Support Ops Simplified
Weekly interviews with Support Operations Leaders with Sid Bhambani of Summatti.
"Changing The World One CSR At A Time" with Matthew Caron @ OpenTable
June 5, 2020 • 37 MIN
Matthew Caron jumped onto the Support Ops Simplified Podcast to share his journey into customer service operations, as well as sharing some of his best customer relationship strategies, and how satisfying employees can equate to more sales...
"Beyond NPS & CSAT" with Stephen Noone O'Connor, VP at Customer Experience at Roadmunk
March 26, 2020 • 22 MIN
Stephen Noone O'Connor, VP of Customer Experience of Roadmunk joins us in this episode of Support Ops Simplified to share his journey from sales into customer success, how Roadmunk measures customer experience and the structure of their customer success team.
“Scaling Remote Support” with Hannah Clark Steiman, COO @Peak Support
March 11, 2020 • 26 MIN
Hannah Clark Steiman of PEAK Support joins us in this episode of Support Ops Simplified sharing her journey how she became the COO of Peak Support, discussing also their challenges of scaling support, the metrics that Peak Support track, CSAT response rates, and how they scale their service team.
"15 Minute First Response Time" with Joelle Waksman of Samsara
February 26, 2020 • 30 MIN
Joelle Waksman of Samsara joins us in this episode of Support Ops Simplified to discuss their top three support metrics, what they are looking to focus on in 2020 and how they reduced first response time to just 15 minutes!
"Why What We Do Matters" with Jim Isreal of Otto Motors
February 12, 2020 • 37 MIN
Jim Isreal of Otto Motors joins us to talk about how he leads his team with the "why", interactive reports and why customer experience is king.
"Calling Unhappy Customers" with Brian Martynowicz of Login VSI
January 29, 2020 • 20 MIN
Brian Martynowicz of Login VSI joins us to talk about his customer service metrics, what he does when customers are not happy and how he transitioned through from helpdesk all the way to managing support and service.
"Cutting Response Time By 97%" with Eric Broulette of Flywheel
December 30, 2019 • 22 MIN
Eric Broulette of Flywheel joins us to talk about cutting chat response time by 97%, the two core metrics that Eric tracks for customer satisfaction and what is in store for Flywheel support in 2020.
"Saving 500 Hours Per Month" with Gary McGrath of Paddle
December 23, 2019 • 21 MIN
Gary McGrath of Paddle joins us to talk about how to save support reps time, how he manages two different support teams with different volumes and knowing the context that the customer is coming from.
"Generating Effective Support" With Vlad Danilov of ManyChat
December 18, 2019 • 22 MIN
Vlad Danilov of ManyChat joins us to talk about how he manages support rep load, how they use Slack as a major part of their communication and why a Messenger SaaS business are not actually trying to concentrate support in Facebook Messenger :).
"Always Make Customers Happy" With Stacy Justino of Wistia
December 11, 2019 • 18 MIN
Stacy Justino of Wistia joins us to talk about the best way to find support tech, how Stacy (and Wistia!) aims to make business more human and how Wistia's support algorithm that auto searches for potential churn risk.
"Holistic KPI's" with Eitan Pick of Lumen
December 4, 2019 • 26 MIN
Eitan Pick of Lumen joins us to talk about what keeps Eitan up at night (HINT: it's everything!), why Eitan now thinks holistically, not individually about KPI's and B2B Vs B2C CSAT response rates.
"Customer Support Algorithms" with Brittany Naylor of Evernote
November 28, 2019 • 37 MIN
Brittany Naylor of Evernote joins us to talk about the best way to find support tech, what Brittany learnt from technical support at Apple and Evernote's support algorithm that auto searches for potential churn risk.
"Why People Don't Care About Gift Cards" With Ryan Steinberg of Intercom
November 26, 2019 • 35 MIN
Ryan Steinberg of Intercom joins us to talk about why people don't care about your gift cards, how support agents could game their CSAT scores and analysing negative CSAT scores by service or product issues.
"Proactive Outreach" with Nicholas Martin of Harry's
November 20, 2019 • 28 MIN
Nicholas Martin of Harry's, Inc. joins us to talk about how Harry's came about, how they reach out to customers before they need support and solving issues three months in advance.
"Dev Ops Vs Support" with Peter Muir of Dejero
November 13, 2019 • 27 MIN
Peter Muir of Dejero joins us to talk about his time in support at Blackberry, Dejero's support tech stack and the intersection between Dev Ops and Support.
"Support Tech Doesn't Matter" with Theo Panaritis of Workable
November 6, 2019 • 25 MIN
Theo Panaritis of Workable joins us to talk about building internal relationships, why technology doesn't matter and how his marketing experience helps in support.
"Empowering Agents" with Rob Holcombe of Canopy Tax
October 23, 2019 • 32 MIN
Rob Holcombe of Canopy Tax joins us to talk about empowering agents, their NPS survey completion rates and shortening time to resolution.
"Scaling Customer Experience" with Sushila Sahay of Lightbend
October 16, 2019 • 27 MIN
Sushila Sahay of Lightbend joins us to talk scaling customer experience, Lightbend's support tech stack and when to introduce a customer success manager into the sales process.
"Managing Executive Stakeholders" with Chris Escobar of Planet Fitness
October 9, 2019 • 30 MIN
Chris Escobar of Planet Fitness joins us to talk about managing executive stakeholders, company culture and AI's role in support.
"Pro-Active Support" with Craig Stoss of Arctic Wolf Networks
October 2, 2019 • 25 MIN
Craig Stoss of Artic Wolf Networks joins us to talk pro-active support, where support is heading in the next 10 years and how he measures NPS.
Meet Our Host: Sid Bhambhani of Summatti
September 25, 2019 • 14 MIN
Rashmi (Summatti cofounder and COO) sits down with Sid (Summatti cofounder and CEO) to understand more about him, Summatti and this podcast.