision is adding value to the table or taking away from it. In this episode, we’ll explore the return of the decisions you make today and going forward. Making slow and fast decisions have its own outcomes. Slow decisions can cause uncertainties and missed opportunities. While fast decisions may lead one to become reckless and do not guarantee better results. By realizing the potential impact of our decisions, we become more cautious and also, inconsistent. We either hit or miss the mark. What we need to focus on is making the right decision fast. The velocity pathway is the fastest way to make the right decisions. This generates an effortless flow that allows individuals to prepare for new things and pivot if needed. The changing landscape in humanity is constantly asking us to make better decisions but to do this, we have to be mindful of how we make decisions and the return it brings to the table. If you’d like to know more about how the decisions you make today and in the future influence your life and others, this episode is for you! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
A Rebel With A Cause with Emma Goldie
July 25, 2022 • 55 MIN
Our society dictates how we should be living our lives. But each individual holds a different vision and goal they want to follow. In this episode, we’ll talk about a rebel with a cause with Emma Goldie. The environment that we live in encourages us to be constantly on the move and always go after the next achievement. However, there’s beauty in stillness. It brings us to a state of awareness about where our culture, community, and personal journey stands. Stillness looks different for everyone and there are various ways to execute it. It requires one to go with his/her own natural flow and tendencies. A rebel with a cause understands that archaic systems need to change and this is initiated by transforming the self and living in alignment with our natural state. Playing at a higher level means working in our genius zone and this leads us towards better culture, community, and personal transformations. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH EMMA GOLDIE Connect with Emma on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Visit Emma’s website here.
Taking Ownership in Leadership with Michael Griffiths
July 20, 2022 • 58 MIN
When the pandemic struck, we saw a massive trend where leaders failed to take accountability. There was so much scarcity and people felt isolated. In this episode, we’ll chat about the importance of taking ownership in leadership with Michael Griffiths. Whenever there’s a crisis, some leaders shy away from responsibility and this makes people think that indeed, the world is out of control. But the truth is, there are a lot of things we can control that can help us manage adversities better. Leaders need to understand that if they can’t lead themselves then leading others is just not possible. However, leading ourselves is such a tedious task since we’re not trained to win and take ownership from the very beginning. If leaders are not obsessed with committing to themselves and to a bigger cause, they become complacent and indifferent to making changes in humanity. The need for a new approach to leadership involves standing up and making decisions that acknowledge the distinct voices at the table. This brings change and solutions to society going forward. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MICHAEL GRIFFITHS Connect with Michael on Facebook and Instagram. Visit Michael’s website here.
The Complexities of Resilience with Maria Wendt
July 18, 2022 • 53 MIN
There is no single answer to the question of what resilience means. For some, it might equate to bouncing back quickly from difficult circumstances. For others, it might be more about adapting and thriving in the face of adversity. Resilience is a complex concept with many different facets. In this episode, Maria explores some of the different ways that resilience can be manifested. According to her, resilience is often about managing our emotions, thoughts and behaviours in challenging situations. It might also involve developing positive relationships, supportive networks and a sense of community. Maria also talks about the importance of finding something that refuels you. This could be a hobby, creative outlet or simply spending time in nature. When we have something that helps us relax and recharge, we are better equipped to deal with difficult situations. When it comes to resilience, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We all have different ways of bouncing back from adversity. If you are struggling to find your resilience, this episode is for you. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MARIA WENDT Connect with Maria on Instagram. Visit Maria’s website here.
Knowing Your Truth with Dave Robens
July 13, 2022 • 60 MIN
There's a lot of talk about "knowing your truth" these days. What does that even mean? How do you know what your truth is? And, once you know it, what do you do with it? These are all important questions to ask oneself, especially in today's society where everything seems to be constantly changing. It can be difficult to find our footing and figure out who we are in such a tumultuous world. But, finding your truth is essential for leading a fulfilling life. So, how do you go about doing that? In this episode, Dave talks about the importance of knowing your truth. According to him, your truth is what's true for you, and it's based on your values and beliefs. He says that it's essential to know your truth because it's the foundation for everything else in your life. Dave also talks about the importance of leading with your heart. He says that your heart is the best guide for finding your truth. He recommends listening to your heart and following its guidance, even if it goes against what your head is telling you. Dave says that your heart will never lead you astray. So, how do you find your truth? How do you lead with your heart? Listen to this episode to find out! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH DAVE ROBENS Connect with Dave on LinkedIn - Visit Dave’s website here -
What If You Create a Safe Space?
July 11, 2022 • 24 MIN
In a world that is constantly telling us to be strong, it can be difficult to find the time or space to let our guard down. What if you could create a safe space for yourself, where you could relax and be yourself without judgement? In this episode, Kiri-Maree explores the importance of creating a safe space. According to her, a safe space is a place where you can feel comfortable being yourself without judgement. Specifically, it's a place where you can be vulnerable and share your thoughts and feelings without feeling like you have to put up a front. Kiri-Maree shares some tips on how to create a safe space for yourself. She also discusses the importance of setting boundaries in order to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others. Creating a safe space doesn't have to be complicated. The most important thing is that you find what works for you and that you make the effort to create a space where you can feel comfortable being yourself. If you're looking for ways to create a safe space for yourself, this episode is for you! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Caring for Individuals with Special Needs with Maria Micallef
July 6, 2022 • 55 MIN
In our society, individuals with special needs are often marginalized and ignored. They are often seen as burdens or a drain on resources. This is heartbreaking because these individuals have so much to offer. They just need someone to care for them and give them a chance. In this episode, Maria talks about caring for individuals with special needs. According to her, these individuals are just like everyone else. They have feelings and needs. They just want to be loved and accepted. Maria talks about having the resiliency to continue your journey even when it gets tough. She also talks about the importance of staying positive and having hope. This episode is important because it sheds light on an often-ignored population. It shows that these individuals are just like everyone else, they just have some extra challenges. It is important to remember that everyone has something to offer, no matter their abilities. Indeed, Maria's story is one that everyone can relate to. Whether you have a special needs family member or not, this episode is sure to tug at your heartstrings. Let's dive in! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MARIA MICALLEF Connect with Maria on LinkedIn - Visit Maria’s website here -
How to Have the Mindset of a Leader with James Short
July 4, 2022 • 64 MIN
What is the mindset of a leader? Many people ask this question, but not everyone knows how to go about having the right mindset. Leaders are thought of as being fearless and always in control, but this is not always the case. In this episode, James talks about how to have the right mindset as a leader. According to him, leaders need to have the right mindset in order to be successful. Without the right mindset, leaders will not be able to achieve their goals. James also talks about the role of intuition in leadership. He believes that leaders need to trust their gut in order to make the right decisions. In fact, he believes that intuition is what makes a leader successful. But at the end of the day, no matter what your definition of success may be, one thing is for sure: Leaders are not born; they are made. Anyone can become a leader if they have the right mindset. If you are looking to improve your leadership skills, or if you want to learn more about the mindset of a leader, then this episode is for you. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JAMES SHORT Connect with James on Facebook - Visit James’ website here -
Women Empowerment with Susanna Reay
June 29, 2022 • 64 MIN
As women, we constantly face a barrage of negativity and discrimination in every area of our lives. From the moment we are born, our worth is questioned and our abilities are doubted. It seems that no matter what we do, there will always be someone who is ready to put us down. This is especially true when it comes to our careers. We are told that we are not good enough, that we do not have what it takes to succeed. We are passed over for promotions and told that our ideas are not worth listening to. In this episode, Susanna talks about how one woman can empower another woman. She talks about how we can create positive change in our lives and in the world by supporting and lifting up other women. Susanna also talks about how to know your expertise as a woman and get the most of it. Asking for what you want and deserve can be difficult, but it is so important. We have to learn to value our own skills and experience, and not let anyone convince us otherwise. Empowering other women doesn’t just make the world a better place – it makes YOU a better person. If you are looking for ways to make a difference in the world, this episode is for you! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH SUSANNA REAY Connect with Susanna on Facebook - Connect with Susanna on Instagram - Connect with Susanna on LinkedIn - Visit Susanna’s website here -
How to Get Away From Biases with Geoff Hetherington
June 27, 2022 • 62 MIN
Everyone has biases. It's hard not to when the world we live in is constantly bombarding us with information and opinions. We see it in the news, on social media, and even among our friends and family. The problem is that these biases can often lead to judgments and decisions that are harmful or inaccurate. So how can we get away from our own biases and make more informed decisions? In this episode, Geoff talks about how you can get away from biases. According to him, biases often come from our own individual experiences and from the information we're constantly taking in. Geoff also talks about the need for societal change. The society we live in today is one that's very polarized. And it's often hard to find information that isn't biased. He talks about the need for us to be more critical of the information we're taking in and to be more open-minded. Take a listen and learn how you can get away from your own biases and make more informed decisions. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH GEOFF HETHERINGTON Connect with Geoff on Facebook - Visit Geoff’s website here -
What If Your Decisions Always Moved You Closer to the Results You Want?
June 22, 2022 • 34 MIN
The decisions we make can have a profound impact on our lives. Often, when faced with tough choices, we agonize over the potential outcomes, trying to weigh all the possible pros and cons. Wouldn't it be great if there was a foolproof way to make decisions that always moved us closer to the results we want? You've probably heard that your decisions dictate the course of your life. But have you ever really thought about how true that is? Every choice we make, big or small, brings us one step closer to our goals... or further away from them. In this episode, Kiri-Maree talks explore how you can make decisions that move you closer to your goals, and how to avoid getting stuck in counterproductive thought patterns. Kiri-Maree also talks about the importance of checking the health of your ecosystem. And while there is no one answer to that question because it depends on what your goals are, there are some general principles you can follow that will help you make better decisions overall. If you are trying to make a decision that will move you closer to your goal, then this episode is for you! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Designing Your Brand and Identity with Matilda Morgan
June 20, 2022 • 59 MIN
Chances are, you've heard the saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover." But the truth is, we do it all the time. We form opinions of people and things based on how they look to us. That's why it's so important to put thought into your brand and identity - because that's what people will see first. In this episode, Matilda talks about the importance of creating your very own brand and identity. According to her, it's not just about making a good first impression; it's about differentiating yourself from the competition and solidifying your place in the market. Matilda also talks about the importance of adapting to the changes that are happening right now. Given how fast-paced the world is, it's more important than ever to be able to change and grow with the times. In fact, that's one of the things that Matilda loves about her job - the fact that she gets to help people change and grow along with the times. She sees it as a privilege, and she feels lucky to be able to do what she does. If you're not sure where to start when it comes to creating your brand, identity, or marketing strategy, this episode is for you! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MATILDA MORGAN Connect with Matilda on Facebook - Connect with Matilda on Instagram - Visit Matilda’s website here -
Leadership Through the Lens of the Younger Generation with Ethan Moore
June 15, 2022 • 60 MIN
In today's society, there is a constant flux of change. This can be seen in the way people communicate, work together and lead. While some may cling to tradition and what has always been done, others are more open to trying new methods and adapting to change. As the generations continue to shift, it will be increasingly important for leaders to understand and effectively engage with the younger generation in order to create successful teams and organizations. In this episode, Kiri-Maree talks with someone dear to her, her son, Ethan. According to Ethan, leadership today is far different from leadership before. This is due to a change in the way people are socialized and the way they communicate. Ethan believes that today's leaders need to be more open-minded and adaptable. With the world changing so rapidly, it is important for leaders to be able to roll with the punches and adjust their leadership style accordingly. At the end of the day, it is clear that the younger generation has a lot to offer when it comes to leadership. If you are interested in learning more about how the younger generation views leadership, be sure to tune in to this episode! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
The Beauty of Travelling with Samantha Wagner
June 13, 2022 • 54 MIN
There's something about travelling that just makes life more exciting. Maybe it's the freedom to explore new places and see things you've never seen before. Or maybe it's the chance to meet new people and learn about their cultures. Whatever the reason, travel is definitely a beauty in itself. In this episode, Samantha talks about the beauty of travelling. According to her, travelling is more than just going to new places. It's also about learning new things and experiencing different cultures. She also shares some of her own travel experiences and tips on how to make the most out of your travels. And while some people may think that travelling is expensive, Samantha says that there are plenty of ways to travel on a budget. So if you're looking for a way to add some excitement to your life, consider travelling. It's definitely worth it. Listen to this episode to learn more about the beauty of travelling and how you can make the most out of your own travel experiences. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH SAMANTHA WAGNER Connect with Samantha on Instagram - Visit Samantha’s website here -
Creating Open Conversations with Kyle Oberndorf
June 8, 2022 • 58 MIN
We are all on a journey. A journey of continuously discovering and learning about ourselves. Along the way, we come into contact with other people. Some of these people become significant in our lives, while others do not. But regardless of the amount of time we spend with someone, conversation is always an important part of the human experience. Whether we're talking to a loved one, a friend, or a stranger, conversation allows us to learn more about each other and connect in new ways. It also helps us build relationships and connect with others on a deeper level. So how can we create open conversations that help us connect more deeply with others? In this episode, Kyle talks about the importance of having open conversations. According to him, open conversations are the key to building relationships and connecting with others on a deeper level. Kyle also talks about building close relationships behind closed doors. He believes that closed doors conversations are more intimate, and they allow us to build trust and connection with others. So how can we have open conversations that help us connect more deeply with others? Listen to the episode to find out! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH KYLE OBERNDORF Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Visit Kyle’s website -
Navigating Through Uncomfortable Conversations
June 6, 2022 • 34 MIN
Conversations are a necessary part of life. We need to communicate with others in order to get our needs met, build relationships, and survive day-to-day interactions. However, not all conversations are easy. Some conversations can be downright uncomfortable, but they're still important to have. In this episode, Kiri-Maree talks about how to have difficult conversations. She shares some of her own experiences and provides tips on how to approach these types of conversations in a way that is respectful and productive. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Caring For Your Body with Arn Allemand
June 1, 2022 • 61 MIN
Did you know that the average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day? And a lot of those thoughts are negative? It's no wonder we often feel so bogged down! The good news is, that there are ways to care for your body and mind that can help lighten your load. In this episode, Arn talks about the importance of caring for your body. According to him, taking care of your body should be a non-negotiable. In fact, it's one of the most important things you can do for your well-being. Doing so is not just about eating right and exercising--it's also about listening to your body and giving it what it needs. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH ARN ALLEMAND Connect with Arn on Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Visit Arn’s website here -
Collective Empowerment with Wendy Nash
May 30, 2022 • 66 MIN
How do we create meaningful change in the world? One answer is through collective empowerment. When we work together, our voices become stronger and our impact can be far-reaching. We can effect real progress by coming together to support one another and stand up for what we believe in. In this episode, Wendy talks about the importance of collective empowerment. According to her, we all have a role to play in making the world a better place. When we band together and use our collective power, we can make a real difference. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH WENDY NASH Connect with Wendy on Facebook -
Bridging the Gap Between Our Differences With Rasik Rama
May 25, 2022 • 59 MIN
When we think about the divides in our world, there are many that come to mind. Racial tension, socio-economic status, and religious beliefs are just a few examples of what can set people apart. It's often easy to see the differences between us and become entrenched in our own viewpoints. However, if we want to move forward as a society, it's important that we find ways to bridge the gaps between our differences. In this episode, Rasik talks about the importance of coming together at the decision table despite our differences. According to him, it's by working together that we can move forward and make the world a better place for everyone. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH RASIK RAMA Connect with Rasik on LinkedIn -
Being a Working Mom with Camille Walker
May 23, 2022 • 61 MIN
There's no denying that being a working mom is tough. You're constantly juggling tasks and trying to find a way to make it all work. But despite the challenges, it's also incredibly rewarding. You get to see your kids grow up and you get to experience their accomplishments firsthand. In this episode, Camille talks about being a mother and an entrepreneur at the same time. According to her, the two roles have their own unique set of challenges, but she's learned to manage them both effectively. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH CAMILLE WALKER Connect with Camille on Instagram - Connect with Camille on TikTok - Watch her YouTube videos - Visit Camille’s website - Learn more about My Mommy Style -
What If You Could Ask Better Questions?
May 18, 2022 • 30 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree kicks off day one of The Decision Table Pathway by discussing potential outcomes of asking better questions. Whatever you do in life, you’ll need to have conversations with different people. Imagine the possibilities if you could ask questions that will help build better cultures and relationships. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Finding Unity Through Differences with Tracy Brinkmann
May 16, 2022 • 56 MIN
In this episode, Tracy talks about the importance of finding unity through differences. According to him, it is only when we come together and embrace our diversity that we can truly thrive as a society. He also shares some tips on how we can start to see the world differently and find common ground with those who may seem different from us at first glance. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH TRACY BRINKMANN Connect with Tracy on Instagram - @tracybrinkmann Connect with Tracy on LinkedIn - Visit Tracy’s website here -
Evolving as a Leader with Paulette Kolarz
May 11, 2022 • 60 MIN
All leaders are faced with the challenge of evolving as their position changes. For new leaders, the challenge is to learn and grow into the new role. Experienced leaders must also continue to develop and grow to meet the ever-changing demands of their roles. Leaders who refuse to evolve will eventually find themselves passed by those willing to adapt and change. So, how can you ensure that you are always evolving as a leader? In this episode, Paulette talks about the importance of evolving as a leader. She shares some tips on how you can make sure that you are always learning and growing to stay ahead of the curve. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group - Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn - Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity - Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" - Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH PAULETTE KOLARZ Connect with Paulette on Instagram - @bespokehr_paulette Connect with Paulette on LinkedIn - Visit Paulette’s website -
Turning Failure Into Success with Christopher Vos
May 9, 2022 • 67 MIN
We’ve all been there – we try something new, it doesn’t go as planned, and we feel like a failure. But what if instead of letting that experience define us, we used it to propel us forward? It may sound impossible, but it can be done. By learning from our failures, we can create new success habits and help pave the way for future success. In this episode, Christopher talks explore the good things about failing. According to him, it’s important to accept that failure is a part of life. Instead of letting your failures define you, look at them as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH CHRISTOPHER VOS Connect with Christopher on Instagram. Join Christopher here.
Building Connections and Meaningful Conversations with Hermione Sihukai
May 4, 2022 • 66 MIN
We all crave human connection. Whether it is through a deep conversation with a friend, or simply sending a message to let someone know we're thinking of them, meaningful communication is essential for a happy life. But how do we build those connections and conversations? In this episode, Hermione talks about the importance of building connections and meaningful conversations. According to her, building these connections and conversations is about being open, authentic, and vulnerable. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH HERMIONE SIHUKAI Connect with Hermione on Facebook and LinkedIn. Visit Hermione’s website here.
Learning While Growing as a Leader
May 2, 2022 • 40 MIN
Are you looking to become a better leader? If so, you're not alone. Every day, people all over the world are working on becoming better leaders. In reality, it's not always easy. There's a lot to learn, and it can be tough to know where to start. In this episode, Kiri-Maree talks about her realizations and learnings in the past. She shares her struggles as a leader and how she has overcomes the challenges in her journey. According to her, being a leader isn’t just about telling others what to do. It’s also about listening to what others have to say and being open to collaborating with them. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Innovative Leadership with Juliet Le Breton
April 27, 2022 • 70 MIN
Leadership is a critical component of any organization, but what happens when the tried and true leadership methods no longer work? In today's rapidly changing world, innovation is key to success. This means that leaders must be willing to embrace change and new ideas in order to stay ahead of the competition. In this episode, Juliet talks about what innovative leadership is and what it takes to be an innovative leader. According to her, innovative leaders are those who are willing to take risks, challenge the status quo, and think outside the box. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH JULIET LE BRETON Connect with Juliet on Facebook and LinkedIn. Visit Juliet’s website here.
Creating an Identity in the Decision Table with Khaled Maziad
April 25, 2022 • 59 MIN
What does identity have to do with making decisions? To some people, it might not seem like they are related at all. However, as you'll see, for others, their identity is what guides their decision-making process. In this episode, Khaled talks about the importance of creating your identity at the decision table. According to him, your identity shapes your decisions, which is why it's so important to be clear about who you are and what you stand for. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH KHALED MAZIAD Connect with Khaled on Facebook. Visit Khaled’s website here.
Conscious Leadership with Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa
April 21, 2022 • 68 MIN
What does it mean to be a ‘conscious’ leader? There’s no one answer to this question – as with most things related to consciousness – because how we each approach leadership will be based on our values, background, and experiences. In this episode, Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa talks about being a conscious leader. According to her, at its core, leadership is about inspiring and motivating others to achieve a common goal. It's about setting the direction and then mobilizing people to follow that direction. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH SAT KIRTAN KAUR KHALSA Connect with Sat Kirtan on LinkedIn. Visit Sat Kirtan’s website here.
Unlocking People’s Potential with Michael Unbroken
April 18, 2022 • 58 MIN
There are certain things in life that we can do, and then there are things that we are not capable of doing. We often put limitations on ourselves based on what we think we can or cannot do, but the truth is that we are capable of doing anything if we set our minds to it. In this episode, Michael talks about people doing things, great things at that. He also talks about the dangers of being too advanced, especially with technology. The thing that we need to remember is that we should always be learning and advancing, no matter what our current level may be. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email CONNECT WITH MICHAEL UNBROKEN Connect with Michael on Facebook. Visit Michael’s website here.
Celebrating Wins with Susan Dean
April 13, 2022 • 71 MIN
It's said that success is a journey, not a destination. But that doesn't mean we can't celebrate our wins along the way. Too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to take a step back and appreciate our accomplishments. In this episode, Susan Dean talks about why you should celebrate wins, be it small or big ones. According to her, celebrating your success will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. She also added that celebrating wins as a positive change can encourage you to do more and better things. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Know Your Values and Live By Them with John Bates
April 11, 2022 • 63 MIN
One of the things that we see constantly depleting or being destroyed is values. Humans have become so individualistic that we dismiss the values other people have as wrong and offensive. In this episode, Kiri-Maree and John Bates share their insights about why humans need to be true to their values. The great thing about having and being clear with your values is that it aligns you with the right people. It attracts individuals who can help you achieve your goals. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
A Need For A New Approach To Leadership with Wencke Mühlenberg
April 6, 2022 • 62 MIN
Leadership is something that is constantly evolving. What worked a decade ago might not work today. There is a need for a new approach to leadership, one that focuses on collaboration and inclusion. In this episode, Wencke talks about the need for a new approach to leadership. According to her, the traditional hierarchical approach is no longer effective. Leaders need to work with others and see the big picture. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
The Importance of Owning Your Decisions With Danny Matthews
April 4, 2022 • 59 MIN
As humans, we are constantly making decisions. From the simplest choices, like what to wear today, to more complicated ones, like what job to take - our lives are built on the decisions we make. While some people might find decision-making easy, others might struggle with it. But no matter where you fall on that spectrum, one thing is always true: owning your decisions is important. In this episode, Danny talks about the importance of owning your decisions. According to him, making a decision and then blaming someone else for the outcome is never a good idea. It’s not fair to you or to the person you’re blaming. If something goes wrong, own up to it and learn from it. If something goes well, take credit for it! It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Communicating Influentially and Effectively with Monica Rosenfeld
March 30, 2022 • 50 MIN
Whether you're communicating with a colleague, client, or superior, it's essential that you do so in a way that is both influential and effective. After all, the ability to communicate effectively can be the difference between getting your point across and having your message fall on deaf ears. In this episode, Monica talks about the importance of communicating influentially and effectively. She shares tips on how to improve your communication skills and provides examples of what effective communication looks like in both personal and professional settings. It's time... ...To be the 1% . ...To shift the dial forward by 1 %. ...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%. Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
How to Be Different and Bring Difference with Alan Stevens
March 28, 2022 • 55 MIN
In a world that is constantly trying to make everyone the same, it's more important than ever to be different. And not just different in the way that you dress or the way you act, but different in the things that you believe in and care about. By being different and bringing difference, you can help make the world a more interesting place for everyone. In this episode, Alan talks about why being different and bringing difference is important. According to him, it takes a lot of courage to be different. It takes even more courage to bring a difference in leadership. But being different is what makes you special and allows you to contribute something unique to the world. Looking for a way to blaze a trail and shift the dial forward? Join Kiri-Maree in a 2-hour Zoom session where you can learn how to be an effective leader and optimize your growth. Secure your seat now! - JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Being a Woman in the Decision Table
March 24, 2022 • 62 MIN
When it comes to having a voice in important business decisions, there's a big difference between being a man and a woman. In today's society, it's still, unfortunately, more common to see men holding most of the seats at the decision table. In this episode, Kiri-Maree talks about the importance of recognizing women and the things they can bring to the table. Having a seat at the decision table is not only about being qualified or having the right experience, but it's also about making sure that different voices are heard. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Breaking Patterns and Making Changes With Candice Tahuri
March 21, 2022 • 62 MIN
In this episode, Candice talks about embracing change and breaking free from the patterns. Candice begins by talking about how change can be scary, but it's also necessary for growth. By breaking patterns and making changes, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences. You can also learn more about yourself and what you really want out of life. So don't be afraid to change things up – it may be just what you need to reach your goals. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Breaking Patterns Of Thoughts With Ash Roy
March 16, 2022 • 59 MIN
In this episode, Ash talks about the importance of breaking patterns of thoughts and how you can do it. According to him, we all have patterns of thought that we fall into without even realizing it. These patterns can be helpful at times, but they can also hold us back from stepping outside our comfort zone and experiencing new things. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Bringing Hope with the Global Human Intelligence Forum
March 14, 2022 • 12 MIN
In this solo episode, Kiri-Maree highlights bringing hope through the platform of the Global Human Intelligence Forum. Humans have to start working on global problems that continuously affect us by working together. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Finding Your Voice in “Unknown Spaces” with Victoria Baylor
March 9, 2022 • 57 MIN
In this episode, Victoria talks about the importance of finding your voice and being comfortable in the unknown. According to her, embracing the fear and uncertainty that comes with unfamiliarity can be daunting but also incredibly rewarding. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Learning to Embrace Imperfection with Jim Cocks
March 7, 2022 • 57 MIN
In this episode, Jim talks about the concept of perfection. According to him, there is no such thing as perfection, and you can’t make everybody happy. This is a very philosophical statement, and it’s one that a lot of people might not agree with. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
The Importance of Adaptation and Diversity in Leadership with Maria Vamvouklis
March 2, 2022 • 56 MIN
In this episode, Maria talks about the need for new approaches to leadership. According to her, leaders have to think critically and creatively. She also reiterates the importance of making emotions in decisions and having diversity at the table. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
The Importance of Creativity in Various Spaces with John Englezos
February 28, 2022 • 60 MIN
In this episode, John talks about the importance of creativity in various spaces. According to him, creativity is key in any space. Whether it's in the workplace, at home, or school, creativity can help to make things more interesting and exciting. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Creating Meaningful Conversations Based on Truth With Elisa Choy
February 23, 2022 • 59 MIN
In this episode, Elisa Choy talks about the importance of having the right people in a conversation. According to her, having the right people is very crucial because these people are usually the ones that bring value to an organization. She also talks about the importance of future-proofing, especially when it comes to sharing the truth. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
The Need to Have Better Systems and Use of Power with Jason Pilgrim
February 21, 2022 • 67 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree chats with her good friend who seeks continuous improvement in both personal and professional life, Jason Pilgrim. Together, they speak about the need to have better systems and use of power. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Why We Need To Take Space And Perform Movements with Michelle Frost
February 16, 2022 • 60 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree speaks with Michelle Frost, the woman on a mission to show people that the key to living their best life is by having a fit mind and body. When we continuously engage in movements, it becomes a part of our daily habits and eventually, our human intelligence. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Building a Successful Business While Focusing on Family With Klaas Van Oosterhout
February 14, 2022 • 61 MIN
In this episode, Klaas talks about how he has created a thriving business all while being there for his family. From losing his gym to moving to another country to work, Klaas has been through a lot until he found where he was meant to be. He also shares how he sets his goals around life. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Presenting the Best Platform for Issues on Global Human Intelligence
February 9, 2022 • 35 MIN
In this episode, I share some behind-the-scenes thoughts, benefits, and insights on how the Forum can help you as a leader. This is a challenging time and people are scared of taking risks. But as leaders, we need to keep moving forward and taking educated risks. Are you up for the challenge? The Global Human Intelligence Forum 2022 USA/Europe - 11/12/13 May 2022 AUS/NZ - 12/13/14 May 2022 CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.+
The Beauty of Diversity with Aaron Fa’Aoso
February 7, 2022 • 43 MIN
In this episode, Aaron Fa’Aoso shares his perspective as a man from the Torres Strait. What it’s like coming from a diverse community. His thoughts on how to lead discussions from the “big” table to the “small” table. Why it’s healthy to agree to disagree. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
What Is Real Impact with Alex Brueckmann - Bonus Episode
February 2, 2022 • 57 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree engages in discussion with Alex Brueckmann about real impact. He’s a strategic leader who helps business owners create a positive impact on communities, society, and the environment. As Alex mentioned, individuals are capable of creating changes in their own little ways. Their actions can either impact their family, community, or even political party. It’s all about having big ideas that can be translated into small yet powerful movements.
The Value of Having Uncomfortable Conversations About Sexual Abuse with Michelle Sleight
January 31, 2022 • 63 MIN
Content Warnings: This episode contains distressing content that can be uncomfortable and triggering for some listeners. It mentions sex, sexual violence and rape. In this episode, Kiri-Maree has an uncomfortable yet necessary conversation about sexual abuse with the empowered survivor Michelle Sleight. They both believe that our society should bring this topic to light. Doing so proves that we are becoming an empowered community that knows how to handle sexploitations. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Asking for More in Life with John Logar
January 24, 2022 • 59 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree has a conversation with John Logar on the importance of the muscle of human intelligence. Personal drivers that impact your world. And asking for more in life. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
New Approach To Leadership That Focuses on Sustainable Solutions with Prati Bhatt
January 17, 2022 • 55 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree has a captivating conversation with Prati Bhatt, a tea connoisseur. It’s not usual for Kiri-Maree to mention what her guests do for a living to avoid getting stuck with their ideas of living but Prati is different. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 16: The Importance of Collective Actions Towards Sustainable Solutions for Humanity with Michelle Frost, Jackson Millan, Jen Cudmore, Manuel Oancia, Sean Malone, and Nikhil Rughani
January 10, 2022 • 77 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree has an open-forum type of conversation with six guests. They each have a take on the importance of collective actions towards achieving sustainable solutions for humanity. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 15: Managing Wealth and Finances Through The Muscle Of Human Intelligence With Jackson Millan
January 3, 2022 • 57 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree speaks with Jackson Millan about how to boost wealth management with the help of the muscle of human intelligence. Coming from a humble beginning, Jackson’s parents taught him to believe that if he works hard enough, he will become successful. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 14: Using The Power of Community to Build Safe Places With Priya Laasch
December 27, 2021 • 44 MIN
Humans are equipped for a world that doesn’t exist anymore. This kind of uncertainty makes us feel anxious and unsecured. Knowing this unfortunate reality should be enough reason for humanity to build safe places and this starts with harnessing the power of community. In this episode, Kiri-Maree chats with Priya Laasch, and together, they discuss the significance of having communities that serve as a safe place for every single individual. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 13: Helping Others By Knowing Our Biggest Why With Manuel Oancia
December 20, 2021 • 59 MIN
All of us are born with a purpose. For some people, it’s about helping others and creating an impact in their communities. But not every one of us knows what we should be doing in life. We follow the crowd in the hopes that this may lead us to our life purpose. Manuel talks about his biggest why in life which is helping children and creating better opportunities for them. He believes that for us to help others, we need to start using the muscle of human intelligence and look internally at what we can offer, and recognize what needs to change in our immediate community. Knowing our true purpose in life makes it easier to help others, and we realize that every decision we make is also an opportunity to generate a positive impact on others and ourselves. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 12: The Need To Have Permission At Humanity’s Decision Table with Tania Allen
December 13, 2021 • 64 MIN
Leaders need to look within themselves and see what values they can offer to humanity. Along with the collective force of people, leaders can work towards achieving a common goal which is making sustainable changes for the next generation. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email When we give others and ourselves the permission to influence change, we get rid of the judgment, we start building a community with better cultures, and we add more value to the table.
Episode 11: Creating Sustainable Change in Humanity with Ethan Moore, Dee French, Janine Garner, and Nikhil Rughani
December 6, 2021 • 89 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree shares a conversation with four distinct people; Ethan Moore, Dee French, Janine Garner, and Nikhil Rughani. They talk about how humans can create a sustainable change in humanity. For change to happen, it requires a new approach to leadership, and the need to start working as a collective. This ensures that our goals are aligned with the kind of change we want, preferably something that the next generation can benefit from. When we accept that change needs to begin within us, we develop the vulnerability and the courage to confront the norm, and we start accepting that uncomfortable conversations should be discussed at the decision table. We all know that it will never be an overnight process, but when we start doing little steps as a collective, we start creating changes that will help narrow down humanity’s divide. JOIN The Leaders Movement Facebook Group. Collaborate to support economic growth + add value to humanity’s impact going forward. CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Episode 10: Transforming Humanity Through Purpose and Ownership with Mark Anthony Garrett
November 29, 2021 • 57 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree shares an insightful conversation with Mark Anthony Garrett, a leading columnist, author, and international speaker. Mark advocates living a life filled with passion and the only way to do this is acknowledging true purpose and taking ownership of one’s life. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: -Mark Anthony's definition of ownership (04:20) -The critical moment that changed Mark's life (07:00) -What made him decide to put a gun to his head? (12:30) -Why do we need to feel significant? (19:10) -Living our purpose by taking ownership (28:30) -The significance of working as a collective in a global space (30:52) -How do we become better role models? (38:30) -The benefits of distinctions to the decision table (42:30) -What is Mark Anthony taking from this conversation (44:00) -Ways to show our affection to humankind (46:17) -What is Kiri-Maree taking from the conversation (49:17) CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE Connect with Kiri-Maree on LinkedIn Join the movement - The Wall Of Humanity Move forward with the "The Tough Call At The Decision Table" Download the free audio series "7 Mistakes You Make As A Leader When You Don’t Make The Right Decision Fast™" If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email
Episode 9: Bridging Humanity’s Gap Through Realignment with Jen Cudmore
November 22, 2021 • 62 MIN
In this episode, Kiri-Maree chats with Jen Cudmore who believes that bridging humanity’s gap starts with realignment. Whether it be alignment with the inner self, the universe, or alignment in their communities.
Episode 8: Exploring Uncomfortable Conversations of Distinct People with Alex Smith
November 15, 2021 • 69 MIN
In this episode of the Decision Table Podcast, Kiri-Maree is joined by Alex Smith who’s been in sales for 12 years and is an established entrepreneur. Together they discuss why it’s so difficult for humans to connect and communicate.
Episode 7: Creating Safe Spaces in Leadership with Samantha Riley
November 8, 2021 • 57 MIN
If we want to see better changes, we need to look at leadership through new lenses. One way of doing this is by approaching leadership via creating safe spaces for people. In this episode, Kiri-Maree is joined by her good friend, Samantha Riley. They engage in a raw, real discussion about having uncomfortable conversations that will affect how leadership should be.
Episode 6: The Importance Of The Muscle Of Human Intelligence Towards A Collaborative Impact With Sean Malone
November 1, 2021 • 57 MIN
Sean Malone relates creating an impact to the sales conversations he deals with. For him, humans can conquer anything including humanity's divide if all of us have these three fundamental values: persistence, conviction and consistency. If we are serious about creating better impacts, then we have to live by this sales principle - we have to help people with their pain points.
005: Why We Need to Have a New Approach to Leadership with Caroline Benedet
October 25, 2021 • 57 MIN
The division between societies is increasing. We have created a gap in terms of economic, social, and even financial status. When these partitions happen on a constant cycle, we should start yearning for leadership that brings unification. In this episode, we’ll talk about why we need to have a new approach to leadership with Caroline Benedet.
004: The Importance of Human Intelligence with Rynz Yañez, Alyssa Montez and Brody Lee
October 18, 2021 • 58 MIN
Human intelligence has played a huge role when it comes to our society. Some of us might not be aware of it but all of our actions have effects that can lead to change, progress and development.
003: The New Approach To leadership And Having An Impact On Society With Akbar Sheikh
October 4, 2021 • 52 MIN
Having a voice in our society plays a huge role when it comes to our freedom of speech. But at this time of the pandemic, we might ask ourselves, “do I still have a voice to ask for a new and better leadership?” In this episode, we have our guest, Akbar Sheikh, who is an international best-selling author, speaker, and master of the 7 Ethical Principles of Persuasion. We’ll discuss his motivation and his ‘North Star’ statement that helped him to reach the goals and success that he has achieved.
002: The Importance of the Muscle of Human Intelligence with Isabelle Vladoiu
October 4, 2021 • 60 MIN
As humans, we develop our intelligence as we grow older. We learn new information that can help us make a change to our society, whether big or small, us humans have a great impact in our community. In this episode, we’ll talk about global challenges that we’re facing especially when it comes to human rights. Our guest, Isabelle Vladoiu, founder of the United States Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, shares her thoughts about the global challenges that we are facing.
001: "The NEED FOR THE Decision Table"
August 25, 2021 • 22 MIN
There are a lot of conversations that we want to have in leadership, but don’t have them because it’s not the “norm.” The Decision Table Podcast is a space where I have amazing conversations with leaders all around the globe. It’s the first time I meet these awesome leaders and the episodes are all recorded live. Here’s the thing, when I just press live and have a conversation, nothing is scripted. I get to hear the raw and unfiltered answers of these awesome human beings.